Daily Truth Pills

Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…

Archive for January, 2011

Will This Be The USA in 2012?

Posted by truthpills on 2011/01/23

January 6, 2011 by Editor · 11 Comments

Here’s How America’s Economic Problems Might Be Resolved Overnight!

The economic condition of the country continues to decline toward its rendezvous with an, as yet, unknowable catastrophe. Here is… a look (not a prediction) at a series of not improbable events that could develop [and which] would change our economic world overnight. Words: 1550

So says Monty Pelerin (pseudonym) at http://www.EconomicNoise.com in an article* reformatted and edited […] below by Lorimer Wilson, editor of www.munKNEE.com, for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure a fast and easy read. Please note that this paragraph must be included in any article reposting to avoid copyright infringement. Pelerin goes on to say:

A Possible Economic Apocalypse Outlook For 2012

The country has officially been in  economic recession since the end of 2010. Many believe that it never recovered from what began in 2008. The word depression is now commonplace. Trust in Congress has fallen to single digits. Similarly, government reports and statistics are increasingly mocked by the public. The media is likened to Pravda because only government-speak is allowed. Distrust, despair and fear are everywhere.

  • Official unemployment numbers approach 14%. Unofficial estimates of unemployment range from 30 -35%. There are no signs of a turnaround in employment.
  • The Dow-Jones average hovers around 4,500.
  • Official GDP has been declining for four consecutive quarters. Independent analysts estimate the true numbers have been declining for two years.
  • Tax collections continue to drop while Federal spending accelerates. The deficit is expected to exceed $3 Trillion. Federal debt now exceeds $16 Trillion.
  • The rate of foreclosures has doubled from the previous high in 2011. Personal and corporate bankruptcies have reached levels thought impossible.
  • Major companies have left or announced intentions of leaving the U.S. to avoid the confiscatory taxes and regulations. College students, unable to find jobs, are emigrating to more favorable economies.
  • California, Illinois and several other states are in bankruptcy court as are thousand of municipalities. Many states and municipalities are using IOUs for payments.
  • Welfare and unemployment checks are two months behind on average. Social Security checks and Medicare reimbursements are delayed. Some private pension funds have reduced their payments by 10 – 25%.
  • Hospitals and doctors refuse to see Medicare patients until Federal reimbursements, already eight months behind schedule, are paid.
  • Public unions across the country are on strike. Large areas are without teachers, police, firemen or hospital staff.
  • Food stamps are being rejected at grocery stores because of slow reimbursement and government default risk.
  • Martial law has been imposed in several cities to counter rioting and looting.
  • Isolated runs on banks have occurred. Mattress-stuffing is considered less risky than zero interest returns from banks.
  • The dollar is being rejected by local merchants around the world. Oil is priced in a weighted basket of currencies of which only 20% represents dollars.
  • Foreign disinvestment in Treasuries has been accelerating as a result of trade wars, concerns of default and the desperate need for funding at home.
  • Gold is selling at $2,800 per ounce.
  • The economy continues to deteriorate despite QE on a scale not even Paul Krugman would have recommended. Treasury and toxic asset purchases have swelled the Fed’s balance sheet from $800 billion in 2008 to $6 Trillion.
  • The deflationary spiral continues despite incredible money-creation. Banks continue to add more excess reserves. Creditworthy borrowers refuse to borrow. People and businesses everywhere have hunkered down, waiting for the next shoe to drop. Many withdraw funds from the banking system in fear of its collapse.

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Legislation Concerning the Criminalization of Toxic Aerosols Upon the People of the Planet

Posted by truthpills on 2011/01/23

Posted by Brian Andrews Chemtrail News, Featured Tuesday, January 18th, 2011


Corinne Spence, the Chairwoman for SCARE (the Santa Cruz Alert Response Emergency) bravely took the initiative to launch this proposed legislation to the Congress of the United States.  For that we shall be forever grateful.  Ms. Spence delivered to the Washington offices of Congressman Ron Paul and Senator Rand Paul our “draft” designed to prohibit the poisoning of the Earth’s atmosphere.

This proposed legislation, when passed, will make it a crime “punishable by death” or life imprisonment without possibility of parole for spraying our people in the United States with Toxic Aerosols. Within the first two weeks of this year, these Toxins have already killed millions of birds in the air above us and millions of fish in our poisoned water below.

Our proposed legislation is entitled, “The Planetary Population and Atmospheric Purity Act.”  It has been given to Patriotic groups in Sweden, England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Cornwall & Mexico as a guide to passing laws that will prohibit the poisoning of the Planet’s population through the atmospheric “Death Dumps”.  Ms. Spence, with your help and ours, is determined to see that laws are passed to stop the continued spraying of Toxins upon us, our friends, and our families. We fear that if these Death Dumps were to continue unchecked, billions of innocent people on this Planet will die.

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Pocket NewSpeak Dictionary: Ruling Elite Edition Volume 1

Posted by truthpills on 2011/01/23

Michael Vail(Chief Editor of BLN)

Biodiversity – The Eco-Dictator’s trump card. It is more important that some rare species of bug live than you are I because there are so many of us on the planet. We are no longer at the top of the food chain. The UN uses the biodiversity card to steal the best real estate on Earth. The endgame is to abolish all private property for the sake of preserving animals and insects. What a world!

Capacity Building The creation of a framework that will enforce environmental policy upon the urban community, long term resource management and yes you are also a resource. The overall goal is to force people into the high rise urban slums like a large can of sardines while using transportation agencies to close off access to rural towns and farm land. See also the ‘Man in the Biosphere Program’ and the Wildlands Project.

“Another more specialized change may be suggested as probable. Civilization has taught man how to live in dense crowds, and by that very fact those crowds are likely ultimately to constitute a majority of the world’s population. Already there are many who prefer this crowded life, but there are others who do not, and these will be gradually eliminated. Life in the crowded condition of cities has many unattractive features, but in the long run these may be overcome, not so much by altering them, but simply by changing the human race into liking them.” –Charles Galton Darwin, The Next Million Years

Collateral Damage – Shit happens!
A countries infrastructure is destroyed along with any and all services that people need during times of crisis. Governments bring in the multinational corporations and pay them top dollar to rebuild. The process is repeated again and again. See also Halliburton and Redistribution of Wealth.

Democracy –
Indirect representation of the majority. The mob is manipulated to support issues which are not in their interest. Polls are used to polarize groups and to control both sides of an argument. In the final analysis no one is represented but lobbying firms and corporations.

Extrajudicial Punishment and/or Killing –
Governments tend to decay from within and officials begin to think that they are above the law. They use murdering scum type mercenaries who are the judge, jury and executioners on behalf of the government. After the smoke clears these assassins and their handlers are barred from visiting many countries as they are well known war criminals. See also Heinz ‘Henry” Kissenger, Robert Mcnamara and George HW Bush.

“If the people were to ever find out what we have done, we would be chased down the streets and lynched.” –George HW Bush

G-7/G-20 –
International pyramid schemers aka Central Bank governors of the developed and developing nations meeting in secret to manipulate world currencies through synchronized action between the nations. The IMF and World Bank also report to the central bankers who target specific countries for controlled demolition of their economies. The loan sharks of last resort then offer the victims a line of credit. If this doesn’t work, see also Bribery, Blackmail and Bullets.

Global Citizenship – This is one of the primary goals of the ruling class, to focus people’s attentions on global issues instead of local issues. To build the cosmopolitan mindset. Children at this very moment are bombarded with foreign languages and foreign cultures in an attempt to create a future homogenized global society. The exchange of information between cultures is wonderful but the elite do not value culture, their focus is on the elimination of children’s local environment and replacing that with being a citizen of the world and the world’s problems.


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Patriot Act, a Nazi law: Ex-CIA official

Posted by truthpills on 2011/01/23

The United States Patriot Act is similar to the legislations carried out by the Nazi Germany in the World War II era, a former CIA officer says.

“The Patriot Act was similar to legislation carried out by the Nazis because essentially it was using terrorism in both cases as an excuse to strip civil liberties that were enjoyed in both countries; in the United States and Germany,” Phillip Giraldi said in an interview with Press TV.

“Governments have been willing to use fear, such as fear of terrorism, and fear of the enemy, as a way to get the people lined up in support of government policies. Very often these policies are essentially bad for the people because they take away many of their rights,” the former CIA officer said.

He went on to say that the relationship between the American citizens and the US government has changed for the worse since the introduction of the Patriot Act, adding that Americans had not become any safer by their rights being stripped away.

The US Patriot Act and desecration of the constitution has brought a dictatorship surveillance society of phone tapping, hidden cameras and policy brutality in the United States, Giraldi said.

The act, which was hastily adopted six weeks after the 2001 terrorist attacks, allows the US government to spy on its citizens without the need for a court order.

In February 2010, the House of Representatives and the Senate approved the extension of the Bush-era bill and sent it to President Obama who thereby signed the legislation into law.

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Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr.: the Coming Military Crackdown

Posted by truthpills on 2011/01/23

Posted on Saturday, January 16, 2010 5:59:17 AM by B-Chan

The Daily Bell is pleased to publish an interview with the distinguished libertarian attorney and activist, Edwin Vieira, Jr.

Introduction: Dr. Vieira holds four degrees from Harvard: A.B. (Harvard College), A.M. and Ph.D. (Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences), and J.D. (Harvard Law School). For over thirty-six years he has been a practicing attorney, specializing in cases that raise issues of constitutional law. He has presented numerous cases of import before the Supreme Court and written numerous monographs and articles in scholarly journals. His latest scholarly works are Pieces of Eight: The Monetary Powers and Disabilities of the United States Constitution (2d rev. ed. 2002), a comprehensive study of American monetary law and history viewed from a constitutional perspective, and How to Dethrone the Imperial Judiciary (2004), a study of the problems of irresponsible “judicial supremacy”, and how to deal with them. With well known libertarian trader Victor Sperandeo, he is also the co-author (under a nom de plume) of the political novel CRA$HMAKER: A Federal Affaire (2000), a not-so-fictional story of an engineered “crash” of the Federal Reserve System, and the political revolution it causes. He is now working on an extensive project concerned with the constitutional “Militia of the Several States” and “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms.”


Daily Bell: Thanks for sitting down with us. Let’s get right to it. In your view, what are the most critical domestic problems facing America?

Edwin Vieira Jr.: Two stand out. The foremost problem-because it is the source of, or contributes significantly to, almost every economic difficulty now plaguing this country-is the inherent and ineradicable instability of the present monetary and banking systems centered around the Federal Reserve System.

The second problem derives from the first. It is the ever-accelerating development of a first-class para-militarized police-state apparatus centered around the United States Department of Homeland Security, with its tentacles reaching down into every police force throughout the States and localities. Fundamentally, this apparatus is not, and never was, designed to deal with international “terrorism”. If that were its goal, its first task would be absolutely to secure the southern border of the United States, which it has never seriously attempted to do. Rather, it is being set up to deal with what the political-cum-financial Establishment anticipates (and I believe rightly so) will be massive social and political unrest bordering on chaos throughout America when the monetary and banking systems finally implode in the not-so-distant future-surely in hyperinflation, and probably in hyperinflation coupled with a gut-wrenching depression.

Of these two problems, the second is actually the more dangerous. For if (on whatever pretext) this police-state apparatus does succeed in clamping down on America, the likelihood of effecting basic reforms in money, banking, or anything else favorable to the American people will be reduced to something approaching nil, absent a veritable political uprising in this country.

Daily Bell: How can these two problems be solved?

Edwin Vieira Jr.: The problem of money and banking breaks down into two interrelated parts: one economic, the other political. Economically, the problem lies in the commonly accepted fallacy that debt-whether the private debt of banks or the public debt of governmental treasuries-can function as sound currency over the long term. “Money” is supposed to be the most liquid of all assets-which is why the best moneys have always proven to be the precious metals, silver and gold. “Debt”, conversely, is not an asset at all, but is someone’s liability, the value of which is contingent upon the debtor’s ability and willingness to pay, and often the creditor’s ability to force the debtor to pay. The attempt to put into practice the self-contradictory notion that a liability payable in money can be an asset that functions as money-and that the ultimate debtor or surety in this scheme can be a governmental treasury, which usually cannot be compelled to pay in any event-has been tried again and again, in country after country, and failed again and again. For Heaven’s sake, it was tried in this country with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, and only about twenty years later utterly failed with the banking collapse of 1932, Franklin Roosevelt’s seizure of the American people’s gold, and the ensuing Great Depression that lasted throughout the 1930s! Right now, we are witnessing what will soon prove to be a more catastrophic failure of that same false idea embodied in that same pernicious institution. Apparently, as the old saw has it, “No one ever learns anything from history except that no one ever learns anything from history.” Obviously, massive efforts in public education will be necessary to overcome this deplorable level of ignorance.

In our particular case, the problem also appears in a political form, actually dating from well before 1913: namely, the coupling of bank and state, whereby the government empowers private special-interests groups by statute to “manage” the monetary and banking systems-primarily for the economic benefit of those groups, but as well to the political advantage of the public officials, politicians, and political parties that support the system and receive support from it. The Federal Reserve System is such a coupling: the hermaphroditic creature of private enterprise and statute, at once both quasi-private and quasi-public in source, form, and functions.

Daily Bell: We call it mercantilism.

Edwin Vieira Jr.: Strictly speaking, it is a classic example of a corporative-state arrangement in the particular field of banking, exactly parallel to what Benito Mussolini set up throughout the economy of Fascist Italy, and to what Franklin Roosevelt established for all other American industries in the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 (until the Supreme Court declared that act unconstitutional in 1935).

The reason for this unholy alliance between bank and state lies in the operation of “debt as currency”: namely, that using “debt as currency”-and particularly “debt as currency” that can be paid through the emission of new “debt as currency”-allows for the essentially unlimited redistribution of real wealth from society to the issuers of the currency and their immediate clients.

When the redistribution favors bankers and their clients among private businessmen, it is called “forced savings”-the average America being compelled by the system to lose real wealth so that the bankers and businessmen can employ that wealth in their own speculative ventures. When the redistribution favors bankers and their clients among public officials, it is called “hidden taxation”-the average America being compelled by the system to lose real wealth so that public officials can buy more votes with more governmental spending (with the bankers taking a cut of the proceeds). In both cases, by the system’s very design, the financial and political classes always benefit, the masses are always looted.

The truly vicious nature of this scheme, though, is now appearing in all its ugly nakedness in the multi-trillion-dollar bailouts that the financial Establishment is extorting, and will continue to extort, ultimately from the taxpayers and the victims of inflation, on the threat that, without such payoffs, the entire economy will melt down into irremediable chaos.

So, here we see the ultimate practical truth of the matter: Private financial special-interest groups buy politicians; in public office these politicians empower the special-interest groups by statute to manipulate the monetary and banking systems; to the extent that these manipulations succeed, the profits are largely privatized; and to the extent that the manipulations fail, the losses are almost entirely socialized. In either case, the general public is held hostage to the racket, and foots the gargantuan bill for its operation. And the guilty parties escape scot free to steal again, and again, and again.

Daily Bell: So what is to be done?

Edwin Vieira Jr.: In principle, this problem can be solved, if America enforces her Constitution. In practice, implementing such a solution will take no little time and effort, though, because: (i) the Federal Reserve System cannot simply be “abolished” at one fell swoop without generating massive dislocations throughout the markets; and (ii) the necessary reforms cannot arise out of the snake pit of Congress in the foreseeable future. Instead, Americans need to create an alternative constitutional and sound currency-actually consisting of, not simply “backed by”, silver and gold-to compete with Federal Reserve Notes in the marketplace.
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Posted in Corruption, Economy, New World Order, Police State, World Turmoil | 2 Comments »


Posted by truthpills on 2011/01/20

By Coach Dave Daubenmire
January 13, 2011

The world seems to be getting crazier and crazier everyday, and as I look out my window at the fresh covering of snow I am having trouble focusing on a hard-hitting commentary for today.
There are so many thoughts running through my mind.

So, rather than write on a particular topic, I thought I would take this time to dump some of my random thoughts onto the paper today. I could easily do a commentary on every one. I pray they stimulate your soul.

1. America’s problems are not political, they are spiritual. After two generations of teaching our kids that we evolved from apes, that life has no meaning, and that there is no right or wrong we have reaped the whirlwind of that folly.

2. Evil really does exist. Sometimes it manifests itself in obvious ways, but more often than not the advancement of evil travels like carbon monoxide…invisibly invading even the most safest of environments. Evil is subtle, it doesn’t always wear horns and carry a pitchfork. Jesus warned us that even “the very elect would be deceived.”

3. Self-identified Christians are some of the most deceived people in America. Instead of trusting in Jesus and the precepts that He laid out in the Bible, we have trusted instead in the wisdom of man. Very few “Christians” can quote the Word, defend the Word, or obey the Word.

4. Can anyone tell me anything about John Rolls, the recently killed Judge in Arizona? While all of the attention has been given to a still-alive Congresswoman very little information has appeared in the media regarding this judge who was killed. I find that odd. Where was he wounded, does he have a family, did any bystanders administer care to him? Who decided that a living Congressman was more note worthy than a dead Federal Judge?

5. I doubt if the Tucson killer had ever listened to any AM talk radio. I think we would find greater clues by investigating the music he listened to, the video games he played, the movies he watched, and the pornography he consumed. Evil has a voracious appetite. Remember this…what ever you feed grows stronger, whatever you starve dies. (See #1)

6. Look at his photograph. He was not mentally ill, he was demon possessed. Most people don’t even believe in demonic possession anymore even though the Bible is replete with instances where Jesus and his followers “cast out demons.” Jared Loughner didn’t need a psychiatrist…he needed an exorcist.

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Posted by truthpills on 2011/01/20

By Chuck Baldwin
January 6, 2011

A bedrock principle of Natural Law (the Law upon which Western Civilization rests) is the primacy of truth. Without a desire for, and appreciation of, truth, society cannot sustain itself. Lies, deceit, duplicity, etc., are more than moral evils; they are the bane of freedom and liberty. Take away truth, and one is left without honor, justice, or decency. Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.

Truth also demands courage and honesty, because sometimes it can be very painful to look at! It takes an honest man to desire truth, as truth will often reveal the character flaws in his own soul. It also takes courage to appreciate truth, as truth will often demand that one change his own opinion or conduct. Unfortunately, it does appear that the desire for truth has been replaced with a desire for deceit.

Years ago, a great, old preacher-warrior told my former church congregation, “People today love being lied to.” How right he was! For the most part, even professing Christian people today love being lied to. It would seem that many people find deceit easier to digest than truth. Maybe it’s because these people lack the aforementioned virtues of honesty and courage.

Truth demands the virtue of honesty, because honesty requires that information be objectively analyzed and studied; it requires that personal prejudices and proclivities be set aside; it requires that humility replace pride, which allows one’s opinions and conduct to change in the face of truth.

Truth also demands courage, as courage is the active response to honesty. To know what is right to do is great (many people do not even know this much), but to act upon what one knows to be right is even greater–and also harder! Courage gives men the fortitude and conviction to suffer personal loss in order to be faithful to their own honesty. Courage places more value on honesty and truth than on personal prosperity or aggrandizement. Courage propelled Daniel into the lion’s den; it drove Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego into the burning fiery furnace; it placed a youthful David onto the battlefield alone against a fierce and ferocious adversary; it gathered Pastor Jonas Clark’s congregants (mostly farmers and merchants) onto Lexington Green to face Britain’s highly trained, professional soldiers.
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The Devil’s Christmas Letter

Posted by truthpills on 2011/01/02

(December 17, 2010)

The Devil pens a Christmas letter.

Through means I am unable to disclose, I have obtained a copy of the Devil’s Christmas letter. Yes, Satan too sends a Yule letter, and no, I was not on his mailing list. I think Satan’s Holiday cheer should give us all pause.

To my fallen angels Beelzebub, Lucifer and Leviathan, princes of Hell’s demons, and to my minions, lackeys, toadies and sycophants on Earth:

As you know, this time of year usually finds me quite despondent, as the Prince of Peace’s influence waxes most atrociously around his birthday. But this year I am in fine spirits, nay, let me even declare myself absolutely giddy, for the destruction of the United States of America draws ever nearer.

Though my minions have long sown festering seeds of hate and disharmony in that now-benighted land, only recently have my favored weapons of destruction–leverage, debt, half-truths and endless, preening justifications for greed, sloth, lust, pride, envy, anger and gluttony–have been unleashed to worm their way into the stricken heart of that Republic.

My most treasured hopes of destitution and conflict in the U.S.A. are nearing fruition.

First, my minions in the Federal Reserve–such loyal servants!–and the Federal government have unleashed a veritable orgy of leverage and debt upon the land, spreading ruination under the false guise of prosperity. What a delicious irony, that the fools doomed to eternal damnation in my Empire believe themselves prosperous as they absorb the poison of exponentially rising leverage and debt.

They have made a mockery of the rule of law, openly flouting it by letting financial crimes go not just unpunished but rewarded. The blatant injustice that roams the land like a foul, slobbering beast–there are two sets of laws and two sets of books now, one for the financial Elites and their political toadies, and another one for the tax donkeys beneath them–this will eventually ignite the firestorm I seek.

American extravagance has surpassed even my highest expectations, as purveyors of luxury goods reap record profits, and the childish desire for instant gratification has become the unspoken ruler of the land. Convenience is now worshipped as a god, sitting triumphant beside entitlement, greed and willful ignorance.

Convenience is, as you all know, the name of a peculiarly slick slide into Hell.

One of my favorite sins, gluttony, is running amok, with half of the people groaning under their own weight, sickened and weakened. My loyal minions in the fast-food and packaged food industries have followed my plans to perfection, and my lackeys in the marketing and media have fueled the instant gratification and ignorance which insidiously undermine even the greatest empires.

Pride–oh, how the Americans excel at hubris and pride! The Federal Reserve chairman, bless his doomed soul, has declared himself 100% confident about an economy that is nothing but a confidence game. Oh, what joy to hear his lies spoken with such confidence!

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Posted by truthpills on 2011/01/02

By Dave Hodges
December 12, 2010

When do your First Amendment rights to speak out against the emergence of a totalitarian form of American government conflict with your rights to maintain custody of your children? It depends on whether your diet includes a red or blue pill. If your collective blue pill diets continue unabated, then none of you will feel the need to speak out. Everything is fine, just go back to sleep. However, when one changes the color of their diet to red, their protective parental instincts surface in order to defend their beloved children from an oppressive government who views all children as their personal property.

Sherrie Wilcox is the poster child who serves to portray the victimization of middle class American parents by big government. At first glance, Sherry Wilcox appears to be an unassuming mom who would frequent her child’s soccer matches and accompany her sister to the local shopping mall. However, there is nothing average about Wilcox’s ability to research a topic and draw cogent conclusions as I have found her to be a courageous and gifted researcher whose blog contains some amazing information and photographs of The Georgia Guidestones, pictures of thousands of FEMA coffins stored in her home state of Georgia as well as a stunning analysis of last year’s deadly Ukrainian pneumonia with information that was largely unavailable in the main stream media. [See Sherrie Wilcox’s blog.]

Yet, for daring to exercise her First Amendment right to question the unconstitutional and illegal practices of the current federal government (e.g., mortgage fraud), Sherrie Wilcox received a visit from visit from Homeland Security, err….. The Georgia Child Protective Services (CPSS). In the assumed defense of her child, the CPS officials accused Wilcox of mental abuse and the neglect of her child.
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Posted by truthpills on 2011/01/02

By Michael LeMieux
December 18, 2010

The federal government was not designed to be a bureaucracy that had, for the most part, any direct effect on the populace of the country. In fact, the only power granted by the Constitution to the federal government lay in ensuring that government did not trespass against the citizens. It was the responsibility of the individual states to deal with the needs of the people. Federal legislative control was designed only to have jurisdiction within the District of Columbia and the areas ceded by the states to the federal government for forts, (and other federal sites as needed) or to make laws dealing with interstate commerce or dealing with foreign nations. Since the federal government was created, it has slowly and methodically grown in size and scope until it has permeated every aspect of our lives. Thomas Jefferson stated: “Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have …. The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases.” I believe the current federal position towards its citizens has proven this axiom to be all too true.

From the writings of the founding fathers, we know that the federal government’s powers, defined by the constitution, were to be limited and general and were not to be used against the citizens of the several states. James Madison, in Federalist 45 said, “The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined . . . to be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce.” Notice that all of these items deal with generalities of government and with national and foreign issues, not individual issues.

One premise I want to point out is that no authority/power can be legally granted to any office of the federal government that cannot be tied directly to the U.S. Constitution. Any law, power, or authority that cannot be tied directly to the Constitution is automatically reserved to the states or to the people, and the federal government is prohibited to exercise outside of this restriction. Secondly, it is the responsibility of the states and the people to keep watch and to correct the government if it steps outside of its authority.
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