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Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…

Archive for March, 2015

Health Impact News Home News Categories About Us Newsletter Resources March 2, 2015 Print This Post Print This Post Dr. Suzanne Humphries, M.D. – Vaccine Strain of Measles Virus Found in Measles Outbreaks

Posted by truthpills on 2015/03/03

Health Impact News Editor Comments

Dr. Suzanne Humphries is a practicing nephrologist (kidney physician). In this lecture (video below), she addresses a study done in Croatia [1] where a child who was vaccinated with the MMR vaccine was tested positive for the measles vaccine strain Schwarz eight days after vaccination.

This was a significant finding, because the child’s symptoms were thought to be similar to rubella, and without testing, the sickness would have been possibly mis-diagnosed as rubella, or the wild-type strain of measles the vaccine is designed to protect against.

This concept of “shedding,” where the child comes down with the disease from the virus in the vaccine itself, surprised the researchers:

Virus excretion in vaccinees has been reported before, but to our knowledge, this is documented for the first time for the Schwarz vaccine strain. [1]

Since 2010, this phenomena of vaccine shedding with measles in the MMR vaccine has been observed in at least two other studies:

Differentiating the wild from the attenuated during a measles outbreak. Paediatrcis and Child Health, 2012:

In the midst of a local measles outbreak, a recently immunized child was investigated for a new-onset measles-type rash. Nucleic acid testing identified that a vaccine-type measles virus was being shed in the urine. Clinically differentiating measles from a nonmeasles rash is challenging, but can be supported by a thorough medical history evaluation. Rashes are expected to occur after immunization; nucleic acid testing can be used when it is difficult to differentiate between wild and attenuated strains. [2]

Case of vaccine-associated measles five weeks post-immunisation, British Columbia, Canada, Eurosurveillance, 2013:

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Vaccine Uptake Reaches All-Time Lows, Policy Shifts To Mandatory Enforcement and Criminalization for Refusal

Posted by truthpills on 2015/03/03

By Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease

History is being made on how the world is responding to vaccination. Even long-term health professionals are refusing to vaccinate themselves in the face of continued injury and death being caused by the practice. Almost half of healthcare professionals are now refusing to vaccinate and children’s uptake for HPV, influenza, chicken pox and many other vaccines are reaching historic lows as the awakening spans across the planet. One thing is for sure–those who have stopped vaccinating will never start vaccinating again. So the challenge for the pharmaceutical industrial complex is now aggressively shifting to holding on to the remaining vaccinators before they convert to the anti-vaccine position. How will they do this? Fear of course.


There’s a consequence to this awakening. As more people become informed and pull away from the clutches of fear, anxiety and control that accompanies vaccination, more public health and government policy will enforce their position through aggression and threats. That alone is a clear indication of which stance holds true merit and which one doesn’t.

Bullies don’t like being confronted by the truth, but the truth doesn’t care. That’s why the anti-vaccine position roots itself largely from a non-violent, passive and informed approach. They are mostly indifferent about vaccinators injecting themselves and their children and feel if they must continue the practice, they have the right to their opinion. On the other hand, most in the pro-vaccination camp are very angry, antagonistic and don’t believe anybody who disagrees with them has that right. Anti-vaccine proponents are a risk to us all and they must be imprisoned or exiled.

The future of vaccination, if it has a future, will not be one in compliance through force. The imposition of mandatory vaccination (or its illusion) is perhaps the biggest mistake that public health policy and government is currently pursuing. It is working against them. It is an attempt to desperately derail growing numbers of an informed population and it will accelerate the demise of vaccination as we know it.

In the next year, there will be a massive, highly coordinated and sensationalized propaganda on behalf of pharmaceutical companies, who will use the media and public health agencies to strike fear in those thinking about not vaccinating there children. The campaign has already started as evident in measles scare heavily covered by the mainstream media.

Schools will also be changing their policies. Not only are public health entities habitually and deliberately failing to inform the public of their right to refuse vaccines in both school and work settings, but they are working towards mandatory vaccination protocols which will allow officials to conduct childhood vaccinations without any parental consent at all.

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Posted by truthpills on 2015/03/03

By Coach Dave Daubenmire
February 26, 2015

Obama’s “Christianity”

Fundamental Transformation

In his campaign speeches, Obama repeatedly pledged that he would “fundamentally transform America.” If you truly love something, would you desire to “fundamentally transform” it? If I told my wife that I loved her, but wanted to “fundamentally transform” her, I’d better duck…and fast.

Moral Values

If moral values don’t come from the Bible, where do they come from? Does the vote of Congress or a Supreme Court decision make something right or wrong? Is the Bible true or is it made up? If it is made up, what parts of it are we supposed to believe? Do we just pick and choose which things we will believe, and is everyone allowed to simply choose which tenets they believe to be true? When there is conflict in beliefs, where do we turn to straighten them out? The courts? Our Pastors? Our political leaders? If truth is merely an opinion, whose opinion do we listen to?

I’m Proud to be White

Criticism’s Broad Brush

Why is it taboo to criticize the Jews? Not everyone who claims to be a Christian is a good example of Christ, just as not every Muslims is a terrorist. Not all Jews are bloodline Jews, and not all Jews are “God’s chosen people”, yet criticizing Jews and Judaism is the third rail of politics. Why does criticizing any group of people automatically mean the criticism somehow applies to every member of that group?

Dysfunctional Dynasties

God Does Not Change

God does not change. This simple truth is a scary proposition for any believer. In fact, it is the fear of the Lord that is the beginning of all wisdom. The Old Testament God was one tough dude. He killed a lot of folks. He destroyed a bunch of cities. He rained fire and brimstone down on a city famous for homosexuality. Christianity teaches that Jesus is God. If it’s true that God doesn’t change, how does the modern church justify the acceptance of homosexuality? You can’t have it both ways. Either God approves of it or He doesn’t. It might be a good idea to get on the same side of the debate as Yahweh.


“Difficult Choices”

If a fetus is not alive, why do they have to kill it? Why is abortion a “difficult choice” between a woman and her doctor, if it is just a medical procedure? Is getting one’s appendix removed a difficult choice between a woman and her doctor?

Jesus Cursed

Did you know that Jesus cursed? That’s right, He cursed a lot. But today we confuse cursing with cussing. Many of the words that we consider “curse” words appear in the Bible. To cuss is “to profane” or use unholy words. To curse, is to project evil, harm, or danger upon another. Jesus didn’t cuss, but He certainly did a lot of cursing. The 2nd Commandment has nothing to do with cussing, but rather using the Name of God for an unholy purpose. Do people take the Lord’s name in vain when they calls themselves Christian yet don’t adhere to Biblical positions? Is that worse than cussing?

Jesus Called People Names

Is calling people names a sin? If so, then does that make Jesus a sinner? He called people “vipers, hypocrites, whited sepulchers, a child of hell, fools, serpents…” If Jesus was all about love, why did He use such harsh language when speaking to “sinners?” If Jesus “loves the sinner but hates the sin”, why is it that He casts the sinner into the lake of fire instead of merely the sin? Souls go to hell, not sin.

Lust -vs- Love

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Science as the New Religion

Posted by truthpills on 2015/03/03

Irrational faith in corporate R&D is not science, it is a modern day cult built on old, shameless tricks

by Tony Cartalucci | LocalOrg | February 27, 2015

When money and power are involved, those standing to gain the most will say and do anything to push their agenda forward. Five centuries ago, saying and doing anything involved exploiting people’s superstitions and their faith in religion. Today, saying and doing anything means also exploiting science.

Science, engineering, and design are amongst our most practical and effective tools to make real and meaningful change. But because they are so powerful and appealing, the potential for their abuse in the wrong hands is immense. Compounding this is the naivety of those who are fascinated by science’s promise but blind to its potential abuse.

It wasn’t long ago when big-tobacco had armies of “scientists” citing the latest “studies” confirming the health benefits and safety of smoking. Of course these were paid liars, not scientists, even if many of them had PhDs. And it was lies they were telling, even if mixed with shades of science. Today, special interests have refined this practice of filtering lies and exploitation through the lens of science regarding everything from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to the false debate on climate change, to the questionable interests behind global vaccination programs.

The latest example of this comes via National Geographic which recently published an article titled, “Why Do Many Reasonable People Doubt Science?,” which claims:

We live in an age when all manner of scientific knowledge—from the safety of fluoride and vaccines to the reality of climate change—faces organized and often furious opposition. Empowered by their own sources of information and their own interpretations of research, doubters have declared war on the consensus of experts.
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MMR vaccines contain cells from aborted human babies

Posted by truthpills on 2015/03/03

Friday, February 27, 2015 by: Julie Wilson staff writer

As Natural News‘ Jonathan Benson recently reported, numerous published studies show that people who have received the MMR vaccine shed the diseases for weeks, or in some cases even months. This means that the vaccinated could potentially be infecting others, as the virus is very contagious, making vaccinated individuals very dangerous, especially around those with compromised immune systems.

Benson’s report continues to note that nearly two decades ago the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention realized this phenomenon when they tested urine samples collected from newly vaccinated 15-month-old children as well as young adults and found that nearly all of them had detectable levels of the measles virus inside their bodies.

If I had to bet, I doubt emerging self-proclaimed “experts” on the MMR vaccine and measles aren’t privy to this information, making their accusations even more unfounded.

MMR vaccine contains human DNA from fetal cells linked to autism?

Another important tidbit of information that’s being completely ignored on a national level is the possible link between the MMR vaccine’s ingredients and autism. A study released in 2011 called “Theoretical aspects of autism: Causes–A review,” considers a host of peer-reviewed, published theories that suggest a possible connection between vaccines and autism.

The study’s lead researcher, Helen Ratajczak, a former senior scientist at a pharmaceutical firm wrote:

“Documented causes of autism include genetic mutations and/or deletions, viral infections, and encephalitis following vaccination. Therefore, autism is the result of genetic defects and/or inflammation of the brain.”

Human tissue used in 23 vaccines

One of Ratajczak’s biggest concerns is the human DNA used in vaccines, including cells from the fetal lung tissue of aborted babies. Around the time vaccine makers removed thimerosal (mercury) from most childhood vaccines (except for the flu shot), they began making vaccines using human tissue to grow viruses, including measles and chicken pox.

Ratajczak observed a correlation between the introduction of human DNA to the MMR vaccine and autism, suggesting a possible link. She also notes an additional spike in autism in 1995 after vaccine makers began growing the chicken pox vaccine in human fetal tissue.

In regard to why human DNA could possibly cause brain damage, Ratajczak said that the DNA in vaccines is taken up by human cells and recombined into their genome. She further stated:

“That DNA is incorporated into the host DNA. Now it’s changed, altered self and body kills it. Where is this most expressed? The neurons of the brain. Now you have body killing the brain cells and it’s an ongoing inflammation. It doesn’t stop, it continues through the life of that individual.”

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How a jab plunged my life into madness

Posted by truthpills on 2015/03/03

BBC newsman Malcolm Brabant says yellow-fever vaccination led him to believe he was the Devil

By Peter Stanford 2:00PM GMT 28 Feb 2015

In April 2011, he attended an Athens clinic for a routine vaccination against yellow fever before an assignment in the Ivory Coast. As well as reporting from Athens, he has also travelled the globe to cover international stories, winning a coveted Sony award in 1993 for his reporting from a besieged Sarajevo at the height of the Bosnian crisis.

His reaction to the vaccine, however, was anything but routine. “It fried my brain,” he states simply. Overnight a previously sane man developed severe psychosis. An agnostic, Brabant became so convinced he was the Messiah that he telephoned his bemused fellow correspondent, Allan Little, to appoint him “first disciple” and ask him to record his words of wisdom.

One minute he was announcing that the Queen was aware of his divine status, the next he was claiming to be able to stop the traffic just by thinking about it, and control all technology. To prove the point, he flushed his Kindle down the lavatory.

It was utterly bewildering for those around him, especially when he switched into the persona of Winston Churchill, and then the Devil. Yet, because he had no insight into how strangely he was acting, Brabant also attempted to carry on reporting, with results that horrified previously admiring editors at the BBC.

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