Daily Truth Pills

Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…

Maple Syrup/Baking Soda Trojan Horse

Germs consume sugar to generate energy and grow but it cannot live in an alkaline body. Due to our bad acidic diet, the pH of bodies are acidic. My ORAL and urine pH was around 6.2. Desired is 7.4. Too high is 8.2+.

An acidic pH can occur from, an acid forming diet, emotional stress, toxic overload, and/or immune reactions or any process that deprives the cells of oxygen and other nutrients. The body will try to compensate for acidic pH by using alkaline minerals. If the diet does not contain enough minerals to compensate, a build up of acids in the cells will occur.

An acidic balance will: decrease the body’s ability to absorb minerals and other nutrients, decrease the energy production in the cells, decrease it’s ability to repair damaged cells, decrease it’s ability to detoxify heavy metals, make tumor cells thrive, and make it more susceptible to fatigue and illness. A BLOOD pH of 6.9, which is only slightly acidic, can induce coma and death.

By taking 1-2 tsp of Maple Syrup/Baking Soda regularly, I can maintain oral and urine pH around 7.4-7.8. This is the easiest way to boost pH in my body. If you have problems digesting food due to chemo and high pH, take some digestive enzymes and probiotics.

Maple Syrup/Baking Soda Trojan Horse

The sugar in the maple syrup is bounded with alkaline. If cancer cells or germs take in the sugar, the hidden alkaline will weaken or destroy it.

Trader Joe’s organic grade B maple syrup 3 parts. Bob’s Red Mill baking soda 1 part (this is aluminum free unlike Arm & Hammer).

Heat the maple syrup to a warm temperature to dissolve the baking soda (this need not be at a boil). Once warmed, stir in the baking soda for 5 minutes. Example: 90 tsp syrup, 30 tsp baking soda. Store this at room temperature. Make enough for 10 days, beyond which mold may grow.

The syrup/bicarbonate complex is brought into cancer cells or candida where it alters pH to uan unfavorable alkaline level.

For cancer patients use 5-7 teaspoons per day divided.

For candida or pH control use 3 teaspoons per day.

Tasty alkalinization and good health.

Thanks Dr. Ng

296 Responses to “Maple Syrup/Baking Soda Trojan Horse”

  1. beth yates said

    can i continue to keep using the baking soda & maple syrup to help keep my body alkaline i have a good diet. i don’t eat sugar, white flour, or milk. i do in small amounts eat some cheese. i try to eat 70% 30% before i found the syrup & soda i had a hard time staying ph ballanced. i just want to know if it’s ok if i keep using it.

    • D Porter said

      DJP Protocol – This is MY protocal “that worked for me” in 8-09+. I am not providing medical advice, simply repeating my experience/protocol resulting in a sharp drop, to 0.1 PSA, & staying (blood tests), to 4-10 & no discomfort, etc.
      “NO” Chemo or Radiation Minimum Drugs (they are deadly to your immune system)

      Here is my 4-10 Protocol – Avoid any forms of sugar for a week+. Then Inititate as follows:
      • 1st day- 1 Teaspoon of BS soda with 2 Teaspoons of Black Strap molasses (“BSM”) & 1 cup room temp water 2x day. Heat @ “LOW” temp for 5 minutes & STIR a lot to fully combine your sugar & BS into your “Trojan Horse” to benefit your body/immune system. The molasses or maple syrup targets cancer cells (which consume 15X more glucose than normal cells) & the baking soda, (which is dragged into the cancer cell by the maple syrup/BSM), being very alkaline, forces a rapid shift in pH thereby killing the cancer cells fairly quickly (most say 24-48 hrs).

      • 2nd day – repeat, also Do Deep breathing (30x – 3-10x day or more). OXYGEN KILLS cancer cells
      • 3rd day – same Cancer cells gobble up SUGAR so when you encourage the intake of sugar it’s like sending in a your own Trojan horse. The sugar is “not” going to encourage the growth of the cancer colonies as the alkaline baking soda is going to kill the cells before they have a chance to grow.
      • 4th day – same 2X day goal get to 8.0 – 8.5 pH & hold 4-5 days & result cancer cells dormant at pH 7.0-7.5+ or a few tenths, & kills cancer cells @ 8.0-8.5. My pH measured 8.3 on 3rd day with a blood & urine test.

      • 5th day – started taking the solution – 2 tspns BS & 2 Tsps BSM 2X day
      • 6th day– reeat 2 Tspns BS & 2 Tspn of BSM & 1 cup of water 2x a day. My pH measured 8.25. That is what happens with cesium chloride/BS done by Italian Dr. Simoncini, mild nausea is good as it means the dead cancer cells are being dicarded by your body.
      • 7th – All ok – lips tingled : an Oxygen Euphoria from a lot deep breathing. Oxygen assists in killing bone cancer! Also on day 7, increased BS to 3 Tspns. & got a slight headache, backed off to 2 Tspns BS- I was a bit uncomfortable/nervous & had a slight headache, so I reduced it. At times I had slight confusion.

      • 8th day – double dose 3x a day to get pH high- could some be health issues with too much BS. Potassium intake is important.
      • 9th day – A little diarrhea, a little weak feeling, really began to up my potassium intake. All experts said that high dosage of potassium (also with cesium chloride) is very important Oxygenation euphoria all day from deep breathing.

      • 10th day – Headache more persistent ,body sweats SO- I cut back to a solution 2x a day; not 3x.

      • 11th & 12th days – down to 1.5 Tspns to control headache, some loose stool, slight headache & night sweats. I cut back felt overloaded- 8.35 goal achieved & I wanted to maintain pH 8.0+ for 4-5 days.

      • NOTE: Key Points: Take BS solution 2 hrs before or 2 hrs after eating, to give stomach acids time to digest food. Take high potassium organic foods, vitamins, minerals, & herbs as recommended for Cesium Therapy, by others with noted successes.

      Coral Calcium 3,000 mg
      Vit D3 10,000 iu’s, PawPaw
      CoQ10 200 mg, Tumeric

      Potassium 400 mg, Figs, raisins, bananas, chia & sunflower seeds, apricots,

      Dates, Lima Beans, & kale.
      Milk Thistle 1000 mg
      Astaxanthin, Astrologus

      • Seek to maintain Diet – 80% Alkaline & 20% Acidic for 1 week after BS protocol.
      • Eat ALL organic food to let your Immune System not be overworked by Preservatives & MANY harmful chemicals etc. in packaged foods ! Eat brown rice, oats, & lots of GREEN veggies & some fruits !!!
      • Remember lots of water & Green tea- Kukicha, Bancha, Dandelion Root & Rooibos(redbush tea)
      • The healthiest foods you can eat are vegetables, fruits, nuts & seeds, beans, lean meats, quality fish.

      Be good to your immune system & It WILL be good to you with ORGANIC FOOD!

      Human blood pH should be slightly alkaline (7.35 – 7.45). A pH of 7.0 is neutral. A pH below 7.0 is acidic. A pH above 7.0 is alkaline. No Eating Most acidic foods– Beer/Wine/Liquor, Drugs, Dairy/Butter, Sugars, Sodas, Table Salt, Pork/Bacon/Poultry/Beef, easy on fish & related, clams-muscles-lobster, etc.

      Baking Soda –Molasses also done with success by others:
      • Jim Kelmun 75, (truck driver), treated 200+ terminal cancer sufferers, 185 lived @ least 15 years. Jim has been threatened with jail by authorities unless he stops administering his remedy – as he has no medical degree! Jim’s Remedy – Maple Syrup & BS (Bicarbonate of soda).
      • Mix 1 part BS to 1-3 parts molasses. Heat LOW HEAT, stir rigorously in a pan for 5 min.
      • Take 2 tspns of mix per day 1st week, 1 tspn per day for 2 weeks. Stop Remedy after 3 weeks

      A Few Related Internet Searches:

      • Italian “Dr. Simoncini”
      • Baking Soda – Molasses/Maple Syrup
      • Cesium Chloride
      • Jim Kelmun
      • Cancer Tutor
      • Cesium & Cancer

      • Dr Mark Sircus
      • Dr. Jim Howenstine, M.D.
      • 60 Uses of Baking Soda
      • Vernon Johnston – Still Alive and Well
      • Gregory Delaney

      An Oncologist in Rome Italy, Dr. Tullio Simoncini, has been destroying cancer tumors with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) [1]. Sodium bicarbonate is safe, extremely inexpensive and unstoppably effective when it comes to cancer tissues. It’s an irresistible chemical, cyanide to cancer cells for it hits the cancer cells with a shock wave of alkalinity, which allows much more oxygen into the cancer cells than they can tolerate. Cancer cells cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen. Sodium bicarbonate is, for all intent and purposes, an instant killer of tumors. Full treatment takes only days.

      Tullio Simoncini (1951) is a roman doctor specialising in oncology, diabetology & in metabolic disorders.
      He has a strong opposition to any type of intellectual conformity, which is often based on suppositions without foundation or worse, on lies & falsities. He has a strong opposition to any type of intellectual conformity, which is often based on suppositions without foundation or worse, on lies and falsities. When, considering the total failure of official oncology, which is obvious to all, one can understand his strongly critical position of an Italian & global medical system that operates in what is a scientific dead end that is of no help whatsoever to the patients.

      Dr. Simoncini cultivates sports & takes care of his mind/body by following elementary natural rules such as a healthy diet, physical activity & the practice of moral responsibility. He favorite sports are jogging, skiing & soccer. His tendency to medical & scientific synthesis also stems from a natural sensitivity that tends to perceive the harmony of the whole as distinct from the value of its constituent parts. This quality is reinforced & expressed by his propensity for music, & cultivated by his practice of musical instruments such as piano & classical and modern guitar. When a student in high school & university, his musical abilities led him to form various musical bands that toured central Italy.

      Simoncini’s personality is pervaded by a strong humanitarianism, which triggered him to reflect, because of the impotence of medicine when faced by the pain of patients, on how little & inadequate medicine’s fundamental knowledge is. This empathy for the pain of others has been the constant motivator on the path of his personal life. He’s always travelling throughout the Italy to explain his theory in congresses, conferences & interviews, & to show how many patients healed from cancer.

      Dr. Simoncini discovered that the cause of this terrible illness is a fungus & tried hard to persuade scientists how wrong are the actual theories on cancer. His therapy based on the strongest antifungal substance, sodium bicarbonate, is harmless & very effective & should be adopted all over the world

      • Wendy said

        Dear D Porter,

        Thank you for this info. Could you please send it to me in an email? I would love to have a personal copy of this, if that is OK w/ you. I tried to copy paste, but cannot.

        Thank you,

      • D Porter said

        Ok my email is

      • rrobbin said

        I have a friend who does not have cancer and is only taking the baking soda to help keep cancer from occuring. Is this ok to do?

      • Tamara St. John said


        I have healed myself of breast cancer using only alternative methods. I started this facebook page to educate other people on how to heal cancer naturally. I am currently writing a book about my experience. I have also been interviewed on the Robert Scott Bell Show and have been published in Nutricula magazine. I am passionate about helping people achieve optimum health through God’s Pharmacy.

      • Cindy said

        What I want to know is, do you eat, not eat…do you drink, not drink around the times you take this treatment? Does it have to be on a full or empty stomach? Also, can this be used externally on skin cancers…melanomas? Please respond ASAP. Thanks Cindy

      • Cindy said

        Are you suppose to eat or drink around the time you take this treatment? How long before or after do you need to wait to eat or drink? Also, can this be used externally on skin cancers, such as melanomas. Please let me know ASAP. Thanks, Cindy

      • Dave said

        I just finished your protocol with negative results. Maybe I did something wrong, I don’t know. Instead of molasses I used organic maple syrup. I was on it for three weeks following your protocol as an example. Week two I maintained a ph level of 8.5 +. I experienced many of the same effects. No sugar before or during protocol. Lots of vegetables including vegie shakes. Supplements included magnesium (topical spray), selenium, iodide/iodine, potassium, co q-10, turmeric, cats claw etc. My PSA results came back yesterday. It jumped 2 1/2 points since the last test 3 months ago. I feel like all I did was feed the cancer. I’m afraid to try it again. Can you offer any suggestions? Thanks, Dave

      • truthpills said

        Couple of things… First, your conclusion is not scientific. Regardless of the type of protocol you use, three weeks of protocol with comparisons of 3 month-span tests do not prove anything. Your PSA might have jumped many points for the first 2 months and the protocol might have move it back down to the 2 1/2 pts on your last PSA test. You need to do a PSA test before the protocol and PSA test at the end of the protocol. Then you can compare the two tests iff you keep as much of your diet and treatments the same. Second, PSA tests are not perfect and small movements of PSA do not necessary mean changes to the tumor/cancer. You need to continue monitoring your PSA levels. Third, you need to move lymph. This will detox your body by moving waste (toxin, acid, and etc.) out of your body. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ki8KnMP4IlA

      • believe it or not Arm and Hammer is aluminum free!

    • D Porter said


    • J C Sysk said

      Maple syrup and bicarbonate of soda cold mix. You cant burn it if you don’t heat it.
      Mix the soda with enough water so there are no lumps. add it to the syrup and stir well.
      Add one ounce of apple cider vinegar for each six ounces of syrup. Stir well (Use a big pot or the foam will run over) It will not separate.

  2. truthpills said

    It’s maple syrup and baking soda. There’s no known long term affects on using small amount of baking soda and maple syrup. I found it very hard to maintain normal pH without this recipe. I consume two teaspoon several times a week and check my pH.

    If your pH level is too high (8.2+), it might affect your digestion over time. The high pH will affect your stomach acid. So, avoid taking it with your meal. People who have heartburns and digestion problems actually have too low stomach acid, so taking pharma drugs to lower stomach acid will make the situation much worse over time. This has happened to me. After taking probiotics daily for about 6 months had really helped with my severe heartburn. Now, I sleep well every night instead of walking up with a severe heartburn at 3am (every night)!

    • Paola said

      A friend of mine told me about the baking soda with lime, now I have found this article and wanted to know more, I have no cancer, but would like to feel healthier, just had a very bad electric shock and feeling low still after 4 weeks….what would be the aproach for me? Also what would happen if my ph was ok? would I increase itby having baking soda? Thank you so much for your time!

    • Don Porter said


      Medical PROOF that Baking Soda Kills cancer cells, & a copy of the DJP Protocol for Baking Soda & molasses or maple syrup A really good article that incl Dr, Simoncini

  3. beth yates said

    will the maple syrup & soda keep my ph where it should be even if i eat a diet
    that is more acid i am trying to gain some wait. so i need more foods that are acid, like meat & whole wheat pasta. and
    potatoes, foods like that.
    thank you beth

  4. truthpills said

    Soda has an extremely low pH see Soda pH. Every pH higher or lower is a factor of 10, e.g. If you drink Pepsi at 2.49 pH, that’s almost 4 zeros or 10,000 times are acidic (and causes cancer) than pure water. In order to neutralize the soda, probably alkaline water at pH 11. If you drink diet soda, it will contain either aspartame or sucralose and both was very poisonous. In the long term, people will develop cancer and most likely brain cancer. Sugar is not good for you but high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, and sucralose are far worse for you.

    I cut out soda and enjoy some slightly acidic foods along with my maple syrup bicarbonate. Once a while I’ll have an 8 oz soda especially when I don’t have a choice (Unfiltered or unpurified tap water is gross.)

  5. beth yates said

    my question was about foods more acid, because i need to gain weight i need foods that have more calories like meat & pasta. i never drink soda of any kind.
    i want to know if the maple syrup & baking soda, is ok if i eat a diet more acid will it keep my body at the right ph. healthy enough to keep my immune system strong so i will be able to fight sickness. since started eating a more alkaline diet, i have not been sick.
    thank you beth

    • truthpills said

      Maple syrup & baking soda is a very easy way and cheap way to increase your pH especially when you eat acidic foods. The amount of maple syrup bicarbonate you take is up to you. Check your pH level with some inexpensive pH testing strip/tape. For optimal health, your body should be around 7.3. If you have parasites or cancer to eliminate, you will need to increase it.

      I personally like to eat pasta and meat so the maple syrup bicarbonate is a good way to balance my pH. The amount of food (calories) I eat determines my weight. I can eat a lot of food for several weeks, I can gain 15-20 pounds. Some times I do one-meal-fast (per day) over a few weeks and I can drop 15-20 pounds easily.

  6. Don Porter said

    Curing Cancer with Baking Soda: What MD’s & Naturopaths Don’t Know
    by Gregory Delaney
    Dr. Tullio Simoncini
    Baking Soda Treatment to Stop Cancer
    Most of us are going to be surprised to find out that there is an oncologist in Rome Italy, Dr. Tullio Simoncini, destroying cancer tumors with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) [1]. Sodium bicarbonate is safe, extremely inexpensive and unstoppably effective when it comes to cancer tissues. It’s an irresistible chemical, cyanide to cancer cells for it hits the cancer cells with a shock wave of alkalinity, which allows much more oxygen into the cancer cells than they can tolerate. Cancer cells cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen. Sodium bicarbonate is, for all intent and purposes, an instant killer of tumors. Full treatment takes only days, as does another cancer treatment that heats the cancer cells with laser generated heat. (At bottom see combining ph shift with heat.)
    The extracellular (interstitial) pH (pHe) of solid tumours is significantly more acidic compared to normal tissues [2].
    Case one: A patient diagnosed with pulmonary neoplasm of the lung, underwent treatment with sodium bicarbonate, before submitting to surgery to remove part of the lung. Treatment consisted of sodium bicarbonate administered orally, by aerosol, and IV. After first treatment reduction of nodules and absorption was evident, and after 8 months was no longer visible at all. Treatments also reduced size of the liver and results were confirmed by both X-ray and CAT scan.

    Dr. Jim Howenstine had to move to Costa Rica due to threats harassment from AMA & Drug cos.

    Cancer Tutor


    Jim Kelmun – a 75 year old former truck driver, has been preparing remedies to assist cancer sufferers since 1954. He has treated 200 terminal cancer sufferers, and claims that 185 of them lived for at least a further 15 years. Oddly, Jim has been threatened with jail by authorities unless he stops administering his remedy – as he has no medical degree !
    The Remedy – Maple Syrup and Baking Powder (Bicarbonate of soda)

    Google searches for Cesium chloride & baking soda maple syrup are helpful

    vernon@phkillscancer Anyway…if you need help or have questions email me. The Website is:

    Vito wiped out his measticised prostate cancer in 6 seperate scans – in weeks SHOCKING the idiots – I mean drs.

    Good work !!

    Don Porter

    I am now on baking soda black strap molasses protocol

    • How do I make the black strap/baking soda recipe, 3 to 1? Is it as effective (and perhaps more nutritious than the b grade maple syrup?



      • Don Porter said

        Good question: I am not an expert. The numerous info I have read recently indicates that a 120 degree -5 min.heating/stiring is important to efficiently combine the Baking Soda & the mple syrup or molasses. I would suggest that ORGANIC is important & either makes little difference.
        THE KEY is that Cancer cells REQUIRE/demand sugar SO they want the maple syrup or molasses, on a survival mode ! We do have a sort of Trojan Horse then. In comes the maple syrup/molasses & ALSO the deadly Baking Soda. Up goes pH – deadly to cancer cells.
        Quite simple & apparently growingly known cure.
        I will have more to ad soon after series of tests etc.

        MUCH LUCK & SUCESS !!
        Don Porter

      • truthpills said

        I have never used black strap molasses with baking soda. The quality of material is very important. Try getting organic and use Bob’s Red Mill Baking Soda (no aluminium)!

        Black strap molasses is more nutritious than maple syrup.

        You can read more about the black strap molasses and baking soda mixture from:

        Here’s a snippet of a testimony from the web site:

        I am sure many people are interested to know what proportions of baking soda I used with the molasses. I started out with 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 1 teaspoon of blackstrap molasses and one cup of water. Not warmed or heated water. Just room temperature. Next day – same thing. Third day – same thing. Fourth day – same thing. I am feeling fine and decide to up the dose.

        Day six – still 2 teaspoons of baking soda with 2 teaspoons of molasses and 1 cup of water twice a day.

        On day seven I got aggressive and increased the baking soda dosage to 3 teaspoons. This brought on a slight headachy feeling. I backed off to 2 teaspoons baking soda because I was getting a little nervous. Also, my headache was getting stronger. I vacillated between continuing with the higher dose or not. I really wanted to kill it. But I went with my feeling and reduced it.

        Hope this helps!

  7. I made the trojan horse recipe w/ black strap molasses. The portion keeps growning out of the container as the baking soda causes expansion. This combination makes kind of a mousse type consistencey. Is this normal and will it still have its full effect in the cells of the body? Also, can I leave it on the counter for a few days, just as I could the maple syrup recipe?



  8. Tamara said

    I used the three to one mixture of maple syrup and baking soda and heated it for five minutes. It really hardened on the spoon and I was not able to eat it. what did I do wrong? I couldn’t eat it when it was soft because it was too hot.

    • truthpills said

      Did you use low heat? I add the mixture and put in very low heat for five minutes. When it’s heating up, I slowly stir the mixture for 5 minutes. At about 4 minutes, the color of the mixture will change. On a fresh batch, it should be somewhat thicker than the maple syrup (like cold motor oil consistency). Wait another 5 – 10 minutes for it to cool. Before eating it, stir it well. I make small batches every 4 days or so. Once I take 3-4 teaspoons, I cover the small pot for the next day. On the next day, I heat up the small pot for 10 seconds or less on low heat. Stir, serve, cover to the following day. If I heat the mixture with high heat, it will harden.

  9. Wendy said

    How do I keep the molasses and Baking soda from reacting, “rising up? If I put the mixture in a jar after heating it, it out-grows the jar or could bust the lid off if closed.

    PPS Truthpills, that was a very thorough response, given above. Good explanation!

    • truthpills said

      Did you wait until it’s cooled? When it is hot or warm, they tend to create lots of gas. When cooled, it should be okay. I normally make it in a small sauce pan. When I am done, I just cover it with the lid. The next day, I warm it up from the same pan. I make fresh batches every 5 days.

    • goginski said

      yes, let it cool down for 15 min. or so before putting the lid on the jar. It is supposed to be a consistency of mousse or pudding it seems. Almost foamy light but a little thicker right after it’s heated. Then it gets like the syrup/molasses after cooled down. Mine is always like that.

  10. Karl said

    I am trying the maple/soda protocol. I have heated on low heat and stirred for 5-10 minutes. The color turns beige and the consistency is frothy. When allowed to cool the mixture seems to separate. The upper layer is slightly lighter than the original maple syrup and the lower layer is a lighter color. I mix them together and get the beige(light brown) color back. I can taste the baking soda and the texture is a little gritty. Are the bs and ms bound properly or completely? Did I follow procedure correctly? If not, what did I do wrong? what to correct it?

    • truthpills said

      It’s very hard to figure out what low heat means because gas/electric stove has difference settings but I think you are good. I normally heat and stirred for about 5 minutes. If I cook with higher heat and/or longer time, it gets thicker or even hardens. The mixture doesn’t taste great but it’s not bad. You can adjust the heat and or time to get the right taste, texture, and thickness to suit your taste buds.

      After five minutes, I think the sugar and baking soda should be bounded one way or another. I can’t prove it but I can keep my body pH consistently around 7.5-8. With maple syrup bicarbonate, sun (30 minutes per day) or vitamin D3, and vitamin c, and low sugar diet have really kept me from getting colds and flus for many years. No more pharma drugs and bioweapon vaccines needed as they will give people cancer decades down the road.

    • Dave said

      The same thing happened to me. After it cooled, it appeared the white baking soda settled on the bottom of the container. So the majority did not appear to combine. Next time I will experiment with cooking it slightly hotter.

      But this leads into a question I have about the whole process:

      I assume that the maple syrup and baking soda must enter the bloodstream combined together, i.e. get through the digestive tract intact.

      Does anyone have any literature or information about how this might be possible? Does it rely on the mixture being properly cooked/combined?

      I’ve found that details of this aspect of the remedy are lacking online, I can’t find anything about it.

      One site suggests, that the digestive system would split it into the two components when it enters the blood stream.

      So yes, I would appreciate more information about this.

      • truthpills said

        I have tried it with medium and high heat before. Too hot and it will harden. One thing to ponder on is that maple syrup is not all sugar. What’s the layer that’s on top? The question is how can you tell if the baking soda is completely bonded. If they are all bonded and still more sugar left, then you might try adding more baking soda. I’ve been told by several cancer patients that it has helped a lot. I was able to maintain a pH of 7-8 throughout most of the day. I noticed that my liver inflammation is well controlled. I need to get a blood test to check on my progress.

      • Calvin said

        I too would be interested to know how the maple syrup and baking soda passes through the digestive system into the bloodstream combined together intact. I thought that food is broken down primarily into glucose, amino acids and fatty acids before it passes into the bloodstream?

      • Gina said said

        I just found the info about maple syrup and baking soda a week ago. Rheumatoid arthritis is getting a grip on me and I couldn’t get rid of it.
        So I decided to give it a try with one teaspoon in the morning and night. Yes it does get frothy and will separate some later. Talk about detox, by the third day I was sick and I knew it was detoxing. After the first day of detox it isn’t so bad. But the great thing is that my arthritis seems to be gone. The sore joints are gone, just 3 days. I’m thinking I should just take a teaspoon a day for 3 weeks at a time. I have started using baking soda water. Thanks for this site.

  11. BettyJo said

    Is it mandatory to use Maple Syrup/Black Strap Molasses? Could one simply mix with water and drink the mixture? The reason I’m asking is this: This is the first time I have ever done this, but I read in a book regarding Sodium Bicarbonate being used to heal cancer and they mixed with water. I drank 1/2 tsp mixed with a ‘little’ water in a glass and drank about 1.5-2 hrs ago. I just checked my ph and it was same color as the #7 indicator. Like I said I am absolutely new at this and am asking questions and researching. My sister had cancer/hysterectomy about 1.5 yrs ago and am researching data for this purpose. I would like to be more specific before I share this information with her and suggest she follow.

    I would greatly apprecaite any input you may have.

    • truthpills said

      I don’t have the experience on this but I think it does not have the exact affect. While sodium bicarbonate does raise the pH and will very likely to kill cancer cells and germs because cancer cells and germs cannot live in a high pH environment. I think the rate of cancer reduction would be different. It takes longer time to convert all the anaerobic cells back to normal cells. Have you read Cancer: Step outside of the box by by Ty M. Bollinger? Get it at Amazon. It’s a great book whether you have cancer or not.

  12. Wendy said

    I know that higher PH would help blood sugars level. Have diabetics been able to use the molasses/baking soda mix, so long as they substitute out other dietary sugars?

    Wendy CellMogul.GlobalVerge.com “Air-made Water”

  13. wendy said

    Might those watch blood-sugar levels simply trade, or whatever they call it…..give up some other sugar increasing ingestable item and allow themselves to ingest the molasses baking soda mixture?


  14. julie said

    I have had success in getting my pH up to 8 by doing the following: I thoroughly mix 1 level teaspoon of baking soda and 3 teaspoons of honey in the bottom of a large coffee mug.
    I separately heat water in the microwave for about 3 minutes.. the water is really hot but not boiling. I pour the water over the b. soda/honey mixture and stir constantly to melt the mixture into the water and make a tea. Initially the “tea” is white, but I leave it sit for about 5 minutes and it becomes clearer. I drink it when it is cool enough to drink without burning my mouth. I drink this at least twice per day on an empty stomach; AM and PM. I think the AM drink is more effective because I have essentially done a fasting since my last meal the night before and during the night and whatever is desired to be killed inside the body is really “hungry” for the glucose/sugar. I also drink 1/8 teaspoon baking soda in a 16 ounce glass of water throughout the day, especially with my meals to counter the acidity of my meals. You need the increased water intake to flush out the toxins/die off debris out of the body. NOTE: I read that it is necessary to monitor/take potassium supplements when doing the baking soda/maple syrup/honey/blackstrap molasses recipe because the body’s potassium will become displaced in the body causing a potassium deficiency; reportedly one banana provides 500mg of potassium. Look up potassium deficiency symptoms to be aware of this possible occurrence. Take care. Be happy and healthy.

    • truthpills said

      I do not recommend heating or boiling water using a microwave. It has bad health side affects. I don’t use microwave to heat food. If anyone like to try Julie’s recipe, I would recommend heating the water in containers that do not involve with plastics or microwave.

    • Hi Julie,
      I think that it is great how we are supporting one another to keep safely away from the pharma solutions to our health. Could I please make just one note that could assist you with your overall health. Please get rid of your microwave. I lived in a house full of alternative wellness providers and we still had a microwave. I actually got it because it was also a convection oven and explained to the others that I didn’t want them to use the microwave feature. I could feel an energetic shift in me every time someone used it. To support these findings an article came out to educate the public about what happens to nutrients when heated with microwaves and what happens to our bodies when we are exposed to microwaves while cooking. The article was in Common Ground magazine sometime in /85. Our roommate Henry Dorst was among many other things a Kinesiologist and he did double-blind experiments with all of us. Our home was 4,000 sq feet so we had a lot of space to work with. The short of it was there was no distance or floor level in the house that could keep the microwaves from negativy affecting everyone. Our age range was 12yrs- 67 and about equal male to female. By muscle testing we all found that this microwave (top of the line as well) was causing negative effects in each person in a different way. Some tested for memory fog or confusion, some for muscular weakness and others felt an emotional component that seemed to be linked to the endocrine system resulting in depression or moodiness. The 12 year old and I let this box of technical convenience sit in the garage for a week or so and then we gutted the offender and made it into a breadbox. I must admit we did have fun watching unsuspecting visitors surprised at finding bread in the micro and after they’d removed and pushed the appropriate buttons it didn’t work. Ok so that’s my personal stand in a house we shared but this is my Mother’s story. When she lived alone like a lot of elderly they are heating up left over or tea and coffee all the darn time. Within a years time of this micro she began behaving oddly. When she had her autopsy done there was 1/10 of her brain missing in the frontal lobe. They called it a rare dementia. What they didn’t say is that people who stand in front of the microwave drumming their fingers on the counter top impatient for the bell to ring are exposing their wee brains to the waves. These waves scramble nutrient codings so that the body will do what it can to assemble digestion but in the end the milon sheathing on the nerves will fray and information both cognitive and internal will skip over the frays and loose information as it skips. Viola dementia or any other sign of memory loss in the elderly especially. Now doctors know this or they would not have stopped using microwaves to heat up infant formula in the hospitals. Babies were showing quick signs of malnutrition because milk is their only food. Imagine the elderly who limit their food variety over time. Same thing.
      So with love and concern for yours and everyone else’s health please use a pot to heat all things and kick that micro to the curb because if you believe that pharmas do not have your health improvement in mind neither do corporations that addict consumers to so many technologies that without a doubt damages our ability to have healthy immune responses and a body that will be disease free for a life time.

  15. Wong Yu Chung said

    Hi Dr Ng:

    Is it advisable for a person with hypertension to use baking soda for a cure?

    THANK YOU. Best rgds.

    Yu Chung

    • truthpills said

      Sorry, Dr Ng is not affiliated with this blog.

      With hypertension I would use Celtic sea salt and ditch toxic table salt, take L-Arginine and CoQ10, and do Liver and gallbladder stone flushes. There are many things people can do without taking prescription drugs. Increase nitric oxide production in the body is very important.

      • Lady said

        Your recommendation of celtic seal salt, L-Arginine, CoQ10 and liver flushes raise the body’s ph?

      • James said

        If you are going to recommend arginine then you should also be warning people that arginine triggers herpes viruses. This is why people use lysine as a treatment for herpes simplex or chicken pox/shingles. Lysine antagonizes arginine.

        This also applies to the amino acid citrulline, which forms in to arginine.

        There are much safer ways to lower blood pressure. What works best depends on the cause of the high blood pressure. Magnesium malate though will work in the majority of cases since it works like a natural calcium channel blocker. For the same reason it should not be taken with calcium. Ashwagandha is a natural ACE inhibitor and beta blocker. Sterols from jiaogulan relax blood vessels and the weak cardiac glycosides from coleus forskohlii will relax blood vessels while slowing and strengthening the heart muscle.

        In response to Lady’s question, you cannot alter the body’s pH easily. The body maintains very tight control over its pH since excess acidity or alkalinity can be lethal. My friend and I just did a video on the pH myth:

        And my blog articles on the subject:

        Top 5 Worst Internet Health Information Sites: Curezone.org Part 2: Alkaline/Acid Support Forum Part 1

        Top 5 Worst Internet Health Information Sites: Curezone.org Part 2: Alkaline/Acid Support Forum Part 2

  16. Wendy Kraft said

    When I made the recipe as suggested-3-parts (molasses) to 1-part Baking soda, I was very hungry all day, each day I took it. I was not prepared for this. This would be fine if I had made a truck load of salad. well, not really, for I would not have planned time for so much chewing!

    Now I make the recipe with 2 cups unsulfured molasses to 1/3 cup no aluminum baking soda. I am cooking it on low even longer than I was before to be sure it is “smooth as, well…molasses”. I am not certain how effective it is at a annihilating unhealthy cells this would be, but my husband does like it better.
    Perhaps after we adjust to this taste, I can up the soda incrementally without notice. (Kids these days:-)!

    Thank you for sharing this life-giving recipe with us!

  17. Carol said

    I am interested in maintaining contact with people who are using such alternative remedies in treating cancer.

  18. susan nash said

    Hi, I have used the protocol and I believe it is working, although I do have very bad days, but what I did not know was that you should continue taking it in small doses. I mixed the baking soda and molasses every time I took it, I put it in warm water, stirred vigorously and swallowed, sometimes it would make me gag, am I doing it correctly? I took it for 13 days, then as I was told, I quit but kept up on the diet and supplements. Any advice from anyone out there, right now I am a little lost. Susan

  19. I am now using 1 1/3 cup molasses to 1/3 cup baking soda.

    This brings my recipe closer to the ratio suggested (3 to 1). The original recipe is 3 parts black strap (non Sulfured) molasses to 1 part non-aluminum baking soda.

    I now stand at the stove without even going for a glass of water. I stir this mixture constantly. I use the lowest heat possible. It rises and lowers repeatedly. Finally, it settles down. I do not take it off the burner until it passes the “no more gritty feeling” when I squish a bit between two fingers, or taste a tad. Beware! This mixture holds heat, so I take very small tastes.

    I am also enjoying a banana a day to keep my potassium level up thereby compensating for the sodium the baking soda adds to my diet.

    Have fun feeling better!

  20. SHELLY SAID said

    I can not gan wt. Veery new to this please help

  21. Theo said

    Please can someone confirm that the Maple syrup and bicarb of soda will not seperate in the digestive system leaving pure natural organic maple syrup for the cancer cells to eat while the bicarb is left in the intestines?? Please advise with a refrence or website or something clinical as I am trying to convince my homeopath. Thanks

  22. I am seeing results similar to what one of this nations top doctor’s says happens in the body when Growth Hormone is naturally and safely released. This man does very thorough research and is quite driven to show us how to reign in health.

    Just a few days ago, I switch the time I take the molasses and baking soda.
    I did not know it at the time, but the time of day I chose was, according to him,one of the times of day that the most growth hormone is naturally released. At the time of this switch is when I began seeing the most dramatic results on a daily basis, all in line with results Dr Buttar is seeing with the natural growth hormone release. Hmmm.

    [He lives only three hours from me and I have met him. I look forward to speaking with him directly about this myself. However, today is the last day of a big literary push for him. He is pushing his new book, “The 9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away” to the Best Seller List so he will be in a certain class, able to take on the drug pushers in a full-force challenge on the top media channels. So, I thought I would put it out here for feedback.]

    This guy’ s work is amazing. I have seen on video autistic children, “walking out of autism” on film. I cannot wait to share the results I am seeing with him and to share this approach with him. Until then, Does anyone else see a possible correlation between baking soda/ molasses or maple syrup/ alkalization and the very natural release of growth hormone?

  23. Wendy Kraft said

    I am now up to the full ratio of 1 cup molasses to 1/3 cup baking soda. I like now. I have absolutely no problem with the flavor. This could be because I have learned to be a good girl and stand at the stove with no distractions. I stir it constantly, without stop. I stir it until the reaction ceases and then just a moment more. I have the burner on low. This process takes about 12-15 minutes.

    My favorite time to take it is right before bed. The first night, it kept me up a bit as my mind was quite active, regardless of the fact that I was fall-over sleepy right before taking it. However, I slept more deeply and with more REM sleep than I had in a long time…and I thought my sleep pattern was pretty good already!

    I awake ready to go. The groggy, “Just let me be alone for an hour” feeling is gone. (My husband likes this)! Actually, I awake as if I had never gone to sleep. I guess that is what they call, “Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.”

    I started taking it at bedtime to avoid the starvation feeling I had when I was taking it full-strength before. I figured I could not eat myself out of house and home in my sleep. I think I am right, but we found a bite taken out of the refrigerator door this morning!

    In reality, this hunger feeling (desire for more protein), the deeper sleep, the no more soreness after even the most extreme exercise, and the more youthful appearance coming on are all similar to results one doctor has seen with those that have incurred a natural increase in endogenous Human Growth Hormone (hGH your own body creates), while consistently decreasing IGF levels.

    As a matter of fact, according to this doctor, there are four times a day when the body releases more hGH. Bedtime is the second best time I believe. I am loving the added results I am seeing by switching to bedtime (and 7:30Am).

    Could there be a correlation between the results I am seeing with the Molasses/baking soda protocol and the results Dr. Buttar is seeing in his patients?

  24. Betty said

    I have a question regarding what type of cookware/utensils can be used in preperation of SB and Black Strap Molasses. Also, which is best to use; Black Strap Molasses or Maple Syrup?

  25. Wendy Kraft said

    Arm & Hammer says (Icalled them) that their baking soda is aluminum free. The scuttlebut on the net is thatall baking soda is aluminum free, while not all baking powder is. I can find Arm & Hammer. I have not yet found Bob’s Red Mill, so I thought I should send this note out to double check.
    Thank you for your input!

    • James said

      That is true, all baking soda is aluminum free. Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate, thus there are no aluminum atoms. Some baking powders, which is what people are confusing with baking soda does contain aluminum. Regardless the whole aluminum danger thing is way over hyped. The supposed link between aluminum and Alzheimer’s was disproven decades ago. And many people don’t realize that since aluminum is so prevalent in the Earth’s crust that nearly every plant we consume contains aluminum. Since animals also eat these same plants the animals we eat also contain aluminum. If aluminum was as toxic as some claim then the whole population of the Earth would have been in serious trouble since the time humans first set foot on Earth.

  26. Don said

    Good Morning:
    Your cancer is curable !
    There are a few “ifs” that you must commit to. I suggest that you share this email & further info with your family.
    If you follow, what you read in the books that I STRONGLY urge you to buy ASAP, & carefully read my instructions you will accomplish the same results that I, & others, have !!!
    Also do the Baking soda Maple syrup Protocol soon.
    I AM Strongly AGAINST Chemo & Radiation & I did not do them !
    • The cause of the cancer is your diet – so you must correct the cancer cause – your diet.
    • Raising a persons pH kills cancer cells – so the baking soda maple syrup protocol raises your pH.
    Buy the following books – used or new. Used on the internet by doing a search or I will further assist you.
    • “Confessions of a Kamikaze Cowboy” by Dirk Benedict of the A-Team, Battlestar Galactica, Charlie’s Angels etc. This is an old story but Face (Faceman) and Lieutenant Starbuck cured his cancer with a plant based diet. They are fictional characters on The A-Team and Battlestar Galactica (1978). But both were played by Dirk Benedict who cured his cancer with a plant based diet that included seaweed. Wikipedia says “Benedict was diagnosed with prostate cancer and was told that the cure would be castration.” That was in 1975 since that is when he wrote his book about it called Confessions of a Kamikaze Cowboy. He is 67 now & touring the world – speaking on eating properly. Also on a cruise ship 2-2011
    • “Recalled by Life” Anthony J. Sattilaro, M.D., was president of Methodist Hospital in Philadelphia when he was diagnosed with severe prostate cancer that had spread to his ribs, bones, brain, right shoulder, & testicles. He was operated on & given the usual AMA poisons, including 3 operations in 3 weeks. He became perhaps the most famous advocate for the use of a Plant Based Diet against cancer. In his best-selling book “Recalled by Life”, he told how he adopted a low-fat, Macrobiotic diet and far outlived the grave prognosis he had been given. The diet he followed is called “Macrobiotic” which is drawn from the best elements of a traditional Asian diet, including generous amounts of rice, whole grains, vegetables, beans, & nuts, . NO –oil, sugar, flour, fish, fruit, & all organic food only. Our immune systems are overwhelmed by the preservatives (poisons), pesticides, growth hormones, etc. overly used to extend shelf life & to reduce costs of our foods.
    • The China Study
    • Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease by Caldwell B. Esselstyn, JR. M.D. A VERY IMPORTANT BOOK. – A MUST READ
    • See & watch “Food Inc”.

    The following is a “legal” excerpt from a presentation that I gave recently:

    Anyone with cancer, can survive- IF they go on a quality PLANT BASED DIET with Organic foods – exercise – filtered water – deep breathing – green teas – protein from beans, tofu, tempeh, basically my diet, & Dirk Benedicts, Michoi Kushi’s, VV & MANY others.
    KF Question- A person who has been eating poorly his whole life; is there still hope that a dietary change can make a big difference? Or is everything already in motion?
    Answer: China Study -T. Colin Campbell – Yes, a variety of evidence shows that cancers & non-cancers alike can be stopped even after consuming a poor diet earlier in life. This effect is equivalent to treatment, a very exciting concept.
    KF: This is sounding like it’s a cure for cancer; is that the case?
    Dr. T. Colin Campbell- YES The problem in this area of medicine is that traditional drs. are so focused on the use of targeted therapies (chemo, surgery, radiation, drugs) that they refuse to even acknowledge the use of therapies like nutrition & are loathe to even want to do proper research in this area. So, in spite of the considerable evidence-theoretical & practical-to support a beneficial nutritional effect, every effort will be made to discredit it. It’s a self-serving motive.
    KF: What else do you recommend one does to avoid, stop, or reverse cancer?
    TCC: A good diet, when coupled with other health promoting activities like exercise, adequate fresh air & sunlight, good water & sleep, will be more beneficial. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

    Dr. Caldwell B. Esselysten, Jr. author of Prevent & Reverse HeartDisease
    With a Plant based diet Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn of the Cleveland Clinic STATES – Diet prevents stroke & heart attacks also Obesity, Hypertension, adult diabetes, common cancers-breast female, prostate men, colon both + other diseases spin off benefits are extremely sound
    I would like to read a couple of Specific quotes!
    Exact Quotes:
    When people learn to eat a plant based diet they can eliminate heart disease & cancer it could inaugurate a seismic revolution in our health. Other diseases that can be resolved with a plant based diet include: obesity, hypertension, stroke, heart attacks, gall stones, diverticulitis, asthma, osteoporosis, allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, lupus, & a marked decrease in the common western cancers of breast, prostate, colon, endometrial, ovarian, & pancreatic

    So says Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, who was a researcher & clinician at the Cleveland Clinic for over 35 years. In 1991, Dr. Esselstyn served as the president of the American Association of Endocrine Surgeons, & organized the 1st National Conference on the Elimination & Prevention of Heart Disease. In 2005, he became the 1st recipient of the Benjamin Spock Award for Compassion in Medicine. Dr. Esselstyn is also an Olympic gold medalist in rowing, & he was awarded the Bronze Star as an army surgeon in Vietnam. In this series of interviews I’ve conducted with extraordinary nutritional researchers & medical doctors, I’ve sought to understand the link between diet & the most common & dreaded diseases that are prevalent in our culture. What I’m hearing over & over is that a plant based diet is both preventative & healing, whereas a diet high in animal protein is destructive to our health – this is the case with cancer, type 2 diabetes, & heart disease

    What I, Don Porter, am about to say is EXTRAORDINARY, REVOLUTIONARY & to me UTTERLY ASTOUNDING It is also accurate & legally proper, based upon my supporting data/documents & statements by significant others. This requires cooperation, support & a commitment to undertake significant change to achieve success in your health, wellness & quality of life. If you are willing to undertake these very DIFFERENT protocols in your diet, YOU can eliminate the following: obesity, hypertension, stroke, heart attacks, gall stones, diverticulitis, asthma, osteoporosis, allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, lupus, & a marked decrease in the common western cancers of breast, prostate, colon, endometrial, ovarian, & pancreatic
    Curing most forms of cancer is possible now. All the “many specifics, how to’s, methodologies,” etc. are available with a Plant Based Diet Protocol, & pH increase.

    I would like to make the point that the only thing that you are being sold is the recognition of the real methods of creating vibrant health & wellness through proper nutrition. All that is required is YOUR WILLINGNESS to understand-honor & respect your miraculous Immune System ! Thank you

  27. Wendy said

    I have decided to repost a recent post I made and I am adding a bit to it here. I am doing this for continuity sake.

    I had trouble with the recipe at first. I had forgotten a detail or too. Also, I needed to adjust to the taste, once I had the recipe right. Had I done things right from the start, I would already have been off the recipe for a while now, then back on, off etc. I would have carried this pattern on so that my body could clear out the recipe and be ready for more without making any kind of imbalance, unrenowned to me.

    However, that is not how things worked out. I am still getting fantastic results, but I need to clear something out before I stop for a bit. I will eat a banana today, apricots tomorrow, sunflower seeds and raisins the next day to keep my potassium level up in spite of the sodium intake I am incurring with the baking soda.

    I do not mix with water. I just keep the 1 part baking soda and 3 parts molasses mixture in the fridge in a wide, small jar. I take it out 3 times daily. I dip a dessert fork into it and twirl the tip of the fork in the mixture. I take the fork out, twirling it like while eating spaghetti. I eat this in one “bite” but I let it sit in my mouth for a few seconds before swallowing. I do this because digestion of sugars begins in the mouth. For me, this is the most simple, doable method. I have no excuses like, “I don’t have time to mix it with water or time to drink something. It could also go in a little cooler if I were to head out for the day as most folks do.

    I have also left the mixture out, on top of the fridge. However, when I did this, the baking soda sunk to the bottom, especially in the summer. As well, it more easily dripped on my shirt!

    At two times a day, I was feeling good and seeing great results that I will not enumerate here. At 3 times a day, I still felt good, but was getting heat surges, sort of similar to heat flashes. I was also “Starving all day”. For which I was not prepared, organic grocery-wise. So, I backed down to two times daily.

    As of this last week, I am now seeing all the benefits I know of when our own endogenous growth hormones are naturally released. Hmmm, could there be a correlation?

    Here is where I will place my past posts:

    2. I am now up to the full ratio of 1 cup molasses to 1/3 cup baking soda. I like it now. I have absolutely no problem with the flavor. This could be because I have learned to be a good girl and stand at the stove with no distractions. I stir it constantly, without stop. I stir it until the reaction ceases and then just a moment more. I have the burner on low. This process takes about 5-10 minutes.
    My favorite time to take it is right before bed. The first night, it kept me up a bit as my mind was quite active, regardless of the fact that I was fall-over sleepy right before taking it. However, I slept more deeply and with more REM sleep than I had in a long time…and I thought my sleep pattern was pretty good already!
    I awake ready to go. The groggy, “Just let me be alone for an hour” feeling is gone. (My husband likes this as I am much better company now than before)! Actually, I awake as if I had never gone to sleep. I guess that is what they call, “Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.”
    I started taking it at bedtime to avoid the starvation feeling I had when I was taking it full-strength before. I figured I could not eat myself out of house and home in my sleep. I think I am right, but we found a bite taken out of the refrigerator door this morning!
    In reality, this hunger feeling (desire for more protein), the deeper sleep, the no more soreness after even the most extreme exercise, and the more youthful appearance coming on are all similar to results one doctor has seen with those that have incurred a natural increase in endogenous Human Growth Hormone (hGH your own body creates), while consistently decreasing IGF levels.
    As a matter of fact, according to this doctor, there are four times a day when the body releases more hGH: 7:30AM, after lunchtime, Bedtime and one other time that I have forgotten.
    Could there be a correlation between the results I am seeing with the Molasses/baking soda protocol and the results this doctor is seeing in his patients?
    1. I am seeing results similar to what one of this nations top doctor’s says happens in the body when Growth Hormone is naturally and safely released. This man does very thorough research and is quite driven to show us how to reign in health.
    Just a few days ago, I switched the time I take the molasses and baking soda.
    I did not know it at the time, but the time of day I chose was, according to him,one of the times of day that the most growth hormone is naturally released. At the time of this switch is when I began seeing the most dramatic results on a daily basis, all in line with results he is seeing with the natural growth hormone release. Hmmm.
    [He lives only three hours from me and I have met him. I look forward to speaking with him directly about this myself. This guy’ s work is amazing. I have seen on video autistic children, “walking out of autism” on film. I cannot wait to share the results I am seeing with him and to share this approach with him.

    • Thomas R said

      During slumber, carbo-hydrates are not fully digested by middle-aged people, who do not have enough of the “amylase” Enzyme
      (–Dr. Brenda Watson, CNC = Clinical Nutritionist, Certified [?] on PBS-TV, author of “The Detox Strategy,” etc.).

      This is a Chemo-Therapy because it causes normal Cells’ Mitochondria to lose Energy. _ Cells die via a Gene (“P-53”) if you have enough Vitamin B-9 = Folic Acid (–Dr. Michael Roizen on PBS), & intra-venous Ascorbic Acid has repressed Cancer — references @ Note # 109.

  28. Diane said

    I have candidiasis and I took this formula for the first time last night–(went to a LOT of trouble finding the Bob’s Red Mill bs). I had vicious heartburn or maybe it was indigestion all night and this morning. Don’t know what to do now. I’m on a budget so cannot run out and buy enzymes or anything else for that matter–not til next month. So don’t know if I should discontinue it or try something else or simply put up with the awful stomach thing. Anyone have any ideas?

    • Henry said

      Apple cider vinegar (unpasteurized & unfiltered) is good for remedying heartburn and indigestion. For near-instant relief, I recommend swallowing some and having a glass of water on the ready to wash it down (it’s strong stuff), although some prefer to have it diluted in the water.

      I don’t know how apple cider vinegar would affect the baking soda/maple syrup mixture, though, so am not sure if taking them right on top of each other is a good idea.

      • anoymous said

        That is the last thing you want to do – the point of doing BSM mixture is to keep your body alkaline and if you use vinegar you will turn acid.

    • You are obviously not drinking enough water to help your body flush through the toxins you are releasing…. It is important to also drink quite a lot of water while doing the maple/bicarb mix….

    • Thomas R said

      Salt or Betane hydro-chloride (which is derived from Sugar Beets) will furnish hydro-chloric acid. _ Otherwise, another acid, e..g., volatile lactic acid, will be released to dissolve the Food.

      You should not eat Food form-aldehyde –> blindness, as in skinny Moonshiners.

      More suggestions @ Note # 109.

    • Mirjan said

      I’ve been mixing about 1/4-1/2 tsp baking soda with about 1/2 cup of filtered water to rid my heartburn. It works fast and to think of all the crappy tums I ate while pregnant before I tried this. You’ll probably burp a lot but I felt it relieving. I was thinking of making the bs and maple syrup mixture to help my other digestive issues and possible candida hopefully I won’t get heartburn from it.

  29. Don Porter said

    Hi: Well April 2007 is almost 4 years ago.
    I was & still am (somewhat – I eat out a lot now)on a Plant Based (organic) diet. Still playing tennis, walking & living well. It truly disgust me when I see all the deaths from Caner & heart issues when MOST are done by the revenue driven medical system. See Dr. Esselstyn & A strict Plant Based Diet for cancer & heart issues.


      My husband is presently taking experimental chemo for a terminal stage 4 pancreatic cancer, with a very short life expectancy. Our son just found out about the maple syrup/baking soda protocol and of course we are very excited about it. Could you please tell us, by your oun experience if he should dicontinue the chemo now and try this protocol along with the Plant Based Diet? We hope that you could tell us a little bit more of your personal experience, if at all possible. He just retired a year ago, we had lots of proyects… and a month later he was diagnosed.
      I don’t have the time to be in the computer a lot because I’m constantly taking care of him, but I do check my e-mails, so I would really appreciate if you could send your reply directly to susana4445@yahoo.com.
      We thank you in advance for your reply.

      • Don Porter said

        DJP Protocol – This has worked for me since 2009, after following a modified Kushi/V.Varona “Plant Based Diet” – NO Cancer !
        I am not providing medical advice, simply “revealing my experiences & protocol”, resulting in a removal of all cancer & no discomfort, etc. “NO” Chemo, Radiation, Minimum Drugs
        3+ years work refined to – 2 pages
        Here is my Protocol – Avoid any forms of sugar for a month+ then Initiate as follows:
        • 1st day- 1 Teaspoon of BS soda with 2 Teaspoons of Black Strap molasses (“BSM”) & 1 cup room temp water 2x day (away from meals). Heat @ “LOW” temp in pan for 5 min. & STIR a lot to fully combine your sugar & BSM into “YOUR Trojan Horse” to benefit your body -immune system. The molasses/maple syrup targets cancer cells (which consume 15X more glucose than normal cells) & the baking soda, (which is dragged into the cancer cell by the maple syrup/BSM), being very alkaline, forces a rapid shift in pH thereby killing the cancer cells quickly in hrs).
        • 2nd day – repeat, also Do Deep breathing (30x – 3-10x day or more). OXYGEN KILLS cancer cells
        • 3rd day – same Cancer cells gobble up sugar so when you use sugar it’s like sending in “your own Trojan horse”. The sugar is “not” going to encourage the growth of the cancer colonies as the alkaline baking soda (14pH) is going to kill the cells before they have a chance to grow.
        • 4th day – same 2X day goal get to 8.0 – 8.5 pH & hold 4-5 days & cancer cells dormant
        • at pH 7.5+ & kills cancer cells @ 7.8-8.5. My pH was 8.3 on 3rd day with a blood & urine test.
        • 5th day – started taking the solution – 2 tspns BS & 2 Tsps BSM 2X day
        • 6th day– repeat 2 Tspns BS & 2 Tspn of BSM & 1 cup of water 2x a day. My pH measured 8.25. That is what happens with cesium chloride/BS done by Italian Dr. Simoncini, mild nausea is good as it means the dead cancer cells are being discarded by your body.
        • 7th – All ok – lips tingled- an Oxygen Euphoria from a lot deep breathing. Oxygen assists in killing bone/ALL cancer! Also on day 7, increased BS to 3 Tspns. & got a slight headache, backed off to 2 Tspns BS- I was a bit uncomfortable/nervous & had a slight headache, so I reduced it. I had slight confusion. Do 30+ DEEP breaths several times per day – VERY IMPORTANT !
        • 8th day – double dose 3x a day to get pH high- could some be health issues with too much BS Potassium (200+mg intake is IMPORTANT). FILTERED water !! Exercise also.
        • 9th day – A little diarrhea, a little weak feeling, really began to up my potassium intake. All experts said that high dosage of potassium (also with cesium chloride) is very important. Oxygenation euphoria all day from deep breathing. Ok KILLING cancer cells more important !
        • 10th day – Headache more persistent, body sweats SO- I cut back to a solution 2x a day; not 3x.
        • 11th day – down to 1.5 Tspns to control headache, bit of loose stools, slight headache & night sweats. I cut back felt overloaded- 8.35 goal achieved & I wanted to maintain pH 8.0+ for 4-5 days.
        • NOTE: Key Points: Take BS solution 2 hrs before or 2 hrs after eating, to give stomach acids time to digest food. Eat HIGH potassium organic foods, SUPPLEMENTS, vitamins, minerals, & herbs as recommended for Cesium Therapy by others with noted successes.
        • Watch blood pressure- take Potassium. IMPORTANT

        Coral Calcium 3000 mg
        Vit. D3 10,000 iu’s, Astralagus
        CoQ10-200 mg, Tumeric
        Maitake d-fraction

        Potassium 200 mg,
        Milk Thistle 1000 mg

        Aloe Liq. & Caps
        Sun Chlorella
        • Seek to maintain Organic Diet – Eat ALL organic food to let your Immune System rebuild from preservatives & MANY harmful chemicals etc, in packaged foods! Eat brown rice, oats, beans & lots of GREEN veggies & some fruits – easy.
        • Lots of room temp filtered water & Green teas- Kukicha, Bancha, Dandelion Root & Pu-erh.
        • Healthy foods to eat are vegetables, fruits, nuts & seeds, beans, lean meats, quality fish.

        Human blood pH should be slightly alkaline (7.35 – 7.45). A pH of 7.0 is neutral. A pH below 7.0 is acidic. A pH above 7.0 is alkaline. Easy/NO- Eating Most acidic foods– Beer/Wine/Liquor, Drugs, Dairy/Butter, Sugars, Sodas, Table Salt, Pork/Bacon/Poultry/Beef, easy on fish & related, clams-muscles-lobster, etc. Be good to your immune system – It WILL be good to you with – ORGANIC Food !
        No or minimum, designed-chemically created-taste enhanced-preservatives laced, addictive packaged foods
        Baking Soda –Molasses also done with success by others: ( OOD maple syrup can be used instead of BSM)
        • Jim Kelmun 75, (truck driver), treated 200+ terminal cancer sufferers, 185 lived @ least 15 years. Jim has been threatened with jail by authorities unless he stops administering his remedy – as he has no medical degree! Jim’s Remedy – Maple Syrup & BS (Bicarbonate of soda). Mix 1 part BS to 1-3 parts syrup. Heat LOW HEAT, stir rigorously in a pan for 5 min.
        • Take 2 tspns of mix per day 1st week, 1 tspn per day for 2 weeks. Stop Remedy after 3 weeks
        A Few Related “GOOD”Internet Searches & Authors to read of 100,000+ researched:

        • Italian “Dr. Simoncini”
        • Dr. Caldwell B Esselstyn, Jr, Heart
        • Cesium Chloride, China Study-T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D
        • Jim Kelmun, Dirk Benedict
        • Forks over Knives –Heart Issues
        • Dr. Jim Howenstine, M.D.

        • Vernon (Vito) Joshtini http://phkillscancer.com/vernons_dance_with_cancer
        • Gregory Delaney, Cancer Tutor
        • Acid Alkaline Foods,, Michio Kushi
        • Verne Varona, Denny Waxman
        • Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer
        • The pH Miracle – R. Young

        September 25, 2010 -Wolf Blitzer’s Interview with Bill Clinton’s Diet Guru’s, Drs. Caldwell Esselstyn & Dean Ornish – What the Interview Didn’t Have Time to Explain about How to Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease with a Plant-Based Diet

        President Bill Clinton is on a plant-based diet from Dr. Esselstyn & Dr. Ornish
        Wolf Blitzer Interviews Esselstyn & Ornish – the Doctors Who Influenced Bill Clinton’s Heart Disease Reversal Diet- Sept. 24, 2010
        Yesterday my husband &I had the pleasure of watching Drs. Esselstyn & Ornish explain on national TV just how a Plant-based diet can prevent or reverse heart disease. Only, 9 minutes can’t do it justice. So here’s the rest of the story. As we watched, we enjoyed an amazing homemade whole wheat cheese-less pizza topped with kalamata olives, fresh basil, roasted red peppers, sun-dried tomatoes, & artichoke hearts–that took just minutes to put together!
        Sept. 2004: Bill Clinton has quadruple bypass surgery to repair blocked arteries after experiencing chest pain.
        Feb. 10, 2010: Clinton has 2 stents placed in one of his previously-treated arteries, after one of his bypass grafts completely closed up. According to his MD, Clinton had “toed the line” adhering to diet, exercise & medical therapy
        Spring, 2010: The stents fail to prevent further cardiovascular blockages. This is not an unusual occurrence. Clinton decides to read the medical literature about preventing and reversing heart disease. He discovers that there is only one one way to do this–a strict plant-based diet loaded with green leafy vegetables, and without meat, chicken, fish, dairy, or added oils. The two physician’s who are pioneers in this treatment approach are Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn and Dr. Dean Ornish. Clinton decides to conduct his own personal clinical trial.
        Dr.E sselstyn- Zero cardiovascular events have occurred in Dr. Esselstyn’s original group of 17 compliant patients that he has followed for over the past 25 years. Esselstyn continues to work with hundreds of other patients who have similar success stories. There is no mortality, no morbidity, no expense from following a plant-based diet–if you eat in a way that makes the cap over your plaque super strong! Like most Americans, Wolf Blitzer didn’t seem to understand why bypass surgery or stents cannot cure cardiovascular disease. These procedures only treat emergency blockages. And statins are no guarantee that it won’t happen again. Too bad Dr. Esselstyn didn’t have a chance to tell Blitzer this:
        “Some people think the “diet” is extreme. Half a million people a year will have their chests opened up and a vein taken from their leg and sewn onto their coronary artery. Some people would call that extreme.”
        “The elephant in the room when we talk about stents and bypass surgery–those procedures don’t protect from new heart attacks. Stents & bypasses are used to treat large arterial blockages. Yet according to many research studies only a small percentage of heart attacks are caused by the largest build-up of plaque. The rest are caused by the more numerous newer blockages that are far more inflamed and much more likely to rupture than the larger older, more stable plaques. So this is why those procedures don’t treat the disease. They are treating the symptoms.

        Disclaimer: I am not a Dr. & I have not had any medical training. I am just a person who has corrected my former cancer problem & simply chooses to share what I have learned with others. My hope is that it will give you the incentive to do some research yourself & then educate others about what you have learned. The only way we can truly be free is if we rely on ourselves to find the truth & not rely on others who have vested interests in presenting us with their version of the “truth”.

  30. Emily said

    Is there anyone on this thread that has or has had cancer and can confirm or tell their story on whether the baking soda/molasses/maple syrup worked or not? I see lots of info on this on the internet, but only ever see ONE story about it actually working…the same story just circulating around on various blogs etc. I’d really love to hear real peoples success stories when either taking this concoction or any other natural remedies that have cured their cancer.

    • mike said

      The post 29 just before your post check it out.

    • Janet said

      Emily I agree with your query. I have jsut been told got lung cancer and would like to hear more re positive outcomes and would like to know more about nebulisinbg with sodium bicarbonate. I am going to give it a go but I am also having an all aout attack (maybe) am seeing thoracic surgeon tomorrow (wot a xmas gift i got hey). i am 64 and am not really sure which way to go yet. been eating apricot kernels and tons of rasberries for the ellagic aCid. also taking iodine and have bought the bicarb which i initially did to take with arginine but then i read that in some cases arginine encourages growth of tumors. I have spent literally days on the net and met some cross people , or rather people who reacted crossly when i pointed out for instance that dr sartori is known as dr death in australia after several deaths using cesium therapy (maybe he forgot to give them potassium), so I think it makes good sense to ask your question. i have found that the iodine has made me very calm and cheerful in spite of my bad news. I will try the bicarb but if the surgeon wants to operate i really don’t know which way i will go with it. take care emily and everyone regards janet

      • James said

        Hi Janet,

        There is no real evidence that sodium bicarbonate can kill cancer cells unless injected directly in to the tumor. This is most likely due to the strong osmotic shift this would cause, which can kill healthy cells as well as cancer cells. Cancer cells already have an internal pH more alkaline than healthy cells. Therefore, trying to alkalize cancer cells is not going to kill them since it is the internal alkalinity that leads to the conversion of healthy cells in to cancer cells and that allows cancer cells to survive and thrive. Here is part of a post I did on a YouTube video in response to some false claims being made in the comments about ionized water being helpful. I show the evidence against cancer being caused by acids or cancer cells being acidic:

        “ffect on blood pH.

        Secondly, elevated acidity DOES NOT cause cancer or acid reflux.

        Cancer for example, thrives due to alkalinity. If the internal pH of cancer cells becomes acidic the cancer cells die:

        Targeting vacuolar H+-ATPases as a new strategy against cancer. Cancer Res 2007 Nov 15;67(22):10627-30

        Vacuolar H(+)-ATPase signaling pathway in cancer. Curr Protein Pept Sci 2012 Mar;13(2):152-63

        To survive the cancer cells export acidic hydrogen ions in to the external matrix to maintain the highly alkaline pH they require to survive and thrive:

        Causes and Consequences of Increased Glucose Metabolism of Cancers. J Nucl Med June 2008 vol. 49 no. Suppl 2 24S-42S

        Do intra-tumor alkaline micro-regions represent additional therapeutically privileged sites? Med Hypotheses. 2008;70(6):1193-6. Epub 2008 Mar 24

        Dysregulated pH: a perfect storm for cancer progression. Nature Reviews Cancer 11, 671-677, September 2011

        Mitochondria and Cancer. Keshav K. Singh, Leslie Costello 2009

        Cellular pH Gradient in Tumor versus Normal Tissue: Potential Exploitation for the Treatment of Cancer. Cancer Res March 15, 1996 56; 1194

        Furthermore, not only has it been scientifically proven that cancer cells require alkalinity to survive, it has also been shown that it is the excess alkalinity of cells that allow the transformation of healthy cells in to a cancerous state and increase the rate of glycolysis by cancer cells:

        Role of the Intracellular pH in the Metabolic Switch between Oxidative Phosphorylation and Aerobic Glycolysis-Relevance to Cancer. Cancer 2011;2(3):WMC001716

        Na+/H+ exchanger-dependent intracellular alkalinization is an early event in malignant transformation and plays an essential role in the development of subsequent transformation-associated phenotypes. FASEBJ 2000 Nov;14(14):2185-97

        Tumorigenic 3T3 cells maintain an alkaline intracellular pH under physiological conditions. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1990 October; 87(19): 7414–7418

        31P NMR analysis of intracellular pH of Swiss Mouse 3T3 cells: effects of extracellular Na+ and K+ and mitogenic stimulation. J Membr Biol 1986;94(1):55-64

        Extracellular Na+ and initiation of DNA synthesis: role of intracellular pH and K+. J Cell Biol 1984 Mar;98(3):1082-9

        To make matters worse, neutralizing stomach acid leads to an inability to properly absorb nutrients needed for methylation. This in turn increases levels of homocysteine linked to the formation of cancers:

        Plasma Homocysteine and Cysteine and Risk of Breast Cancer in Women. Cancer Res March 15, 2010 70; 2397

        A splicing variant leads to complete loss of function of betaine-homocysteine methyltransferase (BHMT) gene in hepatocellular carcinoma. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2012 Feb;44(2):385-92. Epub 2011 Nov 26

        Deletion of betaine-homocysteine S-methyltransferase in mice perturbs choline and 1-carbon metabolism, resulting in fatty liver and hepatocellular carcinomas. J Biol Chem. 2011 Oct 21;286(42):36258-67

        Global hypomethylation of genomic DNA in cancer-associated myofibroblasts. Cancer Res. 2008 Dec 1;68(23):9900-8

        Folic Acid increases global DNA methylation and reduces inflammation to prevent helicobacter-associated gastric cancer in mice. Gastroenterology 2012 Apr;142(4):824-833.e7

        Folic acid deficiency and cancer: mechanisms of DNA instability. Br Med Bull. 1999;55(3):578-92

        Neutralizing stomach acid also increases the risk of cancer causing pathogens taking hold in the body rather than being destroyed as normal by stomach acid. The cancer causing pathogen H. pylori for example secretes highly alkaline ammonia to protect itself from the stomach acid. H. pylori is not the only pathogen though killed by acidity and promoted by alkalinity. Many pathogens, especially cancer causing pathogens thrive in an alkaline environment and are destroyed by acids.

        Another problem with neutralizing stomach acid in cancer patients is that cancer patients suffer from and die from cachexia, which is exacerbated by a lack of stomach acidity.”

        Be very careful with iodine as well. I have written extensively on the dangers of excess iodine and just had a friend die last year from excess iodine. The safe upper limit for iodine is only 150mcg (MICROgrams) per day. There are people on the internet offering very dangerous advice of taking 50-300mg (milligrams) of iodine daily. When people report having adverse effects to these toxic levels of iodine they tell them they are suffering from a “bromine detox”, which is complete BS. Then they tell them to take a salt flush to get rid of the bromine, when it is really getting rid of the excess iodine from the salt. After than they tell these people to then take even higher doses of iodine, which forces the thyroid in to a hypothyroid state eliminating the hyperthyroid symptoms initially caused by the excess iodine all so they can sell more iodine. Quite a dangerous scam they got going:


        Small amounts of iodine can help in SOME cases of cancer since iodine is an estrogen antagonist. Therefore, it can help in cases of estrogen sensitive cancers. On the other hand excess iodine can aggravate Hashimoto’s thyroidosis and can induce hypothyroidism. These in turn elevate inflammatory homocysteine, which is a big risk factor for cancer.

        As for cesium chloride, this crap is worthless and very dangerous. I have been working on writing a book on holistic cancer therapies explaining what actually works such as ozone and some herbs, and what is complete quackery such as “oleander soup” and cesium chloride. I did an entire chapter on cesium chloride explaining the flaws in the science and bogus hype such as areas of the world where cesium is high in the water the cancer rates are lower. If we look at the actual cancer rates in these places per capita we find that the cancer rates are as high if not higher than in the U.S. If you look t Santori’s “research” you find that most of his references are his own writings because nobody else has ever verified his so-called “research”.

        Other things to keep in mind with cesium chloride is that cesium chloride has been shown to highly clastogenic in high doses and thus cancer causing. In low doses cesium chloride has been shown to stimulate cellular proliferation, which cancer cells are already doing.

        Cesium chloride is also well known for causing heart related issues and liver toxicity.

        The heart related issues can be offset with the administration of potassium, but if you read Santori’;s research his premise was to starve cancer cells by REDUCING serum potassium since potassium stimulates insulin release. Insulin in turn stimulates the uptake of glucose by cells including cancer cells. Therefore, taking potassium supplements with cesium chloride would be counterproductive to the concept Santori presents.

        Even if cesium chloride inhibited glucose uptake by cancer cells though this would not make a difference since cancer cells can use other fuel sources including lactate, amino acids and ketones.

        Again I have a whole long chapter on the various false premises behind cesium chloride therapy. Its nothing more than complete quackery.

        The most effective and safest therapy I have yet found for cancer is ozone therapy. Here is a write up I did on the subject:


        And more information on ozone:


        I do not sell ozone units so don’t anyone write to me asking. And I don’t have recommendations. I prefer cold corona machines for therapy. Problem is that I have seen several companies claim their units were cold corona when they were actually hot corona. I cannot tell which they are without looking at the inside, how they were designed. Most manufacturers though are not going to let you open up their machines to see how their machine was designed so you are stuck taking the word of the sales site. I have always built my own in part for this reason. And in the one link above I do give instructions on how to build a cold corona system.

        Here is another article I wrote that also discusses the use of herbs for cancer:



    • Clays Etc said

      Friday, May 30, 2014
      5:23 PM

      Someone ask for a report from someone that has used MS and BS as a cure for cancer.

      I had colon cancer and had 1/3 of my colon removed, did the chemo thing for a while and quit because it was killing me (literally) found the MSBS thing on the web and figured that I had nothing to lose, it was just food.

      I could not get the MS to mix with the BS so I switched to Honey and BS, it will mix completely cold but go with a big container as it will foam up

      For three weeks a spoon full morning and nite, then three weeks of high dose of vitamin C and ACV. I did this for several months and now my blood work at the oncologist shows no cancer, a colostomy found two plops that were both benign, both Drs say I am cancer free

      Does this mean that BS kills cancer, I don’t know but I will continue the procedure till I check out. (born 1938)

  31. Bob Rosson said

    I’m contemplating trying the maple sugar/baking soda method. I’m already using flaxseed oil blended into low-fast cottage cheese with freshly-ground flaxseed. Is there any conflict in doing both at the same time? Suggestions?

  32. Don Porter said

    Overleaded Chemicals in our food cause our immne systems to be overworked & various health problems:: When people learn to eat a plant based diet they can eliminate heart disease & cancer it could inaugurate a seismic revolution in our health. Other diseases that can be resolved with a plant based diet include: obesity, hypertension, stroke, heart attacks, gall stones, diverticulitis, asthma, osteoporosis, allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, lupus, and a marked decrease in the common western cancers of breast, prostate, colon, endometrial, ovarian, and pancreatic——So says Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr., who was a researcher & clinician at the Cleveland Clinic for over 35 years. He wrote a Great book – “Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease”. ORGANIC NO CHEMICALS when cancer etc show up — ALLOW YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM TO DO ITS JOB !! Filter all water (Bria filter ok) NO CHEMO or Rdaiation KILLS healthy cells

  33. Don Porter said

    My Beating Stage IV Metastasized Prostate Cancer.

    I was diagnosed, in April 2007 with a 39.6 PSA & related tests (including a biopsy) that clearly identified Metastasized Stage 4 Prostate Cancer to my left Pelvic Bone & received a 3-6 year death sentence from a VA MD. I beat it & have had many people contact me requesting data on how I did it, & Ty Bollinger asked me to share my success story with his readers. Well, here it is, & to keep it simple, I utilized my underappreciated, in this society, Immune System that, basically, is the same as everyone else’s. Therefore, what I accomplished – so can YOU !
    After the rather significant overdose of medical negativeness I concentrated on what is possible, having studied Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, David Williams, Tony Robbins, Marianne Williamson, Andrew Weil, M.D., Dr. Julian Whitaker, Verne Varona, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr., Dr. Dean Ornish, Dr. T. Colin Campbell (China Study), Ruan Jin Zhao, Ph.D., O.M.D, L.A.c. & re-read my version of a bible, “Confession of a Kamikaze Cowboy” by Dirk Benedict. Dirk earned a bit of notoriety/fame from his participation in the A-Team, Battlestar Gallactica, Charlie’s Angels, Living Well Naturally ny Dr. Anthony J. Sattilaro, etc. I determined that we all enjoy a body that is a miraculous machine that must be aligned properly with a quality diet, exercise, quality liquids, deep breathing, organic foods, & minimum stress, in a FAST paced society, along with some occasional “TLC”.

    • If we don’t align our car’s front end – tires wear NO matter what kind of tires we put
    on our car
    • If we put gasoline in a diesel car or diesel in a gasoline car – They won’t run
    • No oil/grease in car – what happens ?
    • WE must take special care of the miraculous “US”
    • So I decided, with my wife, to align my body properly & stop placing foods & liquids filled with dangerous chemicals into my body!
    I went on a strict macrobiotic/organic Plant Based Diet similar to Dr, Caldwell Esselstyn, Jrs. diet. My success was in large part due to the considerable assistance/contributions of my wife, Verne Varona – world’s top macrobiotic counselor & author of several diet books including his latest – Macrobiotics for Dummies, Michio Kushi’s books & many others, Therefore what I accomplished is not mine – It is gathered from MANY sources & is for ALL to benefit from. Given some experience in Due Diligence or looking into “Actual” beneficial activities for our Immune systems, I absorbed the above-mentioned alternative experts books, presentations & websites. It was necessary to undertake a LOT of time, energy & commitment that turned out to be 4+ years with a “real” average of 5 hours a day on the internet, etc. I was motivated from a negative diagnosis about my metastasized Prostate Cancer & kept at it.
    I also was aware that:
    • There are known things we know that we know.
    • There are things that we know that we don’t know.
    • But there are MANY things that we don’t know that we don’t know.
    • There are things that we don’t know that we don’t know
    What I now know, & recognize, is that a growing awareness, of the ability of our immune systems to assist us in becoming a cancer, & or illness, survivor, is increasing worldwide There are populations, Okinawans, Hunza’s, Sardinians, Loma Linda, CA ( 7th Day Adventists), that all “live healthy, long lives”. We have a massive dead zone in the Gulf – Grow animals for food or raise food on lane in order to be competitive CHEMICALS, etc.
    • MANY animals are fine with eating just “grass & water” – Cows-Horses, pigs, chickens, geese, swans, ducks, & most other birds.
    • “If you ate 1 cup of spinach in 1954, the amount of iron you would receive is comparable to eating 60 cups of spinach today. I think it’s a powerful representation of what is happening to our food chain
    • United Nations, World Health Org, & MANY others –Advises STOPPING public exposure to -Way to many DANGEROUS TOXIC Chemicals !
    • 3-2011 FDA confirmed that 80% of all antibiotics used in the U.S. go to animal agriculture. Today’s Food System: All Drugged Up next time you’re feeling sick, think twice before going to your MD for answers. Look down at your plate, instead. Hidden in your hamburger or smoked ham may be something you didn’t want or expect on the menu — antibiotic-resistant superbugs. Instead of protecting you from infectious diseases, antibiotics might simply be making you sick.
    • Staggering, almost uncountable, number of Chemicals, Drugs, Pesticides, Fertilizers, Hormones, Food Additives-coloring-taste enhancers preservatives, into the MANY thousands.
    • Examine the WHY- of strokes, bad arteries, cholesterol, cancer, arthritis, joint problems with new knees & hips. NUTRITION with TOO MANY CHEMICALS seems to be the constant culprit.
    Therefore I embarked on a mission of wellness enhancement; engaged in/on a strict Kushi Macrobiotic-Organic diet & in 8+ weeks dropped from 154 pounds,(@ 5’9”), to 132 , a 22 pound loss. Bill Clinton has had similar (results with a heart-driven Plant Based Diet). I also discovered that it takes about 4 months to fully change our blood. I therefore remained on Verne Varona’s/ Kushi’s modified organic/macrobiotic diet. As my investigations (due diligence) indicated that my immune system was restored to a positive state, I kept searching for additional enhancement methods, Protocols, Herbs, Nutrients, etc. I finally found the Baking Soda and/ or Cesium chloride experts that had experienced success in beating cancers. A good one was Vern (Vito) Johnston & his “common sense” Protocol & his internet site, http://www.phkillscancer.com. My result was almost identical to Vern’s. I now am able to eat some “regular” meals & dinners from a menu @ a normal American restaurant. I still concentrate on organic foods, brown rice, beans, various green veggies, and whole oats at breakfast, filtered water, deep breathing, walking 30+ minutes a day, 8 hours of sleep, fruits, apricot seeds, chia seeds, goji berries, some herbs, a few special vitamins, & occasional Baking Soda.
    All of my efforts diet wise, breathing, water, green teas, etc. are to maintain a slight alkalinity.
    • Those that say Vern’s, Kushi’s,diet etc. & my protocol/methods can cure almost anyone who has not damaged themselves by Drugs-Alcohol-Smoking, etc. – except brain cancer – may be on the right track. They offer books, web sites, chat rooms, blogs, etc. that all indicate that this Diet Protocol is available, fairly inexpensive & IMPORTANTLY raises our pH to over 7.5+ resulting in Cancer Cell demise. There is considerable material easily available about Cesium Chloride & Baking Soda raising pH for decades. The MANY uses of Baking Soda are strong indicators of this well established pH reality.
    I Found the following statement: When people learn to eat a plant based diet they can eliminate heart disease & cancer it could inaugurate a seismic revolution in our health. Other diseases that can be resolved with a plant based diet include: obesity, hypertension, stroke, heart attacks, gall stones, diverticulitis, asthma, osteoporosis, allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, lupus, and a marked decrease in the common western cancers of breast, prostate, colon, endometrial, ovarian, and pancreatic——So says Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr., who was a researcher & clinician at the Cleveland Clinic for over 35 years. He wrote a Great book – “Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease”.
    • We all are the same – except for some inherited Genes, various opinions, points-of-view-beliefs-attitudes-positions-habits-tendencies, derived from our past & the “brainwashing” we are subjected to by sophisticated marketing entities seeking revenues/profits throughout our lives.
    • Nutrition & diet have not been heavily taught in our educational backgrounds.
    • Today is the 1st day of the rest of our lives SO – decide to CHANGE Therefore, I STRONGLY urge all interested folks to appreciate their body’s capabilities & undertake whatever changes are required to enhance your immune systems !
    • All we have is “our time & our energy”, as long as it lasts.
    So eat organic – Brown rice, beans, various green veggies, whole oats-breakfast, filtered water, deep breathing, walking 30 minutes a day, 8 hours of sleep, fruits, apricot seeds, chia seeds, goji berries, some herbs, a few vitamins, & occasional Baking Soda. Acquire new habits that empower your Immune System so as to enhance your quality of life ! Be good to your body & it will be good to you !

    NOTE: I am not a doctor. The information contained in this email is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified licensed professional. The facts presented herein are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone consider that I am practicing medicine. Any statements regarding alternative cancer treatments have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is a recap of “MY” Donald J. Porter events.

  34. Thankful said

    Don, your story and account of this journey as well as all the details you provide are inspirational and hope-giving.
    Thank you!

  35. jackie Sowell said

    Interesting blog but why did everyone ignore the elephant in the room? The question about the impossibility of mosasses,maple syurp or honey binding with baking soda to be kill cancer.

  36. Lady said

    I suffer from obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. If I use this baking soda/maple syrup connoction will it help all three of my conditions. In other words if I lift my ph to about 8 will is help me lose weight, control my blood sugars, and reduce my blood pressure.

  37. Marcy said

    I have high blood pressure. Will baking soda increase my blood pressure?


  38. Juliette said

    My sister has cancer and is spreaded into het bones, lung, hip, column. Can you please tell me about the baking soda and molasses how she can drink it? How many times a day, the dosage and how long. Thank you in advance for replying.

    • Roy said

      Mix 1 part to 1-3 pts syrup heat at low heat stir rigorously in a stainless steal or glass pan for 5 min. Take 2 tspns of mix per day 1st week,,1 tsp per day for 2 weeks Stop after 2 weeks

      • rosa andrea noval said

        baking soda mixes well with maple syrup even without heating…i tried it.. do we really need to heat the mixture?

  39. Lynda said

    I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosisin 2000. I am so very interested any natural medication/treatment. The medication that I am on is extremely hard on my kidneys, liver, heart etc. I need to take care of my vital organs too!! Do you have any posts/results from patients who have MS and have tried maple syrup and trojan horse?

    • Ken Walker said

      Lydia – Please order (Amazon?) and read immediately “The MS Recovery Diet” by Ann D. Sawyer and Judith E. Bacharach. The Recovery Diet works to reverse and control symptoms and restores normal functions (people are getting out of their wheel chairs and walking). This is NOT a medical cure (the closest thing to it) as you can reacquire symptoms if you don’t seriously monitor your diet on a continueing basis. This is not a magic bullet (there aren’t any) because YOU are going to have to do all the work but the better quality of life would seem morethan worth it to me. READ THIS BOOK (no I don’t sell them). I wish you good health and happiness.

      This reply was written 11-24-2011. If anyone knows Lydia’s e-mail address please send this to her or at least the name of the book. Thank you.

      • Wendy said

        I do not know if this will help you find her, but I noticed that her name is not Lydia. It is Lynda. Take care. Thanks for reaching out to her, Mr Ken Walker.

  40. Lynda said

    I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2000. I am so very interested any natural medication/treatment. The medication that I am on is extremely hard on my kidneys, liver, heart etc. I need to take care of my vital organs too!! Do you have any posts/results from patients who have MS and have tried maple syrup and trojan horse?

  41. gigi said

    My father has metastatic hormonal refractory prostate cancer with bone metastasis, he received 9 cycles of chemo ( Docetaxel ) – his PSA dropped from 120 to 60, but 2 months after he stopped chemo PSA increased to 360!. He is on Zometa now. I red about JIm Kelmun’s protocol and dr.Mark Syrcus and Budwig diet ( I red J.Budwig’s books ), but I don’t know for how long he can use kelmun’s protocol? For 2 months or … ?
    And what about flaxseedoil and cottage cheese? He eat it , but he doesn’t want to change his food regime completely, so I’m trying to find people who used Budwig diet and/or Kelmun’s protocol and/or dr.M.Syrcus black molasse and baking soda protocol. He eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, and just a little meat or fish …
    Is there anyone who has the same or similar situation?
    Thanks, Gigi

  42. Don Porter said

    My Beating Stage IV Metastasized Prostate Cancer.

    I was diagnosed, in April 2007 with a 39.6 PSA & related tests (including a biopsy) that clearly identified Metastasized Stage 4 Prostate Cancer to my left Pelvic Bone & received a 3+ year death sentence from a VA MD. I beat it & have had many people contact me requesting data on how I did it. Well, here it is, & to keep it simple, I utilized my underappreciated, in this society, Immune System that, basically, is the same as everyone else’s.
    Therefore, what I accomplished – so can YOU !
    After the rather significant overdose of medical negativeness I concentrated on what is possible, having studied Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, David Williams, Tony Robbins, Marianne Williamson, Andrew Weil, M.D., Dr. Julian Whitaker, Verne Varona, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr., Dr. Dean Ornish, Dr. T. Colin Campbell (China Study), Ruan Jin Zhao, Ph.D., O.M.D, L.A.c. & re-read my version of a bible, “Confession of a Kamikaze Cowboy” by Dirk Benedict. Dirk earned a bit of notoriety/fame from his participation in the A-Team, Battlestar Gallactica, Charlie’s Angels, etc. Also Living Well Naturally by Dr. Anthony J. Sattilaro, etc. I determined that we all enjoy a body that is a miraculous machine that must be aligned properly with a quality diet, exercise, quality liquids, deep breathing, organic foods, & minimum stress, in a FAST paced society, along with some occasional “TLC”.
    • If we don’t align our car’s front end – tires wear regardless of the type of tires we buy/use.
    • If we put gasoline in a diesel car or diesel in a gasoline car – They won’t run
    • No oil/grease in car – what happens ?
    • WE must take special care of the miraculous “US”
    • So I decided, with my wife, to align my body properly & stop placing foods & liquids filled with dangerous chemicals into my body, by going ORGANIC !
    I went on a strict macrobiotic/organic Plant Based Diet similar to Dr, Caldwell Esselstyn, Jrs. diet, with NO SUGAR. My success was in large part due to the considerable assistance/contributions of my wife, Verne Varona – world’s top macrobiotic counselor & author of several diet books including his latest – Macrobiotics for Dummies, Michio Kushi’s books & many others, Therefore what I accomplished is not mine – It is gathered from MANY sources & is for ALL to benefit from. Given some experience in Due Diligence or looking into “Actual” beneficial activities for our Immune systems, I absorbed the above-mentioned alternative experts books, presentations & websites. It was necessary to undertake a LOT of time, energy & commitment that turned out to be 4+ years with a “real” average of 5 hours a day on the internet, etc. I was motivated from a negative diagnosis about my metastasized Prostate Cancer & kept at it.
    I also was aware that:
    • There are known things that we know .
    • There are things that we know that we don’t know.
    • PROBLEM -There are things that we don’t “EVEN” know that we don’t know
    There are populations such as Okinawans, Hunza’s, Sardinians, Loma Linda, CA ( 7th Day Adventists), that all “live healthy, long lives”. We have a massive dead zone in the Gulf – Grow animals for food or raise food & in order to be competitive must use CHEMICALS, etc.
    • MANY animals are fine with eating just “grass & water” – Cows-Horses, pigs, chickens, geese, swans, ducks, & most other birds.Plant Based Organic Diet is a GREAT healer.
    • “If you ate 1 cup of spinach in 1954, the amount of iron you would receive is comparable to eating 60 cups of spinach today. I think it’s a powerful representation of what has, & is, happening to our food chain
    • United Nations, World Health Org, & MANY others –Advise STOPPING public exposure to –
    “SO” many DANGEROUS TOXIC Chemicals !
    • 3-2011 FDA confirmed that 80% of all antibiotics used in the U.S. go to animal agriculture. Today’s Food System: Excessive Chemicals, next time you’re feeling sick, think twice before going to your MD for answers. Look down at your plate, instead. Hidden in your hamburger or smoked ham may be something you didn’t want or expect — antibiotic-resistant superbugs. Instead of protecting you from infectious diseases, antibiotics might simply be making you sick.
    • Staggering, almost uncountable, number of Chemicals, Drugs, Pesticides, Fertilizers, Hormones, Food Additives-coloring-addictive taste enhancers preservatives, blended into the food supply -OURS!
    • Examine the WHY- of strokes, bad arteries, cholesterol, cancer, arthritis, joint problems with new knees & hips. Food with TOO MANY CHEMICALS seems to be the constant culprit.
    Therefore I embarked on a mission of wellness enhancement; engaged in/on a strict Kushi Macrobiotic-Organic diet & in 8+ weeks dropped from 154 pounds, to 132,= 22 pound loss. Bill Clinton has had similar (results with a heart-driven Dr. Esselstyn Plant Based Diet). I also discovered that it takes about 4 months to fully change our blood. I therefore remained on Verne Varona’s/ Kushi’s modified organic/macrobiotic diet. As my investigations (due diligence) indicated that my immune system was restored to a positive state, I kept searching for additional enhancement methods, Protocols, Herbs, Nutrients, etc. I finally found the Baking Soda and/ or Cesium chloride experts that had experienced success in beating cancers. A good one was Vern (Vito) Johnston & his “common sense” Protocol & his internet site, http://www.phkillscancer.com. My result was almost identical to Vern’s. I now am able to eat some “regular” meals & dinners from a menu @ a normal (profit driven) restaurant. I still concentrate on organic foods, brown rice, beans, various green veggies, & whole oats at breakfast, filtered water, deep breathing, walking 30+ minutes a day, 8 hours of sleep, fruits, apricot seeds, chia seeds, aloe, some herbs, a few special vitamins, & occasional Baking Soda.
    All of my efforts diet wise, breathing, water, green teas, etc. are to maintain a slight alkalinity.
    • Those that say Vern’s, Kushi’s, diet, etc. & my protocol/methods can cure almost anyone who has not damaged themselves by Drugs-Alcohol-Smoking, etc. – except brain cancer – may be on the right track. They offer books, web sites, chat rooms, blogs, etc. that all indicate that this Diet Protocol is available, fairly inexpensive & IMPORTANTLY raises our pH to over 7.8+ resulting in Cancer Cell demise. There is considerable material easily available about Cesium Chloride & Baking Soda raising pH for decades. The MANY uses of Baking Soda are strong indicators of this well established pH reality.

    I Found the following statement: “When people learn to eat a plant based diet they can eliminate heart disease & cancer it could inaugurate a seismic revolution in our health. Other diseases that can be 80% resolved with a plant based diet include: obesity, hypertension, stroke, heart attacks, gall stones, diverticulitis, asthma, osteoporosis, allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, lupus, and a marked decrease in the common western cancers of breast, prostate, colon, endometrial, ovarian, & pancreatic”. So says Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr., who was a researcher & clinician at the Cleveland Clinic for 35+ years & wrote a book – “Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease”.

    • We all are the same – except for some inherited Genes, various opinions, points-of-view-beliefs-attitudes-positions-habits-tendencies, derived from our past & the “brainwashing” we are subjected to by sophisticated marketing entities seeking revenues/profits throughout our lives.
    • Nutrition & diet have not been taught in our educational backgrounds.
    • Today is the 1st day of the rest of our lives SO – decide to CHANGE Therefore, I STRONGLY urge all interested folks to appreciate their body’s capabilities & undertake whatever changes are required to enhance/strengthen your immune systems !
    • All we have is “our time & our energy”, as long as it lasts. So eat organic – Brown rice, beans, various green veggies, whole oats-breakfast, filtered water, deep breathing, walking 30 minutes a day, 8 hours of sleep, fruits, chia seeds, Aloe, some herbs, special vitamins, & occasional Baking Soda. Acquire new habits that empower your Immune System so as to enhance your quality of life ! Be good to your body & it will be good to you !

    NOTE: I am not a doctor. The information contained in this email is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified licensed professional. The facts presented herein are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone consider that I am practicing medicine. Any statements regarding alternative cancer treatments have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is a recap of “MY” Donald J. Porter diet, & related events.
    DJP Baking Soda Protocol – This creates a high pH (8+) thereby kills cancer cells & has worked for me, after following a modified Kushi/V.Varona
    “Plant Based Diet” to restore/re-build my immune system
    I am not providing medical advice, simply “revealing my experiences & protocol”, resulting in a removal of cancer & no discomfort, etc. “NO” Chemo, Radiation, Minimum Drugs
    – Important – 4mos. To change your blood – Do ORGANIC Plant Based Diet – NO CHEMICALS –
    Here is my Protocol – Avoid any forms of sugar-Organic food- for 1 month+ then Initiate as follows:
    • 1st day- 1 Teaspoon of BS soda with & 1 cup room temp water 2x day (away from meals), 2 Teaspoons of Black Strap molasses (“BSM”) Heat @ “LOW” temp in pan for 5 min. & STIR a lot to fully combine your sugar & BSM into “YOUR Trojan Horse” to benefit your body -immune system. The molasses/maple syrup targets cancer cells (which consume 15X more glucose than normal cells) & the baking soda, (which is dragged into the cancer cell by the maple syrup/BSM), being very alkaline, forces a rapid shift in pH thereby killing the cancer cells quickly in hrs).
    • 2nd day – repeat, also Do Deep breathing (30x – 3-10x day or more). OXYGEN KILLS cancer cells
    • 3rd day – same Cancer cells gobble up sugar so when you use sugar it’s like sending in “your own Trojan horse”. The sugar is “not” going to encourage the growth of the cancer colonies as the alkaline baking soda (14pH) is going to kill the cells before they have a chance to grow.
    • 4th day – same 2X day goal get to 8.0 – 8.5 pH & hold 4-5 days & cancer cells dormant
    • at pH 7.5+ & kills cancer cells @ 7.8-8.5. My pH was 8.53 on 3rd day with a blood & urine test.
    • 5th day – started taking the solution – 2 tspns BS & 2 Tsps BSM 2X day
    • 6th day– repeat 2 Tspns BS & 2 Tspn of BSM & 1 cup of water 2x a day. My pH measured 8.25. That is what happens with cesium chloride/BS done by Italian Dr. Simoncini, mild nausea is good as it means the dead cancer cells are being discarded by your body.
    • 7th – All ok – lips tingled- an Oxygen Euphoria from a lot deep breathing. Oxygen assists in killing bone/ALL cancer! Also on day 7, increased BS to 3 Tspns. & got a slight headache, backed off to 2 Tspns BS- I was a bit uncomfortable/nervous & had a slight headache, so I reduced it. I had slight confusion. Do 30+ DEEP breaths several times per day – VERY IMPORTANT !
    • 8th day – double dose 3x a day to get pH high- could some be health issues with too much BS Potassium (200+mg intake is IMPORTANT. FILTERED water !! Exercise also.
    • 9th day – A little diarrhea, a little weak feeling, really began to up my potassium intake. All experts said that high dosage of potassium (also with cesium chloride) is very important. Oxygenation euphoria all day from deep breathing. Ok KILLING cancer cells more important !
    • 10th day – Headache more persistent, body sweats SO- I cut back to a solution 2x a day; not 3x.
    • 11th day – down to 1.5 Tspns to control headache, bit of loose stools, slight headache & night sweats. I cut back felt overloaded- 8.35 goal achieved & I wanted to maintain pH 8.0+ for 4-5 days.
    • NOTE: Key Points: Take BS solution 2 hrs before or 2 hrs after eating, to give stomach acids time to digest food. Eat HIGH potassium organic foods, SUPPLEMENTS, vitamins, minerals, & herbs as recommended for Cesium/Baking Soda Therapy by others with noted successes.
    • Watch blood pressure- take Potassium. IMPORTANT – Restore Your Immune System !!!

    Coral Calcium 3000 mg
    Vit. D3 10,000 iu’s, Astralagus
    CoQ10-200 mg,easy Tumeric & Pawpaw
    Maitake d-fraction

    Potassium 200 mg,
    Milk Thistle 1000 mg
    Sevent Flower

    Aloe Liq. & Caps
    Sun Chlorella
    • Seek to maintain Organic Diet – Eat ALL organic food to let your Immune System rebuild from MANY (Thousands) of harmful chemicals, etc, in packaged foods! Eat brown rice, oats, beans & lots of GREEN veggies & some fruits, go easy on fruit.
    • Lots room temp filtered water & Green teas- Kukicha, Bancha-Hojicha, Dandelion Root & Pu-erh.
    • Healthy foods to eat are vegetables, nuts & seeds, beans, lean meats, quality fish, few fruits.
    Human blood pH should be slightly alkaline (7.35 – 7.45). A pH of 7.0 is neutral. A pH below 7.0 is acidic. A pH above 7.0 is alkaline. Easy or NO- Eating Most acidic foods– Beer/Wine/Liquor, Drugs, Dairy/Butter, Sugars, Sodas, Table Salt, Pork/Bacon/Poultry/Beef, easy on fish & related, clams-muscles-lobster, etc. Be good to your immune system – It WILL be good to you with – ORGANIC Food !
    No – Packages foods = designed, chemically or created-taste, odor, enhanced, preservatives laced, addictive,
    Baking Soda –Molasses “BSM” also done with success by others: maple syrup can be used instead of BSM)
    • Jim Kelmun 75, (truck driver), treated 200+ terminal cancer sufferers, 185 lived @ least 15 years. Jim has been threatened with jail by authorities unless he stops administering his remedy – as he has no medical degree! Jim’s Remedy – Maple Syrup & BS (Bicarbonate of soda). Mix 1 part BS to 1-3 parts syrup. Heat LOW HEAT, stir rigorously in a pan for 5 min.
    • Take 2 tspns of mix per day 1st week, 1 tspn per day for 2 weeks. Stop Remedy after 3 weeks
    A Few Related “GOOD”Internet Searches & Authors to read of 100,000+ researched:

    • Italian “Dr. Simoncini” Cesium/BSoda
    • Dr. Caldwell B Esselstyn, Jr, Heart
    • Cesium Chloride, China Study-T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D , Bill Clinton
    • Jim Kelmun, Dirk Benedict
    • Forks over Knives –Heart Issues
    • Dr. Jim Howenstine, M.D.

    • Vernon (Vito) Joshtini http://phkillscancer.com/vernons_dance_with_cancer
    • Gregory Delaney, Cancer Tutor
    • Acid Alkaline Foods, Michio Kushi
    • Verne Varona, Denny Waxman
    • Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer
    • The pH Miracle – R. Young

    Sept. 25, 2010 -Wolf Blitzer’s Interview with Bill Clinton’s Diet Guru’s, Drs. Caldwell Esselstyn & Dean Ornish – What the Interview Didn’t Have Time to Explain about How to Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease with a Plant-Based Heart Diet

    President Bill Clinton is on a Plant-based Diet from Dr. Esselstyn & Dr. Ornish
    Recently we had the pleasure of watching Drs. Esselstyn & Ornish explain on national TV just how a Plant-based diet can prevent or reverse heart disease. Only, 9 minutes can’t do it justice. So here’s the rest of the story. As we watched, we reviewed Bill Clinton’s past heart issues, & noted the Diet’s similarity to an organic Plant Based Cancer Diet..
    Sept. 2004: Bill Clinton has quadruple bypass surgery to repair blocked arteries after experiencing chest pain.
    Feb. 10, 2010: Clinton has 2 stents placed in one of his previously-treated arteries, after one of his bypass grafts completely closed up. According to his MD, Clinton had “toed the line” adhering to diet, exercise & medical therapy
    Spring, 2010: The stents fail to prevent further cardiovascular blockages. This is not an unusual occurrence. Clinton decides to read the medical literature about preventing and reversing heart disease. He discovers that there is only one way to do this–a strict Plant-based Diet loaded with green leafy vegetables, and without meat, chicken, fish, dairy, or added oils. The two physician’s who are pioneers in this treatment approach are Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn and Dr. Dean Ornish.- Clinton decided to conduct his own personal clinical trial.
    Dr.E sselstyn- Zero cardiovascular events have occurred in Dr. Esselstyn’s original group of 17 compliant patients that he has followed for over the past 25 years. Esselstyn continues to work with hundreds of other patients who have similar success stories. There is no mortality, no morbidity, no expense from following a plant-based diet–if you eat in a way that makes the cap over your plaque super strong! Like most Americans, Wolf Blitzer didn’t seem to understand why bypass surgery or stents cannot cure cardiovascular disease. These procedures only treat emergency blockages. And statins are no guarantee that it won’t happen again. Too bad Dr. Esselstyn didn’t have a chance to tell Blitzer this: “Some people think the “diet” is extreme. Half a million people a year will have their chests opened up and a vein taken from their leg and sewn onto their coronary artery. Some people would call that extreme.”
    “The elephant in the room when we talk about stents & bypass surgery–those procedures don’t protect from new heart attacks. Stents & bypasses are used to treat large arterial blockages. The CAUSE is IGNORED – DIET. According to many research studies only a small percentage of heart attacks are caused by the largest build-up of plaque. The rest are caused by the more numerous newer blockages that are far more inflamed and much more likely to rupture than the larger older, more stable plaques. So this is why those procedures don’t treat the disease. They are treating the symptoms NOT the Cause.

    STOP chemicals from entering your body, OVERWHELMING IMMUNE SYSTEMS & permitting many diseases !

    Disclaimer: I am not a Dr. & I have not had any medical training. I am just a person who has corrected my former cancer problem & simply chooses to share what I have learned with others. My hope is that it will give you the incentive to do some research yourself & then educate others about what you have learned. The only way we can truly be free is if we rely on ourselves to find the truth & not rely on others who have vested interests in presenting us with their marketing version of the “truth”.

  43. […] Blackstrap molassesNature: warmActions: tonifies deficiency, strengthens spleen,lubricates lungs, stops cough.Conditions: stomach and abdominal pain, chi deficiency, cough. Unsulphured blackstrap molasses have been used by tens of thousands from around the world and there have been tons of positive feedback on molesses helping people with many different kinds of diseases including Cancer! Blackstrap molasses is an alkaline food, in that it helps balance the bodys ph.The body can only get sick when it is in an acidic state, cancer and other illness thrive on an acidic body, it is important that we keep the alkaline up and ph at 7.5 or very close.Cancer cannot survive in alkaline environment.White sugar is acidic due to the processing. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molasses.earthclinic.com/Remedies/molasses.html.healthdiaries.com/eatthis/blackstrap-molasses.html.molasses.ca/site/index.php?id=248.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=118.naturalnews.com/026296_molasses_health_sugar.html.innovitaresearch.org/news/04080401.htmlhttp://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071112035052AA4UOnd.differentdaisy.com/howonewomanbeatcancer.htm cancer.infobarrel.com/How_To_Learn_Black_Strap_Molasses_Health_Benefitshttps://truthpills.wordpress.com/health/maple-syrupbaking-soda-trojan-horse/.gaia-health.com/articles/000027-Sodium-Bicarbonate.shtml.regenerativenutrition.com/content.asp?id=490.regenerativenutrition.com/natural-supplements-cure-cancer-cancers-tumors.asp […]

  44. As someone who just stumbled onto this from a google search, does this have the same effect as alkaline water? I haven’t seen any claims that alkaline water kills cancer but seems to have the same effect as bicarbinate.

  45. Ruth said

    Admittedly, I have not read all the responses here; however, if baking soda, ALONE, as stated in your other article, kills cancer cells, why add the sweet stuff?

    • truthpills said

      The sweet stuff as you called it is the Trojan horse (bait). Cancer cells and any cells that require sugar to produce energy will consume the sugar+baking soda. When it breaks down the sugar, the baking soda will kill that cell. See “Step Outside of the Box” http://www.amazon.com/Cancer-Outside-Ty-M-Bollinger/dp/0978806506 for more details about ATP and the transports of chemical energy within cells for metabolism.

  46. Richard Burton said

    Hi. I have been advised to watch what i put in my mouth as I could become prediabetic. I have an elevated PSA (5.9) so i am now on the maple syrup and baking soda. Will the sugar content of the maple syrup combined with the baking soda be too much. I have been on a sugar free diet for 2 months and have lost 6 – 8 pounds so the only real sugar I am injesting is this maple syrup. I am also off dairy.
    Thanks richardburton2@cox.net

  47. I have two questions. If maple Sugar/molasses are acidic why don’t they cancel out the alkaline benefits of the baking soda? Also, are there diabetics out there who have tried this? Any special concerns/advice for diabetics?

  48. Sherry said

    My husband has been battling esophageal cancer for 4 years, esophagectomy, 2 rounds of chemo, one IMRT and another of Proton therapy, now has developed metastatic cancer, he has begun a 3rd round of chemo,He has developed horrible reflux after the esophagectomy, he had silent reflux which lead to the cancer/barretts esophagitis. Can the baking soda and maple syrup be of benefit to him? And how to use it?
    Thanks so much!

    • Barbara said

      I read spring violet (herb) is specific for any throat cancer. It does come in a liquid. I see you posted a long time ago. Hope this helps.

  49. Don Porter said

    Yes He MUST do two things ASAP
    I beat Stage IV metasticised prosate cancer & ALL can beat most forms of cancer
    do a google search of
    I will take your call & tell you how to do it exactly

    • Jen said

      I received your recipe through a friend of mine in Chicago. I am wondering if it is OK to use for my particular situation…
      My ph levels are very low in the am but very high in the pm…
      trying to get them to balance out I was thinking of trying this protocol, however I have been wondering if it is only for those who are dealing with high acidic issues, not high alkaline issues…

      Just wondering, I don’t want to upset the issue more, if I should just balance it with diet instead?

  50. Wendy said

    So, truck driver Jim does tell folks to eat the mix right off the spoon? I have done that a lot. Whenever I do it that way, I get very, very hungry so I keep LOTS of good for me foods on hand!

    Yesterday and today I drank the tea. I mixed the BS with hot water, then I mixed in the BSM until the reaction dissipated. I drank this down quickly when it was cool. I have been a bit more hungry, but it has felt natural.

    I am in contact with Arm and Hammer for the second time now. The first time I contacted them was by phone. They said that no aluminum is involved with nor in their baking soda. This time I will have it in writing by email. We will see. (Bob Mills and other non-aluminum are harder to find in my area unless I pay an arm and hammer for it).

    • Nicholas said

      My local Whole Foods does carry the Bob Mills aluminum-free baking soda for $2.99/lb.

      During the preparation of the mixture, has anyone tried to dissolve the baking soda in a little bit of water before adding it to the warmed up maple syrup? During my first attempt, the baking soda never completely dissolved and the mixture tasted pretty awful. Is this normal?

    • anoymous said

      I’ve had two years chem and I’m reading this wondering why you want BS to react? That means its losing it’s oxygen, that somewhat defeats the purpose dont you think?

  51. Don Porter said

    Disslolve Baking Soda in Water 1st – Stir foe 5 minutes @ med temp. Cool & then add Molasses or maole syrup & stir for 5 min more @ low temp.
    Don Porter
    go to my 3 blogs or do Google search – donportercancer

    I Beat stage IV metasticised Prostae Cancer Do a STRICT Plnt Based Organic Diet NO Sugar, chemicals (Pkgd. or fast foods) filter your water, walk 30+ min daily, take Herbal Aloe Force !
    I beat CANCER – SO CAN YOU !

    Mine was Stage IV Metastasized Prostate Cancer, involved with friends beating 10 year cancers with Melanoma, etc.

    Anyone – can beat nearly ALL forms of Cancer, along with obesity, hypertension, stroke, heart attacks, gall stones, diverticulitis, asthma, osteoporosis, allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, lupus, & a initiate a marked decrease in the common western cancers of breast, prostate, colon, endometrial, ovarian, & pancreatic. See: Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Dr. Ornish, Dr. Len Saputo, Bill Clinton’s Heart Diet (Plant Based by Dr. Esselstyn), Dr. Joel Fuhrman (Diabetes), Dr. Baxter Montgomery, Dr. Sanjay Gupta -Stop Heart Attacks on CNN & Dirk Benedict.
    Just go on an Organic Plant Based Diet.

    • Do an Organic Plant Based Diet- Strict with “NO” sugar – WORKS with all cancers – However Brain & Bone cancers are more difficult.
    • IMPORTANT – WE all need to let our immune systems do it’s miraculous thing – therefore give the immune system a chance to “not be overworked by HEAVY overuse Chemicals in foods”.
    • No – packaged foods (with chemicals), red meat, Bread, chicken, dairy, fruits, most oils, turkey, canned goods, dairy, alcohol, filtered water only, fish especially farm raised (until you are free of cancer).
    • Green Tea, 6- glasses of water daily counted with Green teas Kukicha, Dandelion Root, Bancha & a few other green teas low (or no) caffeine, add organic lemon juice in tea 3+ cups. 4 mos to change your blood
    • Exercise by walking a minimum of 30 min. daily- Critically important
    • Deep Breathing daily 30x in row 6-10x a day – Oxygen kills cancer cells.
    • Laugh a lot, enjoy nature, & appreciate yourself !
    • Aloe drink daily Herbal Aloe Force with: “essaic” herbs, cat’s claw herb, astragalus, pau d’arco, chamomile, & hawthorne berry. IMPORTANT
    • Eat raw as often as possible & Veggies.
    • Sleep 8 hrs a night, Loss of sleep causes immune system to lose 20-30%+ efficiency
    • Lots of brown rice, beans, tofu/tempeh, & VEGGIES, oats, seeds – ORGANIC only.
    • MINIMIZE stress & believe in yourself – We ALL our miraculous.
    • Put QUALITY FUEL in our bodies If we want them to run properly

    Read the following books:
    Confessions of a Kamikaze Cowboy – Dirk Benedict of A-Team, Charlies Angels
    WARNING: This book may change the way you look at Drs., the great American diet, & health forever. This book will challenge your preconceived ideas/habits about looking at illness, taking responsibility, & about actors–particularly Dirk Benedict, star of several hit television series (the A-Team, Charlies Angels, Battlestar Gallactica). Initially, Confessions of a Kamikaze Cowboy tells the fascinating story of Dirk Benedict’s journey from the big sky country of Montana to the hustle & hype of Hollywood. It also vividly describes his personal odyssey of self-exploration, discovery, & growth-from struggling actor to celebrity, from meat eater to vegetarian, from cancer victim to cancer victor. Book is brilliantly written–insightful, witty, humorous, & always challenging–a tour de force. You will come face to face with many of the newly discovered truths in Dirk’s life. This book will make you reconsider a great many habits in your own life. “Diet” is the main ingredient to health – Dirk Benedict Author “Confessions of a Kamikaze Cowboy” Health, Illness, Plant Based Macrobiotic Diet, Recovery & Quality of Life

    Recalled by Life by Dr. Anthony J. Sattilaro , was CEO of Methodist Hospital in Philadelphia, PA when he was diagnosed with severe prostate cancer that had spread to his ribs, sternum, bones, brain, skull, right shoulder, spine, liver problems, took MANY pain killers & had his testicles removed. He was operated on & given the usual AMA poisons, Chemo, Radiation, 3 operations in 3 weeks. Drs. NEVER went after the cause BAD DIET ! Went on a Plant Based Microbiotic Diet & CURED himself of fatal cancer.
    Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., M.D. A groundbreaking program backed by the irrefutable results from Dr. Esselstyn’s 20-year study proving changes in diet & nutrition can actually cure heart disease
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wZendyXhU4 – Watch this – IMPORTANT
    ALSO – The China Study, Forks Over Knives, Natures Cancer Fighting Foods, Macrobiotic for Dummies by Verne Varona, The Cancer Prevention Diet-Michio Kushi, The Food Prescription for Better Health.

    • No Cheating as it takes 4 mos to clean/change our blood.
    • If you do these beneficial things above, with a Plant Based Diet you will be like Dirk Benedict, Don Porter & “MANY” others that Beat Cancer.
    • DO NOT accept the Primary Western medical treatments -Surgery, Chemo, Radiation & Drugs until you carefully consider these books & my experiences, the cause of diseases etc. is critical. (Chemo kills cells Indiscriminately)
    Consider the following:
    • There are known things that we know .
    • There are things that we know that we don’t know.
    • PROBLEM -There are things that we don’t “EVEN” know that we don’t know

    Must utilize our underappreciated, Immune System that, basically, is the same as everyone else’s – Therefore, what I accomplished – so can ANYONE !
    I determined that we all enjoy a body that is a miraculous machine that must be “aligned properly” with a quality diet, exercise, quality liquids, deep breathing, organic foods, & minimum stress, in a FAST paced society, along with some occasional “TLC”.
    • If we don’t align car’s front end – tires wear until we correct the CAUSE of tire wear. Must align our bodies with Organic Plant Based Diets.!
    • If we put gasoline in a diesel car or diesel in a gasoline car – They won’t run
    • No oil/grease in car – what happens? – Problems?

    My success was in large part due to the considerable assistance/contributions of my wife, Verne Varona – world’s top macrobiotic counselor & author of Natures Cancer Fighting Foods & Macrobiotics for Dummies, Michio Kushi’s books, a brilliant Chinese Dr., & many others, Therefore what I accomplished is not mine – It is gathered from MANY sources & is, for ALL to benefit from. Given some experience in Due Diligence Investigations or looking into “Actual” reality (rather than aggressive marketing, spinning, exaggerating, etc). I found REAL beneficial whole food products. I also found populations Okinawans, Hunza’s, Sardinians, Loma Linda, CA ( 7th Day Adventists), that all “live healthy, long lives”). USA is ranked as the sickest country world, yet spends more for so called healthcare than many other countries combined, has a massive dead zone in the Gulf, ranked # 47 in life expectancy & are allowing the medical system to sicken-maim & kill hundreds of millions including our children. Money rules Wash. D.C. incl. the FDA.
    • IF anyone chooses to Grow animals in competitive time frames for food or raise food (yield per acre) & in order to be competitive must use CHEMICALS, etc.
    MANY animals are fine with eating just “grass & water” – Cows-Horses, pigs, chickens, geese, swans, ducks, & most other birds. Plant Based Organic Diet is a GREAT healer.
    Staggering, almost uncountable, number of Chemicals, Drugs, Pesticides, Fertilizers, Hormones, Food Additives-coloring-addictive taste enhancers preservatives, blended into the food supply -OURS! Drugs have killed MILLIONS !
    2. Examine the WHY/CAUSE- of strokes, bad arteries, cholesterol, cancer, arthritis, diabetes, joint problems with new knees & hips. Food with TOO MANY CHEMICALS seems to be the constant cause & culprit, overworking our immune systems. Therefore I embarked on a mission of wellness enhancement; engaged in/on a strict Kushi Macrobiotic-Organic diet & in 8+ weeks dropped from 154 pounds, to 132,= 22 pound loss.
    1. Bill Clinton has had similar (results with a heart-driven Dr. Esselstyn Plant Based Diet). I also discovered that it takes about 4 months to fully change our blood. I therefore remained on Verne Varona’s/ Kushi’s modified organic/macrobiotic diet- immune system was restored to a positive state, I kept searching for additional enhancement methods, Protocols, Herbs, Nutrients, etc. I finally found the Baking Soda (&/ or Cesium chloride) experts that had experienced success in beating cancers. A good one was Vern (Vito) Johnston & his “common sense” Protocol & his internet site. http://phkillscancer.com/vernons_dance_with_cancer.
    2. I now am able to eat some “regular” meals & dinners from a menu @ a normal restaurant. I still concentrate on organic foods, brown rice, beans, various green veggies, & whole oats at breakfast, filtered water, deep breathing, walking 30+ minutes a day, 8 hours of sleep, fruits, apricot seeds, chia seeds, Herbal Aloe Force, some herbs, a few special vitamins, & occasional Baking Soda.
    All of my efforts diet wise, breathing, water, green teas, etc. are to maintain a slight alkalinity.
    • Those that say Vern Varons’a, Kushi’s, diet, etc. & my protocol/methods can cure almost anyone who has not damaged themselves by Drugs-Alcohol-Smoking, etc. – are on the right track. They offer books, web sites, chat rooms, blogs, etc. that all indicate that this Diet Protocol is available, fairly inexpensive & IMPORTANTLY raises our pH to over 7.6+ mine 8.5 on 3rd day resulting in Cancer Cell demise. There is considerable material easily available about Baking Soda raising pH for decades. The MANY uses of Baking Soda are strong indicators of this well established pH reality.
    3. Discovered another Book about heart problems by Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr., who was a researcher & clinician at the Cleveland Clinic for 35+ years & wrote a very important book – “Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease”. Bill Clinton went on Dr. Esselstyn’s Plant Based Diet that is similar to my Plant Based Diet. Cancer Diet allows NO SUGAR Heart Diet allows sugar. Bill went on CNN with Wolf Blitzer as a fill in & was a BIG hit. Then went on CNN with Dr. Sanja Gupta, The Last Heart Attack.

    I strongly “ENDORSE” the following statement: “When people learn to eat a plant based diet they can eliminate heart disease & cancer it could inaugurate a seismic revolution in our health. Other diseases that can be 80% resolved with a plant based diet include: obesity, hypertension, stroke, heart attacks, gall stones, diverticulitis, asthma, osteoporosis, allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, lupus, & a marked decrease in the common western cancers of breast, prostate, colon, endometrial, ovarian, & pancreatic”. So says Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr., who was a researcher & clinician at the Cleveland Clinic for 35+ years & wrote a very important book – “Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease”. 23 patients that Cleveland Clinic gave up on to die, after Stents open heart, etc. Dr, Esselstyn put them (only 17) on his diet. All lived over a decade & many longer.
    We all are basically the same – except for some inherited Genes, various opinions, points-of-view-beliefs-attitudes-positions-habits-tendencies, derived from our past & the “brainwashing” we are subjected to by sophisticated marketing entities seeking revenues/profits throughout our lives.
    • Nutrition & diet have not been taught in our educational backgrounds.
    • Today is the 1st day of the rest of our lives SO – decide to CHANGE Therefore, I STRONGLY urge all interested folks to appreciate their body’s capabilities & undertake whatever DIET changes are required to enhance/strengthen your immune systems !
    • All we have is “our time & our energy”, as long as it lasts. So eat organic – Brown rice, beans, various green veggies, whole oats-breakfast, filtered water, deep breathing, walking 30 minutes a day, 8 hours of sleep, fruits, chia seeds, ALOE, some herbs, special vitamins, & occasional Baking Soda
    What’s the Difference between God & a Dr. – God doesn’t think he is a Dr. – A Dr. thinks he is GOD
    • Understand it’s Us against a dangerous Profit driven system You all want to enjoy a healthy life or wouldn’t be reading this material about beating Cancer & Heart disease.
    • USA Healthcare system – is revenue driven – sickens maims kills hundreds millions
    • Do you want to be Steve Jobs or me ? Joe Frazier or me ?
    • Acquire new habits that empower your Immune System so as to enhance your quality of life !
    • Be good to your body & it will be good to you !

    Don Porter

    Disclaimer: Although many alternative medical treatments have been successfully used for many years, they are currently not practiced by conventional medicine & are therefore not “approved” & legal (in some States) for medical professionals to prescribe for their patients, although it is legal for individuals to use them at their own discretion. It therefore becomes necessary to include the following disclaimer: The offerings made by this publication are to be carefully considered by the user. All responsibility regarding the use of alternative treatments rests with the patient. If you have doubts regarding these things, rely on your conventional doctor. What Don Porter & others (books written 30 years ago) have done & accomplished is their story & may be achievable by others doing the exact same diets & protocols.

    • barbara said

      will this help a man who will be lucky to last till christmas and it is now 10/25/2015. he has been thru 3 sets of chemo, i set of radiation and dr. wants him to do 8 more chemo treatments. he has lung cancer.

  52. Wendy said

    Dissolving it in the water first is fine. Just keep tabs on your results and adjust the recipe And frequency from there as needed.

  53. Don Porter said

    Ok Basically correct. Also TAKE Pottassium Supplement if take Baking Soda for a while. High pH will leach Potassium from bones etc.
    see my sites that I derive No income from in ANY way. don porter cancer
    Also see Dr. Calwell Esselstyn Plant Based Diet, Bill Clinton wieght Loss, Dr. Terry Wahls
    Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN – Stop Heart Attacks

  54. doctorsandman said

    attn: the molasses -maplesyrup-honey-and heating
    is just to help the fainthearted choke it down
    just choke it down
    drink more alkaline-cleaner water
    avoid acid causing foods as much as possible
    just raise your ph and live

    • NotADoctor Thompson said

      It’s not just to help you choke it down, it’s to help up-take of the bi-carb by the abnormal tumour cells which consume up to 6 times more glucose than your normal cells….. A masking agent of sorts. This same premise is being adopted by orally administered photosensitizers for PDT treatments with great success in randomized trials on a wide variety of cancers.

      • anoymous said

        The problem with heating is if you heat it too much you will burn off the BS – you don’t want a chemical reaction – that is oxygen being released. Not good.

  55. investing blog said

    I take pleasure in, result in I found just what I used to be looking for. You have ended my four day long hunt! God Bless you man. Have a great day. Bye

  56. Skydg said

    My motherage 73 is diagnosed with stage IV Breast cancer. She has taken chemo almost 3 cycles stopped after that due to extreme weakness. Now she is too weak to walk , Take very less quantity of food. Doctor has prescribed her oral Capetero 500 mg thrice a day in lieu of Chemo. She was weak & thin earlier also and used to eat very less. Now I want to know thru your blog whether Baking soda + Maple syrup will help. Secondly In india at the moment only OETKAR Baking soda is available . Can I use this . Bob red mill baking soda I have ordered it will take 10-15 days to reach to me.

    Please advise


  57. Skydg said

    My mother age 73, diganosed with Stage IV Breast Cancer. Had gone 1/2rd 8 Cycle of TAXOL chemo. Stop after that due to weakness. NO two days back I started giving here (Dr Oetkar) Baking Soda + (MAC DONALD 100% Pure) Maples Syrup once in a day. According to her after 2 days she is having little more breathing problems. Shall I continue giving the BS+MSyrup. Her lungs are affected by cancer. Earlier also she had a problem but after days it seems to little increase. So please ASAP. It;s Urgent

  58. Don Porter said

    NO food 2 hrs of Baking soda as increased alkalinity alters digestion. Acidic is cause of MOST health problems. Organic food (NO CHEMICALS) is very important to build immune system. Alkalinity is Critical in cancer issues. STOP acidic conditions in body & rebuild Immune system, NO red meat, fast or packaged foods, dairty, soda, sugar (any kind), see donportercancer with Google search.

    Important buy Herbal Aloe Force ! Exceptional benefits from this Product

  59. Wendy Kraft said

    It is suggested to do this on an empy stomach. You may have missed that. Take care.

    Cancer Strategist
    How Many Strategies do you Know?

  60. Judge Judy said

    Aveline Kushi, a Macrobiotic pioneer, died of cancer a some years back. It is not a panacea. The China Study has been thoroughly rebutted: http://rawfoodsos.com/2010/07/07/the-china-study-fact-or-fallac/

    • Wendy Kraft said

      A lot of people die of a lot of things…including Chemotherapy. It is surprising that several cancer strategies leave you looking the same and still able to carry on in a regular daily schedule while heath improves. Most people’s physical appearance remains the same as well. Carrying on the daily schedule is important for there are people to love and people who need us. If we are sick and overwhelmed with Dr’s appts, life gets put on hold or worse, doesn’t it? I enjoyed the blog link you shared. Thanks!

  61. 1indianhippygirl said

    I have not read ‘all’ posted messages, however, does anyone have any information on Candida treatment?

  62. Ragan Maxwell said

    I need some info please. My husband was diagnosed in july ’10 with bladder cancer. They removed his bladder in feb. of ’11. Since we have been dealing with cancer that has spread. He had a ‘clean’ pet scan in dec. of ’11. In feb. of this year, they found that the cancer was back and had spread to several other places including the brain. He began radiation for the brain and chemo for the ‘body’ stuff. Just today I was given the results of a bone scan which said that it has now spread to all of his bones. “Too numerous to count” was how it was reported to me. Let me say this before I get into my questions…my husband has always been a firm believer in natural healing and has for most of his life used natural remedies. We attempted to treat the cancer naturally, but at the time we felt it was too advanced to get ahead of it, so we chose to do chemo. He responded really well to chemo and did not have most of the horrible side effects and we attribute this to the natural remedies he was still taking.
    So he has had chemo in the past month and is do for another treatment next tuesday, as well as radiation which he had in march. He is taking several pharmaceutical meds, to help with pain, and other stuff.
    My questions are these:
    1. does he have to be off sugar for a month before starting this?
    2. are his meds and chemo and radiation going to change the effects of doing this?
    3. does this have to be heated up to be fully effective…I was told just to mix it up and eat it..(we are using the black strap molasses)

    Thanks for any info you could give me!!

  63. Eugene Bauzon said

    Hi, Im Eugene from the Philippines. Please send me on how to mix this soda to maple syrup. My mother was diagnosed o have temporal bone cancer, squamos cells? Please help us in curing our mother. God Bless

  64. Really very nice information for health,
    thanks for sharing information

  65. Leslie Luly-Rosenberg said

    Wow…thank you for your knowledge!

  66. Georgia Sutherland said

    My father has lung cancer that has metastasized to his brain… I started him on the mayple syrup and bicarbonate soda yesterday and he is taking two teaspoons three times a day… Is that right and how long does he stay on this for? Can someone please help thanks

  67. maribel juarez said

    hi my grandpa is been dx w throat cancer and lung cancer and i have all my hope on this natural cancer and cure i just have a question by taking this there should be pauses in between days? please reply. ..maribel

  68. Don Porter said

    This creates a high pH (8+) thereby kills cancer cells, & has worked for me, 5+ yrs. after following a modified Kushi/V.Varona
    “Plant Based Diet” to restore/re-build my immune system, As Anyone Can !
    I am not providing medical advice, simply “revealing my experiences & protocol”, resulting in a removal of Stage IV Metasticised cancer. “NO” Chemo, Radiation, Minimum Drugs
    Requires – 4mos. To change your blood – Do ORGANIC Plant Based Diet – NO CHEMICALS
    AVOID Any forms of SUGAR-Eat Organic food- for 1 month, then Initiate as follows:
    • 1st day- 1 Teaspoon of BS soda with & 1 cup room temp water 2x day (away from meals), 2 Teaspoons of Black Strap molasses (“BSM”) Heat @ “LOW” temp in pan for 5 min. & STIR a lot to fully combine your sugar & BSM into “YOUR own Trojan Horse” to benefit your body -immune system. The molasses/maple syrup targets cancer cells (which consume 15X more glucose than normal cells) & the baking soda, (which is dragged into the cancer cell by the maple syrup/BSM), being very alkaline, forces a rapid shift in pH thereby killing the cancer cells quickly in hrs).
    • 2nd day – repeat, also Do Deep breathing (30x – 3-10x day or more). OXYGEN KILLS cancer cells
    • 3rd day – same Cancer cells gobble up sugar so when you use sugar it’s like sending in “your own Trojan horse”. The sugar is “not” going to encourage the growth of the cancer colonies as the alkaline baking soda (14pH) is going to kill the cells before they have a chance to grow.
    • 4th day – same 2X day goal get to 8.0 – 8.5 pH & hold 4-5 days & cancer cells dormant
    • at pH 7.5+ & kills cancer cells @ 7.8-8.5. My pH was 8.53 on 3rd day with a blood & urine test.
    • 5th day – started taking the solution – 2 tspns BS & 2 Tsps BSM 2X day
    • 6th day– repeat 2 Tspns BS & 2 Tspn of BSM & 1 cup of water 2x a day. My pH measured 8.25. That is what happens with cesium chloride/BS done by Italian Dr. Simoncini, mild nausea is good as it means the dead cancer cells are being discarded by your body.
    • 7th – All ok – lips tingled- an Oxygen Euphoria from a lot deep breathing. Oxygen assists in killing bone/ALL cancer! Also on day 7, increased BS to 3 Tspns. & got a slight headache, backed off to 2 Tspns BS- I was a bit uncomfortable/nervous & had a slight headache, so I reduced it. I had slight confusion. Do 30+ DEEP breaths several times per day – VERY IMPORTANT !
    • 8th day – double dose 3x a day to get pH high- could some be health issues with too much BS
    Potassium 200+mg intake is IMPORTANT. Filtered water also & Exercise/walk 30 min. daily.
    • 9th day – A little diarrhea, a little weak feeling, really began to up my potassium intake. All experts said that high dosage of potassium (also with cesium chloride) is very important. Oxygenation euphoria all day from deep breathing. Ok KILLING cancer cells more important !
    • 10th day – Headache more persistent, body sweats SO- I cut back to a solution 2x a day; not 3x.
    • 11th day – down to 1.5 Tspns to control headache, bit of loose stools, slight headache & night sweats. I cut back felt overloaded- 8.35 goal achieved & I wanted to maintain pH 8.0+ for 4-5 days.
    • NOTE: Key Points: Take BS solution 2 hrs before or 2 hrs after eating, to give stomach acids time to digest food. Eat HIGH potassium organic foods, SUPPLEMENTS, vitamins, minerals, & herbs as recommended for Cesium/Baking Soda Therapy by others with noted successes.
    • Watch blood pressure- take Potassium. IMPORTANT – Temp High pH – BAD for Cancer cells !

    Coral Calcium 3000 mg
    Vit. D/D3 10,000 iu’s, Astralagus, Spirulina
    CoQ10-200 mg,easy Tumeric- Walking
    Maitake d-fraction
    Potassium 200 mg,
    Milk Thistle 1000 mg
    Sevent Flower
    Sun Chlorella
    Herbal ALOE Force

    • Seek to maintain ORGANIC Diet to let your Immune System rebuild from MANY years of harmful chemicals, etc, in Packaged/Fast foods! Eat brown rice, oats, beans & lots of GREEN veggies & some fruits, N fruit w/cancer. Pay for Organic now or pay Drs. Later
    • Room temp filtered water & Green teas- Kukicha, Bancha-Hojicha, Dandelion Root, Pu-erh.
    • Healthy foods to eat are vegetables, nuts & seeds, beans, organic only, quality fish NO FarmRsd.
    Human blood pH should be slightly alkaline (7.35 – 7.45). A pH of 7.0 is neutral. A pH below 7.0 is acidic. A pH above 7.2 is alkaline. Easy, or NO- Eating Most acidic foods– Beer/Wine/Liquor, Drugs, Dairy/Butter, Sugars, Sodas, Table Salt, Pork/Bacon/Poultry/Beef, Easy on fish & related, clams-muscles-lobster, etc. Be good to your immune system – It WILL be good to you with – ORGANIC Food !
    No – Packaged foods-chemically created for taste, odor, appearance, be addictive, last long time preservatives
    Baking Soda –Molasses “BSM” also done with success by others: maple syrup can be used instead of BSM)
    • Jim Kelmun 75, (truck driver), treated 200+ terminal cancer sufferers, 185 lived @ least 15 years. Jim has been threatened with jail by authorities unless he stops administering his remedy – as he has no medical degree! Jim’s Remedy – Maple Syrup & BS (Baking soda). Mix 1 part BS to 1-3 parts syrup. Heat LOW HEAT, stir rigorously in a pan for 5 min. 2 tspns per day 1st week, 1 tspn per day for 2 weeks. Stop Remedy after 3 weeks. Organic food.
    A Few Related “GOOD”Internet Searches & Authors to read of 100,000+ researched:

    • Italian Dr. Simoncini Cesium/BakingSoda
    • Dr. Caldwell B Esselstyn, Jr, Heart
    • Cesium Chloride, China Study-T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D , Bill Clinton, Dr. Ornish
    • Dirk Benedict, Recalled by Life
    • Forks over Knives –Heart Issues
    • Vernon (Vito) Joshtini http://phkillscancer.com/vernons_dance_with_cancer
    • Acid Alkaline Foods, Michio Kushi
    • Verne Varona, Denny Waxman
    http://www.cnn.com/2011/HEALTH/08/19/heart.attack.proof.diet/index.html-CNN 8-22-11 Dr. Gupta
    • The pH Miracle – R. Young
    • Dr. Sanjay Gupta-CNN, Bill Clinton, Dr. Essesltyn, donportercancer

    9-25-10 Wolf Blitzer’s Interview with Bill Clinton & Drs. Caldwell Esselstyn & Dean Ornish – How to Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease with a Plant-Based Heart Diet, http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/podcasts/gupta/site/2011/08/29/sgmd.last.heart.attack.cnn

    • Jan said

      I have breast cancer which after three years in remission had mets to the liver. I am currently undergoing chemo but want to get on the Maple syrup and baking soda remedy. If I understand this correctly I am to go on a diet of NO sugar (including fruit?) for a month before I start with the maple syrup/baking soda for 12 days. Then after I do the program for 12 days what do I do? Take a week off and then start again? I am so anxious to do this along with your recommended diet. I am purchasing the books you recommend and look forward to posting NEDS. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your wonderful research and information you all have so graciously shared.

  69. Wendy said

    If you are following the 11-day protocol, then no…..do it every day. Just remember that you need to record how you feel, if you start feeling uncomfortable in some way, do the logical thing, as noted….back the amount down to the last level used, but try to keep going until proper results are reached. Read, re-read, make notes and charts before you start the protocol, so it is easy to make sure you are taking the proper supplements, amount of Trojan Horse etc.

  70. Wendy said

    Hi Georgia,
    The answers are all on this site page. Just read and re-read until you are comfortable with the concept and in carrying it out. I would be very happy to know what changes your father begins to see.

  71. Don Porter said

    Every word of the DJP Protocol is IMPORTANT !! It is codensed to fit on 2 pages. Herbal ALoe Force is a SPECIAL product with Essiac Herbs, Cats Claw, Astralagus, Chamomile, Hawthorne Berry, Paud’Arco. This is the ONLY product that I STRONGLY recommend. ALL of the item mentioned are useful Pottasium is A MUST !!

  72. Don Porter said

    Also you van search donportercancer or donporter plant based diet on Googlr to find more information. A STRICT ORGANIC Plant Based Diet. NO red meat, dairy, sodas, packaged foods, fast food, only sea salt, filter water with just a Brita filter is ok, NO SUGAR of any KIND No Chemicals NONE !!!

  73. Prudence said

    I would like to try this for diabetic.

  74. Gerry sengi said

    I have an 8month old niece who has liver cancer and the doctors say there’s no medicine. I live in Papua new guinea where treatment for this disease is only obtained overseas. My family is really concerned and woried. Can i use bicarb and maple syrup on the baby? And how much? Please advice.

    • As is the case for everyone, a personal decision needs to be made. The other good thing is, her parents do not know of any other choices.The other, other good thing is, your niece is big enough to drink from a bottle or a sippy cup. Drink at room temperature, or slightly cool or slightly warm…whatever is preferred. If it were me, I would water down the recipe. I would also start with a bit extra black strap, Un-sulphered molasses or real maple syrup. Do taste tests. and always drink it as a family deal…EVERYBODY gets a special drink!

      Do remember to supplement with the nutrients listed in the protocol..especially the potassium which is found in bananas, ground sunflower seeds, and fresh apricots. While on this regimen…at and serve potassium-rich foods everyday! I would not continue to increase the baking soda ratio unless she likes the drink. She is little, and should respond well, even if extra molasses is needed….just be sure to nix everything together very well!

      What her parents will want to do is take a good honest look at what they and she have been eating and drinking. Any changes they make, they will want to make together. What one eats, they others eat. What one drinks, the others drink. All for one and one for all. Everybody gets new and better foods and we all eat TOGETHER! If you blend the foods, they will be easier for her to digest. So, if you are having brown rice and cooked carrots, blend the brown rice. Then blend the carrots…enough for EVERYONE! Have fun with this CELEBRATE with food! (Do not give her much raw food at first unless it is in the smoothie as mentioned below)

      Good clean healthy foods such as good, clean, not-chemically treated water, vegetables and whole grains such as brown rice and whole grain sprouted breads (which are surprisingly soft)! Fruits are OK, but veggies are better right now. If foods need to be sweetened to get her to eat or drink them, then Stevia (a naturally sweet plant extract) should be added. (Do NOT consume any sugar, honey, syrup or chemical sweeteners). Stay away from packaged foods, meats and any sweet drinks other than the baking soda and molasses or maple syrup protocol. Adjust these ideas considering foods you have available where you live.

      Smoothies would be fantastic. Here is a good recipe. You would want to mix it well so that it is not gritty:
      This recipe makes about 8 cups smoothie…enough to serve 2-4 people. Place in blender in this order:

      3 cups pure water
      3 cups raw spinach
      2 other leaves such as collards or kale (mix and ,match is fine)
      1/2 cup cooked and cooled brown rice
      1 tsp (teaspoon) flax meal (sprouted is best) or flax seed (sprouted is best)
      Mix above ingredients until half-way smooth
      Now add….
      2 apples (seeds and cores removed)
      1 banana, peeled
      1-2 cups berries such as strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries (frozen is best) (the less, the better)
      1 packet of Stevia or 25 Stevia leaves from your garden
      Mix all this together until smooth. Taste. Add more Stevia as needed.
      Adjustments to ingredients may be made.

      Your niece should never eat alone. Always with those she loves and enjoys and only after having fun doing the cheer I have written for you (Below)…or some cheers like it.

      Before drinking your smoothies, or eating any foods…shout this cheer all together and out loud……get going with this…have fun, jump up and down, make a tune to fit the words, then make a cheer routine to fit the words too! This will seep right into her little soul (and her family’s too. Our Heavenly Father’s Health is only a thought away for the work has already been accomplished in Christ.

      “Jesus! Jesus! You are so great!” (Arms in the air like a real cheer leader)!
      “You bless my body and the food on my plate!” (Gently touch your abdomens just under the rib cage area…liver area:- and then out toward the food or drink)
      “I am so happy I can run and play!” (Make little running motions even if she cannot get up yet).
      “Jesus! Jesus, has healed me today!” (Cup your hands around your mouths because you are shouting this from the rooftop)!
      “Hooray”! (Arms and hands thrown up high in the air in victory and thanks).

      Please let me know what else you may need.

      Wendy Kraft
      The Gentle Cancer Treatment Ambassador
      Be Prepared for Yourself or Someone You Love
      Show-Casing Gentle, Effective Cancer Treatments
      919-786-0295 Home Office

      • anoymous said

        I’m curious you give the same dosage to a child as and adult? Seems a bit much doesn’t it?

  75. JGC said

    I just finished the Vern Johnston/D J Porter baking soda & molasses Trojan horse protocol on the 13th of July with the last five days averaging 8.0 – 8.5+ pH. Additionally, I’ve been following the strict dietary regimen since late June when I was diagnosed with prostrate cancer and since completing the Trojan Horse have been monitoring my pH levels to keep them at 7.25 – 7.5 with diet and baking soda. As an uninteneded consequence, I’ve also dropped from 248 lbs down to 218 lbs and continuing to drop. I’m scheduled to have a blood test this Friday. From what I’ve read, my PSA should be rather low in the 0.1 range.

    What does this really mean with respect to telling me how much my body is fighting the cancer? My pH was low to begin with (2.77 in March 2012). It was because I noticed an unexpected jump in PSA during a short period of time last year that I agreed to have a biopsy which came back positive.

    If the Trojan Horse protocol is truly effective, then beyond just a 0.1 PSA, I would assume another biopsy would now be negative (althouhg I don’t relish doing that procedure again!). Are there any other non-invasive procedures (other than bone SCAN and CT SCAN which only determines the degree to which, if at all, the stuff in your prostate has metastisized to other areas of your body) that indicate whether or not your prostate itself is clean?

    Also, are there any medical doctors who know of this protocol used in conjunction with a plant based diet that would be willing to consult with me?

  76. Lolina said

    What if pregnant? Is the baking soda still safe?

    • George Cloud 9/13/12
      How long does it take to kill tumor cancers in the blatter….has any body got infor on blatter cancer using baking soda
      and molessas?

  77. Don Porter said

    Did you follow every single instruction on the 2 pages, potaasium, filtered water gren teas ,LOTS of deep breathing & more etc see Dr. Otto Warburg Nobel Prize winner friend of Einstein cancer cure 1931 Read Recalled by life Dr. Anthony Staillaro DIET is VERY important

    Taking your pH up for a brief time MDs say ok I am not a Dr & unable to comment

  78. Leslie said

    How long is it safe to keep ones pH levels at 8+ if one has cancer??

  79. Dave said

    Yes. I followed the instructions very closely, except I probably could have had more Green tea. Took all of the supplements with breathing. PSA last nine months has been +or- 1 point. That’s why I was shocked when it went up 2 1/2 points so quickly. I’m afraid to try the protocol again. Just very concerned as it has gone to the bone. I think about it nonstop. Looking for a solution. I just lost a friend to cancer (52). Thanks for your reply.

  80. Dave said

    Thank you for the reply and the link. Lots of good information. Always willing to take good advise and try new things.

  81. Wendy said

    I am sorry about your friend….and you are right….What you cannot see, can be very scary.
    You must think about what you can see. You can see the way different people handle the news of cancer. Are you pleased with what you see in their results. If you are, then follow what they have done.

    Success follows success..whatever you do, do it running, if you look back, you will stumble. When that happens. pick yourself back up remember what you CAN see. My friend Don Porter is very much alive and well as is another friend of mine that had Prostate cancer and now the doctors say it is gone and he felt great all the way along.

    It can happen. It will happen. It will probably happen to you too. On the other hand, you may die. If you like what you see in the people you know that have died, follow them. If not, find another way. All the best to you, my friend. You have your whole life ahead of you, just waiting for you to live it.

  82. bella, grazie

  83. this blog provided information about blood group and maintain your health.

  84. tom said

    i have a pleismorphe adenoma (tumor) on the roof of my mouth. i have had it along time. doctors tod me it was nothing to worry about,so i lived with it. about 3 weeks ago it started bothering me the irritation seemed to coincide with a dull ear ache….sore as though irritated. i went for a biopsy last week and they told me they will tell me the re…………sults in an appt for next tuesday. they have also ordered a cat scan in 2 weeks.. they will not tell the biopsy results . til tuesday………i started taking 3 to 1 mixture of mollases and baking soda yesterday……..a teaspoon morning and one at night..i felt pretty good this am …best i felt since this thing flared up. the doctor is talking about excising it which might entail taking part of the hard pallate. ……………any feed back will be appreciated

  85. carrill said

    I believe I must start up this maple syrup and baking soda routine, since now I’m home with doctors orders to stay with leg up above my heart line. I have cellulitis, which is a bacterial infection that is with staph bacteria. I know what brought this on, with the passing of my father and dealing with all of the aftermath.

  86. Bill Reynolds said

    All baking soda is aluminum free…baking powder is what has aluminum.

  87. George Cloud said

    George Cloud did the BSMS treatment that vern did and went and had ciscostop and we looked at my blatter small tomers
    still their…..how long do you need to do the bakensoda & molesses treatment to get rid of tomers when does it kill them and you no longer see them in your blatter! I have never had cemo or radiation and now he want to put and low grade cemo in
    up my penus,which he says won,t go in my bloodstreem ……I don,t want to do this..some body please help me with this

  88. skyddg said

    dear sir i wish to request all and Porter sir to you to maintain the details of the people who have taken maple Syrup therapy and got rid of cancer. It will help to boost the moral of future patients. I anybody got treated he/she should inform Porter Sir how he got benefitted from Maple Syrup challenge

  89. Serhio said

    Guys, if one takes only BS without maple syrup, just with water…your tests of urine and saliva would be high, like with molasses…why should we take in that case BS with “sweets” which help cancer thrives?
    Would it be different curative results if do not take Baking Soda with molasses?

    • Don Porter said

      Cancer reqires sugar to grow as rapidly as it does. Some say if eat NO sugar for a while & then consume molasses or maple syrup along with simple Baking Soda (9 pH), hungry & desperate cancer cells will quicky consume the molasses & also the BS —- You now have a TROJAN HORSE – your own. Dr. Otto Warburg Nobel Prize, winner says high pH fatal to cancer cells as is Oxygen from deep breathing & high Alkalinity

  90. alice said

    I want to know what happens after the treatment of bicarbonate/maple syrup Protocol..what hapens to the tumor?How long should you take this protocol for a complete cure.I am asking because I have been taking this Treatment for a period of two months whiich is July-August 2012 but the tumour does not shrink.I trus that this will help me with my breast tumour so please help by replying to me.

    • Don Porter said

      If you don’t allign the front end of your car any tires will wear out

      If you don’t change the CAUSE of an illness (diet, chemicals, etc) why would the health issue not keep occuring !
      USA sickest country in world.

    • Thomas R said

      Sugar feeds Cancer, especially oxidizing agents (but Maltodextrin furnishes Electrons).

      The Armpit’s Lymph Nodes may be cleared by taking 90 – 300 mg of Co-Enzyme Q-10 (UbiquinOL, not UbiquinONE) — More @ Note #107.

  91. i just wna know if this soda & maple syrup can try to my husband he is colon ca. patient with colostomy bag. please asist me

    • Thomas R said

      Most sugars oxidize things, except MaltoDextrin. _ But Cancer loves sugar.

      If I were Your Spouse, I should get ANTI-oxidants, such as those in Green Tea (poly-phenols), alpha-lipo-ic acid — or its more powerful form, di-hydro-lipoic acid. _ & Co-Enzyme Q-10 — “Ubiquinol”
      (from “ubiquitous” = everyWhere),
      which has more Electrons than the usual kind in Stores, that is, Ubiquinōne. _ More about that in NOTE 107.

      • Thomas R said

        I heard about Chelators. _ Mushrooms & Modified (shortened) Citrus Petin contain compounds
        (Lectins, I believe — confer Joel Fuhrman on PBS-TV),
        which bind to floating Cancer Cells. _ MCP might be sold by Robert J. Marshall, Nutritionist (PhD, 1975, UCLA) @

  92. Don Porter said

    Dr. Otto Warburg, Nobel Prize winner 1931 & friend of Albert Einstein, discovered the Cause of Cancer, which is an ACIDIC environment in the cells. All diseases require an Acidic environment to prosper. An Alkaline (or high pH) kills cancer cells. I utilized Dr. Otto Warburg’s work along with The Hidden Story of Cancer by Prof. Brian ScottsPeskin & MANY other books and articles (15,000 hours). I suggest reading Recalled By Life by Dr. Anthony Satillaro, Kamikaze Cowboy, Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease by Dr. Calwdell B. Esselstyn, Jr., The China Study, Ph Books & several Hundred others (as I have).
    There is “What we know”. There is “What we don’t know”. PROBLEM – There is “What we don’t even know, that we don’t know”.
    Throw in opinions, beliefs, points-of-view, attitudes, positions, desire to be right, egos, greed, self serving & related & you have quite a formula for frustration.
    A pH of 7.8 to low or mid 8’s is said to be fatal to Cancer cells. I suggest strengthening Immune systems with a NO chemical diet NO Fast or packaed foods, filter water, NO sugar, dairy, salt , sodas etc The stronger Immune System can rebuild cells that have been eliminated with a high pH.

    Anyone – can beat nearly ALL forms of Cancer with an Organic Plant Based Diet & a high pH

    Along with obesity, hypertension, stroke, heart attacks, gall stones, diverticulitis, asthma, macular degeneration, acne, osteoporosis, allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes 1&2, multiple sclerosis, colds-flu, migraines, obesity, cognitive dysfunction, lupus, erectile dysfunction, hypertension, & a initiate a marked decrease in the common western cancers of breast, prostate, colon, endometrial, ovarian, & pancreatic.
    Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.
    Dr. T. Colin Campbell, etal.

    see donportercancer, Forks Over Knives, Medicare Approved Aug. 2010 PMRI – Preventive Medicine Research Institute Dr Dean Ornish & above books.

  93. Carol said

    Interesting….Direct question to Don Porter: Besides you, are there documented cases in any of the books (videos, etc) that you can recommend that are testimonials to the direct affects on various types of disease (cancer, etc) of Baking Soda and Black Molasses/Maple Syrup? Please don’t repost your story, Don, in response to this question, as I would like to read about people (other than you) that have used the Trojan Horse method to cure their specific ailments/disease. I have read this entire site and there are lots of people sharing how to make the Trojan Horse or what happens when it is not made properly, but my interest is more in what RESULTS people are having from using this method–other than posts about what Doctors say can happen when the pH of the body is alkaline. Until there are testimonials, it is just a theory put into action, and even though your story is compelling, Don, there are cases where cancer goes into remission for no logical reason. And please understand, I am not at all trying to argue against this remedy, as I used a rife machine and ozone machine to cure myself of candida, chronic fatigue, epstin barr virus many, many years ago when the medical profession diagnosed my severe symptoms as “all in my head.” I am a big believer in the power of the immune system–and that cancer cannot live in oxygenated blood or alkaline environment. I’ve personally experienced the results…But I’d just like to see the stories from others as far as their results using the Trojan Horse. Best thoughts and thank you for sharing all of this as well as your story.

    • skyddg said

      i agree with you we should have testimonials and request to all to post all your achievements after taking this protocol in order to boost the confidence to others.

    • Janet said

      I agree with you Carol and skyddg if I try this I will post my results as it is not much use reading the same testimonial over and over again. I will post my achievements because confidence is needed at these times because to make an error now could be fatal. Regards Janet

      • wendyk21 said

        Yes, James “Over” alkalinity can be an issue is tissues are so burdened that toxins deeply hide. The healthier we get, the more it seems, toxins feel free to come out. this is why many folks take an ease into it approach to balancing the body. Toxic reaction is not fun and, most times, can be avoided.

        EveryBody’s different. One of the biggest keys is how to stay in balance after any protocol is “done”. I would be glad to track your progress with you and aid in any way I can. I cannot do this for too many people at once, so if you could email me, that would be great. All the best to you. Wendy E. Kraft.


        *Wendy E. Kraft* *Advancing World Health, One Client at a Time* doTerra Essential Oils Independent Product Consultant 919-786-0295 *See me on LinkedIn* W endyEK21@gmail.com

        *For Disclosure & Email Settings Information, click **here*

      • James said


        Over alkalinity has nothing to do with toxins in the tissues. Many alkaline substances are highly toxic themselves. For example, mineral hydroxides are extremely caustic and are some of the strongest radicals known. Neutralizing stomach acid with alkaline substances can lead to all sorts of health issues that occur from increased pathogenic infection, and decreased nutrient absorption that can lead to hypomethylation among other issues. Look at what happens even if you hyperventilate. It will alkalize the blood instantly whether or not you are toxic, and as a result the blood vessels of the brain will constrict causing you to pass out.

        Problem is that most people have no clue the roles of acidity and alkalinity in the body. For example, you mention toxins. Yet are you aware that the body’s main detoxifier is the liver? And what is the primary compound the liver uses to detoxify the body? Glucuronic acid. On the other hand the liver also produces alkaline bile that plays a role in detoxification. Cellular energy requires a variety of acids, but alkaline sodium and potassium are also needed for proper cell function. The breakdown of amino acids forms highly alkaline and highly toxic ammonia. The body converts the toxic ammonia in to uric acid, one of the body’s primary anti-oxidants.

        Point is that the body is made up of and requires all sorts of acids for function. But as with all of nature there is a balance. Therefore, the body also requires a number of alkaline substances to balance the numerous beneficial acidic components of the body that allow us to exist and remain healthy.


  94. Serhio said

    Don, would you tell, please, what kind of pH meter you use to measure your figures…you numbers so precise…one couldn’t get it from the simple pH paper tape: on a tape it goes only till 8.0(deep purple color). Do you use some kind of digital meter? What brand? Most of them are OK to be used in swimming pools and aquariums…Thank you.

    • Don Porter said

      Have had limited success with anything except tests in medical offices. I have only utilized Chiro & VA offices. Many issues reported as this one – A man was unable to get over 8 with strips, etc. I STRONGLY suggested he go to a medical office & have a urine & blood test. He did & he was 9, as he was pushing the Protocol. Not any problems since then – last fall.

      Important to look at Dr. Otto Warburg & UNDERSTAND that Acidic condition is DANGEROUS & that Alkaline high pH is Healthy !

      • Thomas R said

        Sir, the resultant bone spurs or Eye-floaters might dissuade somebody. — More info. in note # 107.

  95. Timithius Rex said

    Too awesome! Thanx for sharin! Need to spread this info far and wide!

  96. Amal Shehadeh said

    My mom has diabetes ,she was diagnosed with nonhoghkins lynfoma three years ago ,she had cemo therapy ,she keeps up with her exams and treatments,do you think she could take this remedy to boost her immune system?and what about the sugar?

  97. carlos said

    why Maple syrup? Would Honey be just as effective???

    • anoymous said

      Molasses has a high potassium content – 1600 mg per tlbs – it’s the best reason to use it.

  98. Marcus M said

    I stay in a small area where most specific items–even at the 2 Super Walmarts(not Sam’s Club) that we have–are nonexistent. Is this a general item that can be found at a basic Super Walmart–one is very basic? We also have 2 Vowell’s Markets. Also, if general enough, what do I need to know about it that makes it any different than regular maple syrup(asking what kind/grade should I buy)?Please help. Thanks.

  99. Bill Otinger said

    This is my Understanding, take enough Baking Soda with Molasses or Maple Syrup to get PH to 8.5 for 5 days and nights then keep at 7.5 until Cured

    I use a nurtribullet, organic food is ALIVE, Processed Food is DEAD, I also take 5 drops 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide in 5 ounces water daily, Chlorine Kills Germs it also Kill WATER, take Oxygen out, H/P puts OXYGEN back in , Sodium Fluoride is not the same as Calcium Fluoide, Sodium Fluoride in Soft Drinks is INDUSTRIAL WASTE, see 30 video at wwwFLUORIDEALERTorg,

    see MMS & MMS2, JimHumbleLive on youtube and his other channels

    see Video Living beyond Organic must take Good PROBIOTIC daily

    • Thomas R said

      If you dislike Table Salt (due to HyperTension), You might benefit from an organic form of “hydro-chloric,” Stomach-acid — a derivative of Sugar Beets, called Beetane hydro-chloride. _ It is available from a Nutritionist {*}.

      Perhaps you refer to hypo-chlorite Bleach (O-Cl-). _ I suppose that it makes toxic chlor-amines in unfiltered water. _ However, as it reacts, it loses its potential Energy as it gains Electrons & becomes inert chloride (Cl-).
      Robert J. Marshall, whose PhD was conferred by UCLA ~’75. _ Confer his WebSite “Quantum Nutrition Labs” for Broadcast’s Recordings, or hear it Live via Cable Radio Network {CRNtalk dot com},
      or from the Salem Communications {radio} Corporation {…Salem.cc –> krla870 dot com},
      or at the Crawford Broadcasting {- dot com} Company {–> kbrt740 dot com, Sat. 9 a.m.}.

  100. Beckie said

    My daughter has autoimmune enteropy, not cancer. but she is on anti rejection meds and is TPN dependent. The biggest problem we are dealing with is gram negative rod infections in her central lines. I was wondering maybe if this would help with the bacteria overgrow issues.

    • Thomas R said

      I doubt it. _ Alkalosis is abnormal & results from Acidosis. _ Alkalosis causes Bones to dissolve then calcium recrystallizes on Bones as Spurs & in Eyes. — More info. @ Comment # 107.

  101. liam said

    My mother’s breast cancer has wound already. The large part of tumor has gone because of some supplements and diet but the wound is still there. Is it ok for her to take this protocol? Im afraid that blood will spill out again. Thanks. What do u think?

    • Thomas R said

      No — sugar feeds cancer ! _ Please my note # 107.
      _ _ Beware of eating carbo-hydrates at night soon before retirement (< 2 hours), since they will not be completely digested
      (in middle-aged people who don't generate as much "amylase" Enzymes as young people do).

      • James said

        Cancer cells can feed on sugars, some amino acids, ketones and lactate. Therefore, trying to cut out sugar from the diet is not going to make a major difference.

        Also keep in mind that the body can generate its own glucose from a variety of sources.

        It is also virtually impossible to avoid sugars in the diet since virtually everything we eat, including meats, has naturally occurring sugars.

        As for the comment on amylase keep in mind that even if this is true a lower amylase level would decrease blood sugar spikes since starches not broken down in to simple sugars by amylase are not absorbed.

    • Thomas R said

      Co-Enzyme Q-10 supplements co-incide with clearance of Cancer from Lymph Nodes in the Armpits of “High Risk” Breast Cancer Patients at a low dose = 90 mg/ day. _ The usual dose is 300 mg. _ No Patient lost weight nor died during the Study
      (–Nutritionist Rober J. Marshall, PhD conferred in ’75 by UCLA).

  102. donjud said

    I use Herbal Aloe Force A VERY high quality Aloe with Quality Herbs

  103. J C Sysk said

    Maple syrup and bicarbonate of soda cold mix. You cant burn it if you don’t heat it.
    Mix the soda with enough water so there are no lumps. add it to the syrup and stir well.
    Add one ounce of apple cider vinegar for each six ounces of syrup. Stir well (Use a big pot or the foam will run over) It will not separate.

  104. Serhio said

    Don, would you, please, share with us how you have been keeping your adequate pH balance after BS+Molasses treatment or you just have been waiting if it come back again, and then again organize war against it?

  105. Don Porter said

    I eat ONLY organic. NO packaged or fast foods. No dairy-red meat, etc. Filter my water with a Brita pitcher. Walk 30 min day. Play tennis 3 days week. Drink Herbal Aloe Force – A VERY GOOD non heated Aloe with Essiac-Cat’s Claw- Astralagus-Pau d’arco-Chamomile-Hawthorne Barry-AN EXCEPTIONAL PRODUCT! Also take some herbs like Turmeric, Garlicin (Garlic). Astaxanthin & some Chinese herbs. LOTS of Deep Breathing – IMPORTANT as Oxygen kills cancer cells & helps cells to be normal/healthy. The healing Aloe allows your immune system to concentrate on those areas of your body that MOST need the support. 1 tspn Baking soda at night when bodies are rebuilding is ok as more alkalinity results- ie more oxygen to your cells !

    Don Porter — see donportercancer

  106. Don Porter said

    Dr. Otto Warburg, Nobel Prize winner 1931, friend of Albert Einstein, discovered the CAUSE of Cancer, an – ACIDIC environment in cells.
    Cancer thrives in acidic, low oxygen environment. All diseases require an Acidic environment to prosper. An Alkaline (or high pH) kills cancer cells. I utilized Dr. Otto Warburg’s work along with The Hidden Story of Cancer by Prof. Brian Scott Peskin, Dr. William Kelley, & MANY other books, Blogs, Websites and articles (15,000 hours invested), to be able to create the success of eliminating my Stage IV Metasticized Prostate Cancer. I was given 3 yrs to live, Diagnosis, from a VA Dr., 5 1/2 yrs ago. Following the above data, I suggest, that the Baking Soda Protocol will kill cancer cells after a pH of about 8.0 is achieved. An organic diet is recommended to strengthen the immune system prior to eliminating cancer cells in your body.

    I suggest reading: Recalled By Life by Dr. Anthony Satillaro, Kamikaze Cowboy, Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease by Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., The China Study, Cancer: Curing the Incurable by D. William Donald Kelley, etal, Ph Books & several Hundred others related.

    There is “What we know”. There is “What we don’t know”. PROBLEM – There is – “What we don’t even know, that we don’t know”. Throw in opinions, beliefs, points-of-view, attitudes, positions, desire to be right, egos, greed, self serving & related & you have quite a formula for frustration.

    A pH of 7.8 to mid 8’s, is known to be fatal to Cancer cells. I suggest doing as I did, first strengthening the Immune systems with a NO chemical laden foods-diet, NO Fast or packaged foods, NO sugar, dairy, salt , sodas, etc. DO – Excercise, filter water, organic foods (preferably), lots of DEEP breathing (oxygen kills cancer cells). The restored & stronger Immune System can then more effectively rebuild dead cancer cells, that have been eliminated with a high pH Alkaline diet and a Baking Soda (cesium chloride) high pH Protocol.

    An acid body is a magnet for sickness, disease, cancer and aging. Eating more alkaline foods helps shift your body’s pH and oxygenates your system. Alkaline foods keep your body healthy and functioning correctly, preventing and combating cancer. You become what you eat. – Food is the BEST Medicine

    pH Balance:
    The pH scale is from 0 to 14, with numbers below 7 acidic (low on oxygen) and numbers above 7 alkaline. The blood, lymph and cerebral spinal fluid in the human body are designed to be slightly alkaline at a pH of 7.4. At a pH slightly above 7.4 cancer cells become dormant and at pH 8.1+ cancer cells will die while healthy cells will live.

    • James said

      Warburg has to be the most misquoted person in history.

      Warburg NEVER claimed cancer was the result of acidity, nor that cancer was killed by alkalinity. In fact, studies have proven just the opposite. The internal pH of cancer cells is more alkaline than healthy cells. They maintain their excessive alkalinity to allow them to survive and thrive since an acidic internal pH kills cancer cells. Therefore the cancer cells export acidic hydrogen ions (protons) in to the external matrix to maintain their alkalinity. Studies have shown that when the hydrogen ion pumps are blocked preventing the export of the acidic hydrogen ions the internal pH of the cancer cells become acidic killing the cancer cell. Studies have also proven that excess alkalinity of healthy cells causes the cells to revert to a cancerous state.

      Warburg NEVER claimed that cancer cells thrive in a low oxygen environment either. Warburg hypothesized that cancer cells had a respiratory defect and would continue to ferment REGARDLESS of how much oxygen was present. This principle has become known as the “Warburg effect”. Warburg’s hypothesis on the respiratory defect and how cancer cells were later disproven.

      Cancer cells, just like healthy cells, require both anaerobic glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation (OxPhos) for energy production. The only difference is that healthy cells are more heavily reliant on OxPhos than cancer cells. Still, cancer cells dertive 50% or more of their energy from OxPhos, which requires sufficient oxygen. In addition, the lower usage of OxPhos by cancer cells is compensated by cancer cells by the cancer cells having a much higher affinity for oxygen than healthy cells.

      If cancer cells are deprived of oxygen they die just like healthy cells. This is actually the basis behind the vascular formation within malignant tumors. When the tumor first starts forming its growth is severely limited by the lack of oxygen supply. The tumor can only grow to roughly 3mm in size before oxygen can no longer diffuse through the tumor. Since the cells in the middle of the tumor can no longer receive oxygen the center of the tumor dies from a lack of oxygen. In response the tumor releases angiogenic growth factors such as vascular endothelial growth factor, which allows the growth of blood vessels from the tumor and from a primary blood vessel. When this new vascular network connects the tumor now has a sufficient oxygen supply to allow its rapid growth.

      Another common myth surrounding Warburg is that Warburg won the Nobel Prize for discovering cancer was caused from a lack of oxygen or some people falsely claim by acidity. None of these claims are true. Warburg never claimed cancer resulted from a lack of oxygen, nor acidity. And Warburg won his Nobel Prize for the discovery of an enzyme he called “iron oxidase”.

      There are rumors that Warburg won a second Nobel Prize. This is also a myth. Warburg was nominated for a second Nobel Prize, but was never awarded a second Nobel Prize.

      Another common myth is that all diseases result from acidity. Nothing can be further from the truth. First of all the body maintains a very tight control on its pH since both excessive acidity and especially excess alkalinity can be fatal. Therefore, acidosis and alkalosis are both extremely rare conditions to begin with. True acidosis is almost exclusively seen in poisoning and occurs in the very rare diabetic ketoacidosis. Ironically, acidosis is also occasionally seen in hospital settings during IV bicarbonate therapy as the neutralization of acids by bicarbonate actually leads to the formation of carbonic acid. Alkalosis, which is considered more dangerous than acidosis is most often seen during hyperventilation, liver failure or from the excess consumption of alkaline substances, such as milk-alkali syndrome.

      The only diseases I have ever seen directly related to acids is gout and pseudogout. On the other hand peptic ulcers are often caused by the bacteria H. pylori, which thrives in an alkaline environment. In order to protect itself from stomach acid H. pylori secretes highly alkaline and highly toxic ammonia to neutralize the stomach acid. In fact, most pathogens are killed by acids and thrive in an alkaline environment. This is one of the reasons maintaining stomach acid is so important. Stomach acid is a first line defense against ingested pathogens. Our body flora also generate beneficial acids that among other things kill pathogens we are exposed to. These acids also control Candida growth. In an acidic environment the acids turn off the Candida growth gene and keep the Candida in its benign yeast form. When the flora numbers are reduced, such as after antibiotic use, the pH of the terrain becomes overly alkaline. This turns on the Candida growth gene and converts the Candida in to its pathogenic fungal form resulting in candidiasis. In its fungal form the Candida forms finger-like projections called hyphae that allow the Candida to dig in to the tissues causing damage and inflammation such as seen in leaky gut syndrome. And studies have shown that excess alkalinity of healthy cells causes the healthy cells to revert to a cancerous state. In addition, the highly alkaline internal pH of cancer cells allows them to survive and thrive. The bacteria that cause urinary tract infections also cannot tolerate an acidic environment. Therefore they secrete the enzyme urease to split urea forming highly alkaline ammonia to help them survive. This is why urinary tract infections lead to a higher (alkaline) urinary pH.

      Other diseases have nothing to do with pH. For example, type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder resulting most often from viral infection or antibodies developed from giving infants cow’s milk. Type 2 diabetes results from a lack of chromium and/or magnesium resulting in closed insulin receptors. Gestational diabetes results from a hormonal imbalance. Colds, flu, most cancers, etc, result from viral infections that are normally killed by acids. The list goes on and on of diseases that have nothing to do with acidity or alkalinity.

  107. Jake Sysk said

    Feeding my dog maple syrup and bicarbonate of soda for four weeks cured the red mange. All the hair grew back in less than 30 days

  108. Serhio said

    Thank You, Don. It is obviously useful to be in your classroom…I am now on BCG (it is not a chemo, otherwise I would take it) treatment for my bladder tumor, already after two surgical interferences…might looking for Rife machine procedures as well. I have to buy the right one in a first place…and it is not cheap…please, put some words, Don and everybody. If you have once re above mentioned

    About deep breathing…I want to share with everyone here this sight address regarding breathing…famous method of Dr. Buteyko. One has to spend some time browsing the one to get an idea, but in short: the less deep you breathe, the more oxygen you get…sounds absurd…you, Guys, might have heard about.

    Buteyko was an ambulance doctor in Russia and he noticed as soon as you breathe deeply your prompt all your symptoms and disease to flourish and progress.
    If start breathing shallowly and not frequent they, pain, symptoms first and then disease itself gone…http://www.normalbreathing.com/…explore.

    And again, what I notice, you, Don, take a 1 tea/table? spoon before going to bed but without maple syrup or molasses already…so, why without…don’t you do that for the same purpose as with maple syrup combined with BS – to alkaline the body and cells, or fluid between cells…why now without? What, with syrup and without, BS does different job?” Will you, please, comment on that, Don.

    Thank you, Don, again for you valuable info shared with all of us. Let God richly bless you.

    • Thomas R said

      Late-night consumption of Carbo-Hydrates is bad (<2 Hours before Slumber)_:_
      they won't be properly digested by a middle-aged person. & they are converted into ~ methanol ~ (= {H3}-C-OH)
      (–Dr. Brenda Watson, Nutritionist on PBS-TV).
      Then it becomes toxic ~ form-aldehyde ~ (= H2-CO), SomeBody wrote, which accumulates.
      _ _ Moonshine Liquor, incorrectly distilled, contained methanol which killed a Couple, & probably blinded them
      (–Spike Cable-TV, "1000 Ways to Die").

      . . . . . . .

      Dr. Marshall (Nutritionist, Radio-Host — see #109)
      says that hydro-chloric acid-production diminishes with age. _ Old people (~70 years) produce almost none, so they're Food rots & they starve
      (digestive Enzymes decline, too).

      By diminishing Acidity, you reduce the degree to which Food can react with Enzymes, I surmise.

      So, I would advise against eating this Medicine with Food.

      [[_ During the process of dissolving Glucose, Acid (a positive hydrogen ion) attaches strongly (being small) to negative oxygen atoms. _ Negative chloride ions & water then draw the ionized Molecule into the Liquid._]]

  109. Thomas R said

    The ideal pH range is 6.4 – 7.0. _ If the pH is higher than 7, you are in “emergency alkalosis,” during which the Bone is dissolved (to obtain calcium ions). _ Excess calcium becomes Bone Spurs or crystalizes in the Eye. _ So says Robert J. Marshall, a Nutritionist whose PhD was conferred by UCLA ~’75. _ Confer his WebSite “Quantum Nutrition Labs” for Broadcast’s Recordings, or hear it Live via Cable Radio Network {CRNtalk dot com},
    or from the Salem Communications {radio} Corporation {…Salem.cc –> krla870 dot com},
    or at the Crawford Broadcasting {- dot com} Company {–> kbrt740 dot com, Sat. 9 a.m.}.

    • Thomas R said

      Calcium ions deliver oxygen to Tissues as hydroxide ions (OH-) which are electrically (“ionically”) bound to calcium (which has a positive charge). _ When calcium enters a Cell, the resulting positive charge there-in pushes out ions. _ An electric discharge in a Co-Enzyme Q-10 organic Molecule in the Cell’s Wall draws acidic hydronium (H3O+) ions outward.

      In order for the calcium ion to have the proper form which is conducive to entry — a process which is called “metabolism” (–Dr. M.). _ This is accomplished by Salt, magnesium & other Minerals. _ He says that Children should have a Teaspoon of Salt per day if their Perspiration on the upper Deltoid/ Shoulder is not salty.

      Dr. Marshall’s WebSite’s Address is www dot QNLabs dot com

      • Thomas R said

        Salt may be replaced by “Beetane hydro-chloride” which is derived from Sugar Beets. _ Some Sugar Beets are genetically engineered & so have Roundup Pesticlde (Gly-pho-sate = glycine phosphate).

      • Thomas R said

        He pronouced it “Bet-ane ….”

    • Thomas R said

      Joseph Mercola, M.D. (retired Osteopathic Dr./ ex-Drug-Advertiser) reports that
      “If You Fall for This [alkaline] “Water Fad” – You Could Do Some Major Damage” (Sep, 2010) @

      “Normal cells die under extremely alkaline conditions. A study published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry
      [ http://www.jbc.org/content/273/14/8217.full ]
      found that alkalosis (rising cellular pH) causes alkaline-induced cell death as a result of altering mitochondrial [*] function.”
      [[ — HJ Majima, et al. “Prevention of mitochondrial injury by manganese superoxide dismutase reveals a primary mechanism for alkaline-induced cell death,” Journal of Biological Chemistry, 273, pages 8217-8224 (April 3, 1998) ]]

      “Scientists who are in the process of developing prototypes for potential new anticancer agents that selectively kill tumor cells by interfering with the regulation of intracellular pH
      [ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3815351 ],
      have found that alkaline treatments do NOT have the desired effect – but strongly acidic treatments do.”
      [[ — D Rotin, et al. “Cytotoxicity of compounds that interfere with the regulation of intracellular pH: A potential new class of anticancer drugs,” Cancer Res. Mar 15, 1987 ; 47(6): 1497-504 ]]

      “Even more interesting is a 2005 study by the National Cancer Institute
      [ http://www.pnas.org/content/102/38/13604.full ],
      which revisits the use of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) to treat cancer. They found that, in pharmacologic doses administered intravenously, ascorbic acid successfully killed cancer cells without harming normal cells. _ This is yet another example of cancer cells being vulnerable to acidity, as opposed to alkalinity.”
      [[ Q Chen, et al. “Pharmacologic ascorbic acid concentrations selectively kill cancer cells: Action as a pro-drug to deliver hydrogen peroxide to tissues,” PNAS September 20, 2005, vol. 102, no. 38, pages 13604-13609 ]]
      * — Mitochondria are “Organelles” = Cells’ structures where ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate) is made, so that their operations are energized. _ Dr. Marshall prescribes Resveritrol to extend the life-span of a weak Cell, while an Anti-Oxidant, such as di-hydro-lipoic acid, de-toxi-fies the Cell. _ Resveritrol occurs in red Grapes’ Skin & in Peanuts, but he advises that we avoid Peanut Oil.

    • Thomas R said

      MINERALS & SALT convert (metabolize) calcium (Ca++ Ions) into a form that can ~ enter ~ cells, thus electrically pushing out charged acidic protons. [*] _ The smaller a positive metal is, the greater the attraction that it has for negative nitrogen & oxygen atoms which may be ~ chelating ~ Ca (atom # 20). _ Vitamin D also metabolizes Ca, & is “activated” by Sunlight (-Dr. Marshall).

      Magnesium (Mg++, element # 12) is called a Grignard Reagent which can chemically (covalently) bonds to organic Compounds so that those Molecules become together, freeing them from Ca.
      [[ Sodium = Na+, # 11; potassium = K+, # 19. ]]

      In order to retain Mg in the Blood, we need to generate Adrenaline (i.e., Epinephrine for Bee-Stings). _ This may be done by sleeping at least 5 continuous hours, or continually with interruptions if the Head does not rise above the height of the Body (by Muscle-contraction, if oneself is horozontal) [-Dr. Marshall].

      Typically, positive Ions (such as Ca++) have “Ligands” attracted to them, usually negative Ions such as hydroxide (OH-)
      [[ hydro-lysis, that is, dissociation of water, might do that ]].
      The # of Ligands is usually twice the Charge on the Metal
      (-General Chemistry, Course-# 102, Cal. St. Univ., Northridge).
      *– This was shown on a Tele-Course about “Organic Chemistry” which appeared on the Los Angeles Unified School District’s Station, KLCS-TV 58.
      [[ In the Cell’s Wall, Co-Enzyme Q-10 discharges electricity which attracts acidic Protons (Acid) to it & the Exit Portals. _ Then they are neutralized by alkaline hydroxide Ions (OH-) which Ca++ brought to the Cell. ]]

      • Thomas R said

        Metals can hinder Mg from being aborbed into the Blood-stream. _ So the Stomach should be cleared of Minerals before eating Mg, _ Almonds contain Mg, but they are very fatty, so Dr. Marshall suggests that we eat only a small hand-full daily.

        Ca++ is smaller than K+; Mg++ is smaller than K+.

    • Thomas R said

      CORRECTION to my Missive —

      I don’t believe that the Anti-Acid will induce Bone Spurs. _ They shall form as a result of (severe) ACIDOSIS which triggers Alkalosis, which is conducted by the release of AMMONIA.

      Bone Spurs might be dissolved by keeping your blood slightly acidic. _ Bone consists of the mineral “apatite,” which is calcium hydroxy-phosphate. _ Its chemical Formula is Ca5-OH-(PO3)3. _ Acid (H+) can combine with OH- & PO4—.

    • Don Porter said


      Medical PROOF that Baking Soda Kills cancer cells, & a copy of the DJP Protocol for Baking Soda & molasses or maple syrup A really good article that incl Dr, Simoncini

  110. Jake Sysk said

    Using a double boiler you can boil it with no risk of burning the syrup.

  111. Don Porter said


    Medcine studies prove Baking Soda cures cancer

    • Mary said

      Can this treatment be used on dogs? My dog was recently diagnosed with nasal cancer. They do not recommend surgery or radiation/chemo treatment. I’m desperate to try to find something to relieve this.

  112. Don Porter said


    Medical PROOF that Baking Soda Kills cancer cells, & a copy of the DJP Protocol for Baking Soda & molasses or maple syrup A really good article that incl Dr, Simoncini

  113. wendyk21 said

    Hey Don,
    Have you considered hiring someone to compile your Trojan Horse info into book format? Clear instructions, Tips, testimonials etc all i one place and in our hands and kitchens could change the world we live in and allow us to buy extra for those we love.

    All the priming and shipping to the individuals could be handled by the same company freeing you up. Please let me know if you need more info.

    Wendy Kraft
    The Gentle Cancer Treatment Ambassador™
    Helping you retain your beauty, your energy, your life
    Independent doTerra Product Consultant
    919-786-0295 Home Office

  114. Don Porter said

    Have had MANY offers to write a book. Not accepted any

  115. wendyk21 said

    Yes! This chemically bonds the two so that the baking soda gets carried into the cell with the “sugar” component.

    I congratulate yo for taking responsibility for your own good health. Please let me know of any way I may help you succeed.

    Aromatically yours,

    Wendy Kraft
    The Gentle Cancer Treatment Ambassador™
    Helping you retain your beauty, your energy, your life
    Independent doTerra CPTG Essential Oil Product Consultant
    919-786-0295 Home Office

  116. Dr. Herb Green said

    Very good website. Here is a summary of my situation. Diagnosed with prostate cancer 11/11 by my urologist with PSA at 17.4. Gleason 7. Began juicing especially carrots, apples, and oranges, eating kale, and juicing cucumbers, zucchini, green peppers and kiwi together. Continue today with this regime. Stopped milk, began almond/coconut milk instead. Eat fish, chicken, turkey main meats. Incorporate as many alkaline foods in diet as well. Also intermittent use of maple syrup and BS, and molasses 10-12 days at one point but stopped.

    CT and Bone scan 11/11 showed no metastasis although prostate gland was enlarged, but mostly smooth to the touch. Believe my regime has had some benefit, although PSA is not down yet despite alternative holistic therapy (rose to 33.3). Second CT and Bone scan 12/12 also showed no metastasis. Received hormone therapy 1/22/13; radiation therapy recommended to kill prostate (oncologist suggested 1/3 possibility micro spread possible, not and not picked up on CT and Bone scans) Radiation scheduled to begin 3/29/13; did not do this because wife’s health insurance ended).

    Also during the period 11/12/-12/12 began Gerson coffee enemas and other of his therapy (juicing organic carrots an important one) weekly for detox to help immune system and liver function. Would like to go back on BS and Maple syrup because my sense is the Trojan horse therapy has some characteristics like chemo without the harshness and the hypothesis behind how the cancer cells would consume the sugar and release the BS which will kill the cells make intuitive sense, just like at Troy. Any insights on absorption of BS with the Trojan horse approach? It worked in Troy for sure. Any evidence that Trojan horse approach actually gets the BS into those nasty cancer cells?

    What are the odds that going full on the BS & Maple syrup, will give favorable results? I will use include potassium supplement (have high BP and take Rx for that)? Some say urinary pH measure is not a good proxy for blood pH, and some says it is. Not sure I buy that argument, but would interested in any insights. I have also taken a prostate supplement by Dr. Ben Ong in the UK called Ben’s Total Health Supplement.

    I think not getting the radiation due to circumstances may be a blessing since the evidence of having sexual and other health related dysfunction issues is somewhat troubling, although I certainly do not want the cancer to spread at some point. Lot to chew on here. Thanks for your replies.

    FYI I still bike ride and play a pretty good game of tennis. Deep breathing 2x per day 20 minutes minimum. I am a 64 year old semi-retired university social scientist with a 12 year old son. I am also a Christian (follower of Jesus Christ). Know he helps me every day as well.

    God bless.

    Look forward to responses on this.

    • xzca001 said

      Hi, brother, God bless you, Amen!

    • Libby said

      Hey, are you still progressing? I, too, am born again through Christ. I also had cancer. I treated it alternatively and although it should have killed me in 2 to 3 months, it has been almost 3 years and I haven’t had cancer for almost 2 years, having gotten rid of it once and having it come back once, due to going off protocol too soon. Praise God for his mercy and guidance. I had 6 doctors come to me for my “secret” when they found out what kind of cancer I had been cured of- they have nothing to treat this triple negative Inflammatory Cancer, and yet, here I am.”Let thy food be thy medicine”.

  117. I used to be recommended this blog by way of my cousin. I’m not certain whether or not this publish is written through him as no one else realize such unique approximately my difficulty. You’re incredible!

  118. Best of all, green coffee bean extract side effects are made so that they’ll interfere in some way with the body’s normal functions like metabolism,
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  119. xzca001 said

    Hi,I started this recipe yesterday, I felt a little headache and dizzy, and I felt some pain in my lung tumor,maybe ,they are fighting.2 times a day, 1 teaspoon each time. some friends would like tell me how long I need to eat this recipe.

    • xzca001 said

      Take 2 tspns of mix per day 1st week, 1 tspn per day for 2 weeks. Stop Remedy after 3 weeks。 I want to know when it will restart.

  120. donjud said


    Cancer victims “Do Not” Consume any of the following for 6 months & then refrain, unless organic. Takes 4 mos to change your blood:

    • Red Meat 24 hrs to digest
    • Dairy, Cheese, Milk, Margarine
    • Chicken, Fried Foods
    • Microwaves, Tobacco
    • French Fries, Salt-Sea Salt only
    • Packaged-Fast-Canned foods (high temp kills enzymes+)
    • Unfiltered water (Brita ok)
    • Easy on food amts. & No high heat cooking or strong spices
    • Fruit while Cancer present, Ice cream, Stress
    • Easy on oils – Olive etc.
    • Bread, unyeasted 2x week ok
    • Sodas, Caffeine
    • Cold Water, Fruits Peanuts
    • Alcohol of any kind
    • Saturated fats, white flour
    • No farm Raised Fish ever
    • Sugar/Artificial Sweeteners, Maple Syrup, Chocolate, Stevia
    • Non-stick pans/skillets, Aluminum buy Stainless Steel pans
    • Late night eating, 2-3 hours no food prior to going to bed.
    • Pork Bacon (any animal protein), Hot Dogs, Prepared meats, etc.

    ACIFIC condition is required for ALL diseases to prosper. DO NOT GO IN AN Acidic swimming pool. Pools must be around 7.2 pH to be ok !
    The Body Regeneration Schedule – *Programmed* in Our DNA

    Men & Women have the Same Regeneration Schedule We all are self-regenerating organisms.
    Schedule Cell Replacement – Published by MD’s, Dr. Deepak Chopra (Quantum Healing) & Researchers worldwide. We replace 98% of all of our cells within ONE YEAR.

    • 120 Days- NEW Red & White Blood Cells
    • 90 Days – NEW Skeleton
    • 60 Days – NEW Brain Cells, Tissue
    • 49 Days – NEW Bladder
    • 45 Days – NEW Liver – NEW DNA
    Cell Material
    • 30 Days – NEW Hair – NEW Skin
    • 5 Days – NEW Stomach Lining

    5 Days – New Stomach Lining — 1993 – Dr. Deepak Chopra, M.D. published in his book, “Ageless Body – Timeless Mind” that the body can grow or regenerate a new stomach lining, every 5 days.
    30 Days – New Skin – 1993 – Dr. Deepak Chopra, M.D., published in his book, “Ageless Body – Timeless Mind” that the body can grow or regenerate new skin, every 30 days.
    30 Days – New Hair (1/2” a Month) – “There are some very rare exceptions, but most hair on most people is – Genetically Programmed – to Grow a Maximum of 6 “ a Year (1/2” a Month).” Reference: http://www.hairboutique.com/tips/tip214.htm
    45 Days – New Liver – 1993 – Dr. Deepak Chopra, M.D., published in his book, “Ageless Body – Timeless Mind” that the body can grow or regenerate a new liver every 45 days.
    45 Days – New DNA Matter – 2008 – Oct – Dr. Chopra, M.D., was featured in a PBS (Public Broadcasting Stations) program reviewing his latest book, “The Third Jesus” with Rev. Wendy Craig-Purcell, Unity Minister. http://www.theunitycenter.net/temp/news/new/WendyLCInterviewOct08.pdf . During the program, Dr. Chopra said DNA Matter is Regenerated in 45 Days.
    49 Days – New Bladder

    Read – “Recalled By Life” by Dr. Anthony Satillaro. Search Google “donportercancer”. Beat Stage IV metasticized prostate cancer 7 years ago. No Problems of ANY kind still.

  121. donjud said

    To make “beating Sickness (Incl. Cancer)” simple here is a formula. NO PACKAGED OR FAST FOODS ! CONSIDER – Foods are made to: Look Good, smell good, taste good, be addictive & LAST a LONG time. ALL with un natural chemicals. Miraculous immune systems seek to neutralize these dangerous chemicals. Get overworked (many other pollutants), and then you get a sickness.
    ANYNE can beat cancer – as I Did ! Stop overworking your immune system ! NO smoking, drinking , drugs, minimize stress, filter your water, BREATE DEEPLY a LOT (oxygen kills cancer cells & other diseases. Walk 30 minutes a day. see – donportercancer

  122. donjud said

    UPDATED: DJP Baking Soda Protocol – This creates a high pH (8+) thereby kills Cancer Cells, & has worked for me, 6+ yrs., after following a modified “Plant Based ALKALINE Diet (Macrobiotic)” to restore/re-build immune system, as Anyone Can ! Get Alkaline – Change Acidic Cell Environment
    I am not providing medical advice, simply “revealing my experiences & protocol”, resulting in eliminating Stage IV Metasticised cancer.
    I Did “NO” Chemo, NO Radiation, a few Drugs. Takes 4 mos. To change our blood
    MUST Do ORGANIC Plant Based Diet Alkaline-Rebuild Immune System 1st as CAUSE of Cancer is OVERWORKED Immune Function TOO MANY un-natural Chemicals in Foods!
    AVOID Any forms of SUGAR-Eat Organic food-for about1 mo. then Initiate as follows:
    • 1st day- 1 Teaspoon of BS soda with & 1 cup room temp water 2x day (away from meals), 2 Teaspoons of Black Strap molasses (“BSM”) Heat @ “LOW” temp in pan for 5 min. STIR a lot to fully combine your sugar & BSM into “YOUR own Trojan Horse” to benefit your body -immune system. The molasses/maple syrup targets cancer cells (which consume 15X more glucose than normal cells) & the baking soda, (which is dragged into the cancer cell by the maple syrup/BSM), being very alkaline, is a rapid shift in pH thereby killing the cancer cells in hrs). We have 100 Trillion cells.
    • 2nd day – repeat, also “DEEP breathing- 30x do 3-10x day” . OXYGEN KILLS cancer cells
    • 3rd day – same Cancer cells thrive on sugar so when you use sugar it’s like sending in “your own Trojan horse”. The sugar is “not” going to encourage the growth of the cancer colonies as the alkaline baking soda (9pH) is going to kill the cells before they have a chance to grow.
    • 4th day – same 2X day goal get to 8.0 – 8.5 pH & hold 4-5 days & cancer cells dormant @ pH 7.5+ & kills cancer cells @ 7.8-8.6. My pH was 8.53 on 3rd day with a blood & urine test.
    • 5th day – started taking the solution – 2 tspns BS & 2 Tsps BSM 2X day
    • 6th day– repeat 2 Tspns BS & 2 Tspn of BSM & 1 cup of water 2x a day. My pH measured 8.35. That is what happens with cesium chloride/BS done by Italian Dr. Simoncini, mild nausea is good as it means the dead cancer cells are being discarded by your body. BREATHE DEEPLY !
    • 7th – All ok – lips tingled- an Oxygen Euphoria from a lot deep breathing. Oxygen assists in killing ALL cancer cells! Also on day 7, increased BS to 2+ Tspns. & got a slight headache, backed off to 2 Tspns BS- I was a bit uncomfortable/nervous & had a slight headache, so I reduced it. I had slight confusion.
    Do 30+ DEEP breaths MANY times per day– ERY IMPORTANT Oxygen kills cancer cells
    • 8th day – double dose 3x a day to get pH high- could some be health issues with too much BS
    Potassium 200+mg intake is IMPORTANT. Filtered water also & Exercise/walk 30 min. daily.
    • 9th day – A little diarrhea, a little weak feeling, really began to up my potassium intake. All experts said that high dosage of potassium (also with cesium chloride) is very important. Oxygenation euphoria all day from deep breathing. KILLING cancer cells most important ! Walk Barefoot on ground
    • 10th day – Headache more persistent, body sweats SO- I cut back to a solution 2x a day; not 3x.
    • 11th day – down to 1.5 Tspns to control headache, bit of loose stools, slight headache & night sweats. I cut back felt overloaded- 8.35 goal achieved & I wanted to maintain pH 8.0+ for 4-5 days.
    • Key Points: Take BS solution 2 hrs before or 2 hrs after eating, to give stomach acids time to digest food. Eat HIGH potassium organic foods Watch blood pressure-take Potassium.

    Calcium 1,200 mg
    Vit. D/D3 10,000 iu’s, Astralagus, Filter Wtr
    Tumeric, Celery Seed
    Maitake d-fraction
    Potassium 200 mg,
    BREATHE Deeply
    Sun Chlorella
    Herbal ALOE Force

    Seek to maintain ORGANIC Alkaline Diet to let your Immune System rebuild from MANY years of harmful chemicals, etc, in Pkgd/Fast foods! Eat brown rice, oats, beans & lots of GREEN veggies, some fruits, NO fruit w/cancer. Pay for Organic now or pay Drs. Later. Take Essiac Caps from Truecanadianhealthproduct, Walk 30 min. daily. see donportercancer. Some Raw Food ok also.
    • Room temp filtered water & Green teas- Kukicha, Bancha-Hojicha, Dandelion Root, Pu-erh, Essiac.
    • Human blood pH should be slightly alkaline (7.2 – 7.45). A pH below 7.0 is acidic. A pH above 7.4 is alkaline. NO Beer/Wine/Liquor, Drugs, Dairy/Butter, Sugars, Sodas, Table Salt, Pork/Bacon/ Poultry/Beef, Easy/NO fish & related-clams-muscles-lobster, etc. Be good to your immune system – It WILL be good to you with – ORGANIC Alkaline Food WASH ALL FOOD ! NO Overcooking!
    Acidic creates Cancer environment – Alkaline Environment KILLS cancer cells !
    Jim Kelmun 75, (truck driver), treated 200+ terminal cancer sufferers, 185 lived @ least 15 years. Jim threatened with jail unless he stoped administering his remedy – as he has no medical degree! Jim’s Remedy – Maple Syrup & BS (Baking soda). Mix 1 part BS to 1-3 parts syrup. Heat LOW HEAT, stir rigorously in a pan for 5 min. 2 tspns per day 1st week, 1 tspn per day for 2 weeks. Stop Remedy after 3 weeks. CANCER CURE? 1931 Dr. Otto Warburg, 2X Nobel Prize Winner PROVED that all forms of cancer are characterized by 2 basic conditions: acidosis & hypoxia (lack of oxygen). “Cancerous tissues are acidic, healthy tissues are alkaline. Cancer can’t survive in an alkaline cell or in Oxygen. All people with Cancer have a pH that is too acidic. High pH kills cancer cells ! 99% of terminal cancer victims are 1,000x more acidic than normal.
    A Few Related “GOOD”Internet Searches & Authors to read of 100,000+– I researched:

    • Dr. Caldwell B Esselstyn, Jr, Heart
    • Cesium Chloride, Forks over Knives
    • The pH Miracle–R. Young, Dr. Sanjay Gupta-CNN, Bill Clinton, Dr. Essesltyn, Search – donportercancer
    • Dr.Otto Warburg cures Cancer


    Dr. E sselstyn- Zero cardiovascular events have occurred in Dr. Esselstyn’s 25 year study. There is no mortality, no morbidity, no expense from following a plant-based diet–if you eat in a way that makes the cap over your plaque super strong. “Some people think the “Heart diet” is extreme. Half a million people a year will have their chests opened up and a vein taken from their leg and sewn onto their coronary artery. Some people would call that extreme CAUSES- IGNORED. . Drs. & AMA are treating the symptoms- NOT the Cause. A NO HEAL NO CURE AMA policy to Max Revenues; Organic Alkaline Food is the BEST Medicine. Try Farmers Markets. STOP chemicals from entering our bodies & OVERWHELMING OUR IMMUNE SYSTEMS, Creating ACIDITY, allowing many diseases, EAT a strict ORGANIC Alkaline Plant Based Diet to Maximize your Health. Food is The Best Medicine !
    No Pkgd. or Fast Foods. Lots of Deep Breathing. Drink Aloe – Heals

    Disclaimer: I am not a doctor; thus, I have not been formally “miseducated.” I am not certified in medicine; therefore, there is no certificate or diploma disgracing the interior of my home or office and no monument to the biggest revenue generating fraud ever perpetrated on human kind. This Blog/website/Protocol is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, my experiences in beating Stage IV caner, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that I am practicing medicine. A conscious effort has been made to present information on my experiences that are both accurate and truthful. Much is based on Dr. Otto Warburg.My statements regarding alternative treatments for cancer have not been evaluated by the FDA.

  123. donjud said

    See “donportercancer” on Google search for more data

  124. donjud said

    You are Welcome ! ANYONE can BEAT CANCER – As I Did !!

  125. xzca001 said

    I finished 3 weeks BSMS treatment, during 3 weeks, I felt like cold, some headaches, many nasal mucus came from my right nose hole, Day 11, many many nasal mucus came out, I felt they were residues of tumors( 2007 I had nasopharyngeal, then I had radiation and chemo). now I just drink bs +water. I felt very good. 2011, cancer move to my lung, I had chemo for 1 year, and joined trial study chemo. last Oct, the tumors bigger, the Doc. said I just had 6 months in the earth,but Now I am very good, and very strong, I felt no chemo no cancer, more chemo more cancer.

  126. Thanks , I have recently been searching for info about this subject for a while and yours
    is the best I have found out till now. However, what about the conclusion?
    Are you certain about the source?

    • xzca001 said

      I don’t know my tumors, but I feel very good, no pain, eat a lot, have good sleep. next month, I’ll have A scan. then will have a result,but I don’t care the scan.

  127. i had Gleason 9, PSA 38.8 prostate cancer,
    12 months ago and i have been using B/S and M/S all that time and i fell bloody great,
    my bloods are now PSA 0.31 and still falling,

    how i prep er the mix is get a 2 ltr water bottle tip about two inches of the water out,
    then add the Baking Soda and shake the crap out of it until all the B/S is all dissolved,
    the i keep adding the B/S until there i a small dissolved amount is still in the bottom of the bottle,
    this means the amount of water that is left in the bottle has maximum saturation B/S,

    I them pour the whole bottle into a small saucepan and bring it to heat,
    do not boil the water B/S mix.
    just enough heat to dissolve all of the bottle of maple syrup,

    i all so put some sugar in the pan so when it is dissolved then i know the M/S Is all so dissolved.

  128. donjud said

    DO NOT OVERDUE this Baking Soda Protocol as TOO High alkalinity is VERY BAD !
    Potassium is a MUST also.

  129. xzca001 said


  130. annie said

    Hi, is it safe to follow BS protocol while on chemo?

  131. Can any woman skilled breast shrinkage . Given that i have employed this i
    have noticed wrinkles more than my breasts which tends to make
    me,worried please any person support me with this

  132. Frank said

    I don’t have cancer but looking for a home remedy for something else(ed). Could this help? Been stressed lately and am looking for a natural solution. I might try this anyway. Couldn’t hurt to try…. Right?

  133. httadas said

    where can i get the maple syrup and baking soda mixture please suggest as my father aged about 73 years is suffering with prostate cancer which is spread in bones too we are giving chemo therapy right now please suggest me what shall i do i shall be highly obliged

  134. TruthHunter said

    Baking soda/Maple syrup,Molasses,etc is a bit of a shot in the dark cure. While there are some remarkable stories reported, there are also many people who seem to get negative results. Dr Carey Reams used a more complex method of testing outputs than just PH. He added urine nitrates, urea, and ammonia as well as Albumin and Brix. He found that at times all he had do was alkalinize with lemon juice. I suspect those who don’t respond simply need something else than BS/MS to balance the body.

    One suggestion would be to use black strap/BS for a month, then follow up with Artemisinin from Artemesia Annua(Sweet Annie). Many cancers concentrate iron which reacts with the Artemisinin to produce enough free radicals inside the cells to kill the cancer. There has been quite a bit of success reported in Asia with Artemisinin. If you manage to load up the cancer cells with iron, but not kill them with the BS-BSM mix, maybe the Artemisinin will get them.

    One curious consequence of the Sodium Carbonate may be that it combines with the acid released locally by the cancer cells, forming CO2. Carbon dioxide is a powerful vasodilator that may greatly increase the arterial blood flow to the area. This may allow the immune system to do its work and also help normalize the cancer cells.

    Most of the successful reports seem to indicate people who did a wide variety of other things, with BS/MS adding a significant positive component.
    I am not a cancer patient, but have a brother who is trying it. I don’t think he is doing it right though. He is at present taking 3 tsp of BS(ironic abbreviation, no?) per day. At one point this morning his PH tested 5.5 I think he will have to increase his intake to have a positive impact. At the rate he is going, he may have to stop before he has much impact on the cancer.

    At any rate, this protocol may have a beneficial impact on advanced cancer patients. It may reduce pain even if in is insufficient to stop the cancer.

  135. James said

    I am still waiting for someone to explain to me how alkalizing cancer cells, which studies have already shown are more alkaline than healthy cells, kills these cancer cells. In fact, other studies have also shown that it is the excess ALKALINITY of cells that morphs them from a normal cell to a cancerous state.

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  137. wendyk21 said

    I like your response, James. Thank you. I know that with extreme protocols care must be taken to keep the body in balance. This is why I highly regard agents that act powerfully in the face of mutant cells, but do not disrupt harmony as some protocols do. I have been very pleased.

    Thanks again,
    Wendy E. Kraft

  138. wendyk21 said

    Dear Krystyna,

    You may have been using a self-correcting application when you wrote your question. Your question is not clearly written, but I think you are concerned because after starting the Trojan Horse protocol, the appearance of wrinkles in breast skin seems to indicate breast tissue shrinkage. I would not consider myself a pro, but I do know that much can get trapped because we wear bras etc. This is an area that can and should have much lymphatic flow since the lymph system runs right around that area. It could be that your system is cleaning out. After you are done with the protocol, I have a simple suggestion that may help tighten that skin back up. Good luck. I wish the best for you.

  139. Don Porter said

    MANY Dr. Otto Warburg 1931 Noel Prize winner, thousand of others, MANY Books ie: Recalled by Life by Anthony J. Sattilaro, M.D., was CEO/president of Methodist Hospital in Philadelphia when he was diagnosed with severe prostate cancer that had spread to his ribs, bones, brain, right shoulder, & testicles. He was operated on & given the usual AMA poisons, incl . 3 operations in 3 weeks .Removed a rib & his testicles went on Macrobiotic diet got rid of ALL cancer !
    Confessions of a Kamikaze Cowboy by Dirk Benedict star of A-Team, Battlestar Gallactica, Charlies Angels, etc — Still living with NO CANCER MANY others see– donportercancer

  140. Vincent said

    hi, my mother cancer grow tumor on intestines and she can’t eat anything but can drink only.
    can I mix together with baking soda and soya milk ?

  141. Yuliya said

    I have a question if the same dodos can be used in melanoma case but for a horse. Thank u!

  142. Good post however I was wanting to know if you could write a litte more on this subject?
    I’d be very grateful if you could elaborate a little bit further.

    Bless you!

  143. Hunter said

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  144. M.Cicek said

    I just want to know any kind of molasses works?
    like grape molasses or mulberry molasses

  145. allen said

    I was needing to know.for how long do i take the maple syrup and baking soda mixture ?I’ve been taking 4 tsps.for two weeks now.

  146. allen said

    For how long do i take the maple syrup baking soda mixture ?

  147. hamiHaite said

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  148. christine Hyatt said

    I have heart problems, pulmonary hypertension and high blood pressure. Will baking soda raise my pressures?

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  151. Milica Grujicic said

    This recipe cured my friend, she had a spleen cancer, it disappeared in 2 months. Also, another friend of mine, with lung cancer is taking it since January and it is considerably reduced.

  152. Hyman said

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  154. Christine Bruyere said

    would not the sugar and the alkaline baking soda simply cancel each other out?

    also would taking it this way you better in your opinion then just taking baking soda with water as a drink?

  155. sunil said

    Someone please tell wether the maple syrup and the baking soda theory useful for brain mets ???

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  158. freeflyingmom said

    There is no aluminum in any baking Soda, it’s in baking Powder. This has been a major false rumor going around for quite awhile.

  159. Adrenalast said

    Thanks for another wonderful post. The place
    else may just anyone get that type of info in such an ideal means of writing?

    I have a presentation subsequent week, and
    I am on the look for such information.

  160. jeanyhan said

    I feel something on my breast it is pain and when you press it,its hard but im not sure if there is a problem in my breast and i have irregular period since i gave birth of my first child 3yrs ago,but im afraid to go to the doctor.can i take this bsms? Thanks in advance

  161. Eric young said

    Much of what I’ve read here adds up to all the research I’ve done so what you are saying I find to be true based on my research. The only thing I find to be incorrect is that Arm & Hammer baking soda contains Aluminum, Baking powder does though.

  162. Wendy kraft said

    I totally agree. I called the company twice about this. I even suggested they begin placing the words “Aluminum Fee” on the box. I let them know that their top competitor ay be taking advantage of the ignorant by placing it on his, thereby shifting people to buy his instead of Arm and Hammer! It seems like you have things under control, but please do let me know if there is any way I can help you.

    Wendy Kraft
    Helping you transition to health and joy
    Self-Health Advocate and Joyful-Life Coach
    The Gentle Cancer Treatment Ambassador
    Get well. Feel well. For good
    See me on LinkedIn

  163. James said

    This whole thing is full of misinformation to begin with. Let’s look at these claims one by one:

    “Germs consume sugar to generate energy and grow but it cannot live in an alkaline body.”

    This is a common myth that just refuses to die regardless of all the solid evidence to the contrary. Most pathogens THRIVE in an alkaline environment and are killed by acidity. For example, the blood is kept in an alkaline state except in super rare circumstances. If pathogens cannot survive in an alkaline environment then how do so many people get sick from pathogens? One of the various roles of stomach acid is to kill ingested pathogens. The ulcer and cancer forming pathogen Helicobacter pylori secretes highly alkaline ammonia to maintain the alkaline environment it requires to survive. Bacteria that cause urinary tract infections secrete the enzyme urease to alkalize the urine since they also need an alkaline environment to survive and thrive. The beneficial flora that inhabit our bodies produce acids that among other things kill pathogens. These acids also keep the dimorphic microbe Candida albicans in its benign yeast form. In an alkaline environment the Candida growth gene is turned on and the Candida morphs in to its pathogenic fungal form. See:






    Using Probiotics to Treat Candida “Yeast” Infections

    “Due to our bad acidic diet, the pH of bodies are acidic. My ORAL and urine pH was around 6.2. Desired is 7.4. Too high is 8.2+.”

    Diet does not make us acidic. Although ALL foods eventually metabolize in to acids many of these acids are essential to the body. But pH is tightly regulated primarily by respiration followed by hydrogen ion retention or elimination by the kidneys. Therefore, acidity and alkalinity are tightly regulated regardless of what we eat. See:


    Top 5 Worst Internet Health Information Sites: Curezone.org Part 2: Alkaline/Acid Support Forum Part 2



    As far as urine pH, urinary pH DOES NOT reflect blood pH. Same with salivary pH. Salivary pH is affected by the amount of bacteria in the mouth so things such as brushing your teeth will make the saliva more alkaline. So will drinking water, thinking of certain foods, etc. Dry mouth increases acidity as alkaline saliva normally washes away acid forming bacteria in the mouth. Urinary pH is affected by hydration levels, certain supplements and medications and by bacteria in the urine. Urinary tract infections lead to highly alkaline urine as the bacteria use the enzyme urease to split urea in to highly alkaline ammonia. The alkalinity helps the bacteria, as with most pathogens, to survive. The ONLY way to determine blood pH is with a blood test.

    “An acidic pH can occur from, an acid forming diet, emotional stress, toxic overload, and/or immune reactions or any process that deprives the cells of oxygen and other nutrients.”

    The only part of this entire statement that has any truth to it is the cells deprived of oxygen part, which can increase acidity.

    “The body will try to compensate for acidic pH by using alkaline minerals. If the diet does not contain enough minerals to compensate, a build up of acids in the cells will occur.”

    Alkaline minerals are only used as a last resort. This would require severe, prolonged acidosis. This is so rare that most people will never meet anyone in their entire lives that has ever experienced this level of acidosis.

    “An acidic balance will: decrease the body’s ability to absorb minerals and other nutrients,”

    Actually just the opposite. Minerals and various vitamins such as B6, B12 and folate are all acid dependent for absorption. This is why alkaline minerals such as calcium carbonate (oyster shell, dolomite, coral) and magnesium oxide are so poorly absorbed. And why when people have a lack of stomach acid from aging, use of antacids, acid blockers, drinking ionized alkaline water, ingesting baking soda, etc. end up with nutritional deficiencies.

    “decrease the energy production in the cells,”

    Again completely wrong. Cellular energy production is dependent on a variety of acids including citric, malic and pyruvic acids. Basic human physiology. In addition, the delivery of oxygen to cells, required for energy production, is also acid dependent.

    “decrease it’s ability to repair damaged cells”

    Wrong for the same reason listed above. Repairing of cells requires proper cellular energy production, which is acid dependent and methylation, which needs sufficient stomach acid for the absorption of the required nutrients.

    “decrease it’s ability to detoxify heavy metals”

    Again not true. One of the body’s primary detoxifiers is glucuronic acid.

    “make tumor cells thrive”

    Misleading. Cancer cells have a higher internally alkalinity than healthy cells. Cancer cells need this alkalinity to survive and thrive. Therefore, cancer cells rapidly export acidic hydrogen ions (protons) in to the external matrix to maintain their alkalinity. These protons and the high amount of carbon dioxide produced lead to a slightly acidity external environment immediately around the tumor. It is this EXTERNAL acidity that promotes metastases, but alkalinity DOES NOT kill already alkaline cancer cells. Acidity kills cancer cells. See:

    Alkalinity driving cancer cell growth and malignant transformation:

    Role of the Intracellular pH in the Metabolic Switch Between Oxidative Phosphorylaiton and Aerobic Glycolysis-Relavance to Cancer. Cancer 2011;2(3):WMC001716

    Na+/H+ exchanger-dependent intracellular alkalinization is an early event in malignant transformation and plays an essential role in the development of subsequent transformation-associated phenotypes. FASEBJ 2000 Nov;14(14):2185-97

    Tumorigenic 3T3 cells maintain an alkaline intracellular pH under physiological conditions. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1990 October; 87(19): 7414–7418

    31P NMR analysis of intracellular pH of Swiss Mouse 3T3 cells: effects of extracellular Na+ and K+ and mitogenic stimulation. J Membr Biol 1986;94(1):55-64

    Extracellular Na+ and initiation of DNA synthesis: role of intracellular pH and K+. J Cell Biol 1984 Mar;98(3):1082-9

    How cancer cells maintain their internal alkalinity and evidence that blocking the proton pumps makes cancer cells acidic killing them:

    Vacuolar H(+)-ATPase in Cancer Cells: Structure and Function. Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology Sept. 2011

    Vacuolar H+-ATPase in human breast cancer cells with distinct metastatic potential: distribution and functional activity. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 286: C1443–C1452, 2004

    Targeting vacuolar H+-ATPases as a new strategy against cancer. Cancer Res 2007 Nov 15;67(22):10627-30

    Vacuolar H(+)-ATPase signaling pathway in cancer. Curr Protein Pept Sci 2012 Mar;13(2):152-63

    “and make it more susceptible to fatigue and illness. A BLOOD pH of 6.9, which is only slightly acidic, can induce coma and death.”

    A slight rise in alkalinity above normal can also lead to coma and death. For example, liver failure can lead to a build up of highly alkaline and highly toxic ammonia leading to coma an death. A high pH can also kill a person from a lack of cellular oxygenation due to inhibition of oxygen release, decreased circulation and suffocation from spasm contractions of the lungs preventing respiration. This is why the body has various redundant systems to maintain its pH.

    “By taking 1-2 tsp of Maple Syrup/Baking Soda regularly, I can maintain oral and urine pH around 7.4-7.8. This is the easiest way to boost pH in my body. If you have problems digesting food due to chemo and high pH, take some digestive enzymes and probiotics.”

    This does not alter blood pH since again the body already maintains an alkaline blood pH. If you were able to raise it any higher then you would die for the reasons explained above.

  164. Sharon Webb said

    On day 4 of maple syrup and baking soda for stage 4 lung cancer. Have and over all wellness feeling my color is much better. Still having trouble breathing. Can someone tell me about when my breathing should improve.

  165. Wendy kraft said

    Every body is different, so it is difficult to lay claim to specific changes. Are you taking minerals as suggested? That is very, very important, You could complement this protocol with another extremely powerful, yet simple system. If I can help you in any way, please do let me know.

    Wendy Kraft
    Health Mentor to Small Business Owners and Ministers

  166. Brian Gardner said

    my mom was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer.. Since I started the treatment she has gained 10 pounds and her weight, blood pressure and temperature is normal

  167. RD Roy & Rachel Davenport 1-15-2015 to Don Porter

    This is Rachel writing a response to your question about Roy’s medical history to Share with others.

    There was a cloud hanging over our highlight of 2014, our 50th wedding anniversary celebration on 8-8-14 A year ago last fall Roy hurt his hip getting fire wood. It never healed but just got worse. All the doctors said it was damaged muscle and would take a long time to heal. In Peru we did quite a lot of walking. Roy bought a cane but after using it several days his rib cage was more sore than his hip. He figured it was sore muscles that he hadn’t been using. When we got home in Feb. we had a huge snow storm and the snow plow broke our mailbox post. It was a 4 by 4 post set 2- 3 feet into the ground. He had to dig that out and replace it. That made his back very sore. Again he thought it was sore muscles. He could hardly lift while doing appliance installs for Lowe’s and had to hire help. Every day he came home in terrible pain. His orthopedic doctor ordered therapy 3 times a week. By the end of May, Roy & the therapist agreed that it didn’t seem to be helping. All of a sudden Roy had started losing weight. Nothing tasted good, not even sweets & he had no appetite. He lost about 50 lbs. & his muscles just melted away. He went for a complete physical and had a PSA of 1,170 ! He was sent to a urologist. He scheduled a bone scan & a prostate biopsy. On June 10, 2014 the bone scan showed cancer in “innumerable” places on his shoulders, spine, ribs, hip & skull, etc. and of course the biopsy revealed cancer—a stage 4 Very Aggressive prostate cancer that had metastasized to the bones.
    He said there was no cure but with hormone treatment he might buy some time.
    One doctor said a very slow growing, non threatening prostate cancer can be activated by a trauma. Perhaps the hip damage was the trauma. (His previous PSA test was 3.5) The pain in his back was so severe that he could hardly climb stairs & he wasn’t sleeping well. I had been gently rubbing his back & rib cage with magnesium gel (a muscle relaxer) and reading him to sleep at night. On Father’s day Carolyn & family came to our house because Roy was unable to go to theirs. She was shocked when she saw how her dad had deteriorated, skin & bones, no strength, no color, and in a lot of pain, despite pain medication. Providentially about that time a local friend called to ask if Roy could do an electrical job for him. He told us all about going to MD Anderson in Houston for his prostate cancer & encouraged Roy to go there. He told Dr. Corn, his doctor in Houston, all


    about Roy . Dr. Corn called us and talked to us about a relatively new hormone treatment called Degaralex that slows the growth of cancer.

    He said that unless Roy got that shot immediately he would probably live no more than 3 weeks.
    Because of complications getting a local oncologist it was now July 3rd, the eve of a holiday. Dr. Corn spent 2 hours trying to find a local Dr. that would give the shot, including the doctor at the emergency room. He never got even one doctor to answer his phone. Providentially, a few days before Dr. Corn called, the minister who preached for Roy in 2008 when he had his jaw surgery called from VA, where he now pastors, and wanted to come to Brevard and have a prayer service for Roy with the elders of our church, following the James chapter 5 instructions. The day after that prayer service, I went to the health food store met a man who gave me the name & phone number of his friend, Don Porter, who had the same cancer as Roy 7+ years ago & is now healthy & cancer free at age 77. He is from Florida and New England but has a summer home in Cashiers (a half hour up the mountain where Roy did electrical work). When Dr. Corn couldn’t find a doctor to give Roy the Degaralex shot, I asked him if he wanted to call Don Porter. Roy said, “Yes,— at least we can do something.” Don came down on July 4th and spent 3 hours with us explaining the baking soda protocol, Oxygen, Green teas, Herbal Aloe Force and the diet he had followed that brought back his health and the reasons why it all works, and he was the picture of health. Don said that Oxygen will kill Roy’s cancer and wanted Roy to do a real lot of deep breathing. He also spoke to Roy about rebuilding the God given miracle that Roy had, that was his Immune System. Once Roy killed the cancer with high alkalinity that he had to rebuild all those cells and bone with his regenerated immune system. Don said that high alkalinity meant that more oxygen would go into Roy’s cells and along with lots of deep breathing Roy would kill his cancer and then be able to rebuild all those cancer areas. He mentioned Dr. Otto Heinrich Warburg 1931 Nobel Prize Winner for discovering this, and The Real Cause of Cancer ,and he brought some books – Recalled by Life and Confessions of a Kamikaze Cowboy.
    Don was very eloquent and convincing, and I said I wanted the approval of our children so I called Carolyn and Don explained the whole protocol, diet and everything to her. Roy agreed to give it a try & Carolyn agreed to help me get the food & fix it (an all organic whole foods diet plus some supplements, a set menu for a week, repeated each week). Don said we did need to get the hormone shot as soon as possible. Roy started the baking soda protocol that evening—an 11 day protocol. The theory he focused on was that is that cancer cannot live in an alkaline environment but thrives in an acidic environment. Baking soda is very alkaline. The baking soda protocol will temporarily raise Roy’s alkalinity (urine and saliva tests show) as it takes 4 months to change Roy’s blood. The Baking Soda high alkalinity is to kill existing cancer and the diet is designed to build the immune system to make, then keep, the body healthy and alkaline. Don gave us a LONG list of things that Roy was NOT to eat, (his “NO” chemical foods) primarily packaged foods, fast foods, red meat, sodas, and really wanted Roy to try to eat only organic. Some of the foods, green teas were chinese and hard to find. Don also wanted us to throw away most of the vitamins, and more, that we had accumulated, and focus on very specific herbs like Theracurmn, Resveratrol, Astralagus, etc.
    Carolyn & I went ) shopping that night and got as much food as we could get locally in a store that stayed open all night (even on July 4th), she got the rest of it the next day, and the following day (Sunday) came after church & stayed till midnight steaming vegetables and getting meals fixed & labeled for a week. Roy started the diet with supper on Sunday the July 6th. By July 9th Roy’s pain was nearly gone and July 10th all pain gone (no more pain medication at all). Carolyn is an excellent cook and is very fast and organized. Roy finally got the Degaralex shot on July 15 to stop the production of Testosterone which Don said feeds prostate cancer. This drug lasts one month. Dr. Pollock, the local oncologist, said the drug might cause osteoporosis and wanted to give him another drug to strengthen bones, but one of the side effects was deterioration of the jaw bone. (Roy only has one jaw bone since the other was replaced with pelvic bone in 2008.) He also wanted to give Chemo treatments. Roy declined those two options. Dr Pollock said Roy would feel worse for a week or two while his body reacted against the new drug, but in 2 days Roy was feeling much better. (He had just finished the baking soda protocol.) By the time Scott arrived from Peru for our anniversary celebration Roy was up & around helping him do jobs. On August 14th Roy got his 2nd shot and PSA test. Dr Pollock said that if the PSA came down to 700 he got a “C”, if it was 500 he got an “A”. Everyone was VERY shocked to hear that it had come down to 45.
    On Sept 15, 2014 he went to MD Anderson in Houston to see the Dr. that ordered the first Degaralex shot (given by a local oncologist). However MD Anderson set him up to see a different Dr. who tried his best to talk him into doing chemo, which Roy resisted. They did blood work and said he was anemic. They did a prostate exam and said his prostate was no longer enlarged or hard. They did another bone scan and said it still showed cancer in his bones. Then they gave him another hormone shot called Lupron, which lasts for 3 months. These shots tell the brain not to make testosterone. The MD Anderson Drs. were really quite shocked at Roy’s reversal . The PSA had dropped to 17 and his prostate was no longer enlarged & hard. In October the PSA had dropped to 10. Roy has continued to make a complete turnaround. His pain is long gone without any pain medication, just Herbal Aloe Force, diet and deep breathing, his color is good, he has quit losing weight, has a good appetite & is enjoying food again (still on the diet for the most part though “cheating” now and then)’ and is sleeping very well. He feels like being productive and has done a lot of home repairs, hauls wood for the furnace & keeps it going, walks a half hour/day & does exercises to build back his muscles. Carolyn still comes one day a week, brings most of the food and steams all the vegetables for the week. She also bakes the salmon for 4 meals. I am usually in therapy while Carolyn is here so she & Roy get all the meals for the week packaged and labeled (Mon. lunch, Mon. snack, Mon. dinner, etc.) and put in the frig or freezer. I have all the organic beans, brown & wild rice, quinoa, lentils, etc. for the week cooked before Carolyn gets here so that the labeled meals contain everything needed for that meal.
    He still drinks the Green teas, takes the Aloe Force 3 times/ day, and takes the supplements you suggested. He still does the filtered water and stays away from the acidic chemical foods. John K. told him to eat broccoli sprouts so he does eat a salad using alkaline veggies (cucumber, celery, spinach & mixed greens with the sprouts with no dressing (except sometimes fresh made guacamole) but grinds a little organic peppercorns on his salad. I have been trying to add more green foods to the diet (when it calls for broccoli or chard or kale I add extra) but that doesn’t seem to bring the ph up.
    We are especially thankful for the gift of God – Don Porter: Eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Rom. 6:23
    This is made very real when we realize how quickly this life can be taken away.

    Roy Davenport Cancer #2

    June 4, 2014 Physical Exam Dr. Krocker PSA 1172

    June 10 Prostate Exam Dr. Simpkins, Urologist PSA 790

    June 16 Whole body Bone Scan PSA 841

    June 20 Bone Scan results and Prostate Biopsy Stage IV Aggressive Prostate
    Cancer metastasized to many bones in Innumerable places in
    shoulders, ribs, spine, hip, & skull, with no cure available a 3 week
    survival circumstance due to severity and multiplicity of cancer zones.

    July 4 Meeting with Don Porter

    July 17 Consultation w/ Dr. Pollock, Oncologist PSA 1018

    July 18 First Degaralex Shots (2) (Hormone Treatment) lasts one month

    August 15 Second Degaralex Shots (2) PSA 45

    September 15 Dr. Tu MD Anderson Cancer Treatment Center, Houston, TX
    First Lupron Shot (Hormone Treatment) (lasts 3 months)
    Prostate no longer enlarged and hard PSA 17

    October 15 Dr. Pollock Blood Tests PSA 10.9

    December 15 Dr. Pollock Blood Tests PSA 6.5
    All 55 areas tested have either improved or are in
    normal range
    Second Lupron Shot (Lasts 3 months)

    Here is an updated version of the report I sent you earlier. Trust you are doing well. Are you in the mountains of NC? Roy has been doing electrical jobs again and is doing some preaching. We leave for ND next week for a reunion with his 6 siblings. We still follow the diet most of the time but that may be hard while we are away. We are very thankful for all your help.
    March 5, 2015 Dr. Pollock Blood Tests PSA 5.75
    All 55 areas tested are now in normal range.
    One area tested, Alkaline Phosphatase, had been very high. Normal range is
    40-150. In August it was 2572. In October it was 881. December test was 270.
    March 5th was 111. I asked Dr. Pollock what that measured. He said when there are cancer tumors on the bones and the bones begin breaking down that substance is released into the blood. Third Lupron Shot (Lasts 3 months)

    March 5 Dr. Krocker Two large lumps on Roy’s head that he has had for a number of years were to be surgically removed this month. One has almost completely disappeared and the other one is much smaller, so that surgery was cancelled.

    June 4 Dr. Pollock Blood Tests PSA 5.44
    All 55 areas tested are now in normal range.
    We discussed two areas that had previously been low. He said they were the red and white blood cells and probably indicated that the cancer had spread into the bone marrow but now are in normal range. Hormone treatment shot changed to Eligard (Lasts 3 months)

  168. jetdoc3037 said

    I wonder why the author doesn’t address your comments James? You seem to make valid points and I’d love to read his response. hmmm.

  169. jetdoc3037 said

    I do a lot of reading on my own but reading some stuff from James had me thinking, so I took one part, that urine PH and blood PH are not the same and urine PH doesn’t reflect your bodies PH….well in a sense if you take several readings of ones urine PH that doesn’t necessarily reflect our blood PH HOWEVER I read that if over several months your PH is either acidic or alkaline that is indeed a good indicator of your bodies PH balance, so James was not really correct in that point. http://www.molecularfitness.com/hcn1_0/urine_pH_vs_Bbood_pH.aspx

    • James said

      +jetdoc3037 Do you understand that the pH of the urine IS NOT the same as the pH of blood since they ARE NOT the same thing? Again there are numerous things that can affect urinary pH including dehydration, urinary tract infection, some medications, etc, all while the blood is still being maintained within its normal range. Thus urinary pH DOES NOT reflect blood pH as I pointed out. This is basic human physiology.

      By the way your link is full of misinformation. Try picking up an actual human physiology book to see why your link is full of errors.

  170. Annie said

    Hi my name is Annie, I just started baking soda and molases tonight and with my saliva I already noticed my p.h. is the lowest of optimal and I’m always acidic. I tried everything and it’s in my bones now I started as stage 2 breast cancer in December 2014 while I was pumping at work, for my new born baby boy. I noticed my right breast would bleed drops of blood each time. I thought it was mastitis at first, I have been loosing hope for a while, but here on night number 1, I am already holding my p.h. at 7.5 on night one, I am elated! Thankyou God, I have 6 children from 16 yrs down to 11 months it’s been real triasome with the bone pain in my femurs! It’s also all throughout my lungs and lympatic system! Thankfully I accidentally scrambled across the baking soda video, I’m on Board now! Yippee! I feel all in a great mood, it’s the first thing to move my p.h. in 7 months now all in one night! Wow I have literally tried everything and this simple house hold item works wow!! If this doesn’t give people hope, I don’t know what will, I’m outta options and I am sick of breathing treatments every morning and night. I hope someone else benifits from this besides me :&)) God bless simple!

    • Annie said

      Hi it’s Annie, I’ve noticed a difference in the pink Himalayan Rock Salt, you soak it for over 24 hours and you ingest a couple teaspoons a day of the fresh mineral water it mks you have energy! Keep it sealed up in a keir jar like 2 cups of purified water with half cup of the Himalayan rock salt :*) more energy!!

  171. Freddy said

    Stop shit —— I am sorry to inform people that sodium bicorbonate and maple cures my fathers cancer, prostate cancer and it transfers to bone and it did a miracle for my father – plz the assholes who enters here and write shit in I order to leave a message and to confuse you in or order to stay away from this protocol, so the patient has no other solution than the chemotherapy and radiation which kills them and made them suffers ,,, fuck you guys ,you already have billions stay away from patients ….. A message from Egypt

  172. Thanks for sharing 🙂 zabiva.com

  173. Mrs M said

    My father-in-law has been following this protocol for a month now in the hope it will help him figh colorectal cancer. He’s due to start Chemo-Radiotherapy on Monday. He was hospitalized over the weekend due to bleeding from the rectum (2 days – 2nd day much slower). We are wondering (and hoping…) that this is a sign it’s working? Is it maybe destroying the cancer, causing the bleeding?

  174. lue eaton said

    My son bet Lymphoma. Cancer but we’re. Learning it may be genetic.both great.great. grandma’s. Died of stomach. And utarus. Cancers. That we now. Believe. Started in lymphoid as well as on grandfather. And one cousin and Thier. Dying. Younger. Please help us learn. More to keep cancer cells done

  175. goginski said

    Is the above combo syrup/BS 3:1 suppose to taste very sweet? I just made a batch with raw honey in place of syrup with BS and it was very sweet. I figure if syrup or molasses is used, so can raw honey. I just wanted to use it up, then will get maple syrup. Thank you.

  176. Aditya Singh Rathore said

    My father is going through Chemo therapy. He was Interstitial Lung Disease and a malignant cyst in his lung and as ILD is there he could not be operated or given radio therapy and only chemo therapy was an option. I even tried the Baking soda and maple syrup protocol for 12 days. After 3 chemo his cyst has reduced 50%. He has small cell carcinoma and i believe it is dangerous. Doctors said if treatment works then 2 years. I am scared will try anything that could help.
    Would be grateful if you could let me know, after 12 days protocol how much rest should be given and then when should i start the protocol and what interval gap to be given between the protocols. Eagerly waiting for guidance. Thank you.

  177. corinne eaton said

    My name is Corinne i was diagnosed with small cell vaginal cancer in December 2014 I had surgery to remove it and then as a precaution they did radiation for six weeks Monday through Friday then chemo and at the end of that they found that the cancer had spread to my pancreas they did radiation it shrank it some now it is in my pancreas as well as a tumor under my right arm one in my outer right though and two on the top of my left butt cheek. I was denied clinical trials. I have stage four pancreatic cancer I am 27 years old with the kids please help me

  178. Paul said

    Arm and Hammer baking soda has always been aluminum free! Bobs Red Mill has manipulated the market to trick people! Pays to be informed Doc!

  179. Utpal Bhattacharjee said

    The writing is really encouraging.

  180. James said

    Ingesting baking soda DOES NOT kill cancer cells. The baking soda is neutralized by the stomach acid and will not kill already alkaline cancer cells to begin with. Read this thread:


    Unfortunately when people get cancer they often panic and end up utilizing multiple therapies. When something works then they often give credit to something that just cannot work like ingesting baking soda while ignoring what really did work.

    Again, read the thread linked above as it explains why ingesting baking soda does not work and why it can actually increase the risk of cancer as well as numerous other diseases and promote existing cancers.

  181. I cured stage IV Metasticized Prostate cancer 9 1/2 years ago NO chemo or radiation.
    PSA is 0.4 in 2016. On an Organic diet and recently been informed by several highly acclaimed MD specialists that on MRI, Cat Scans and blood tests, that reveal that I appear around age 60. I follow many Venture capital advances in Longevity THAT I have Researched THOROUGHLY as Marketing is often exaggerated . I Take Certain herbs and some oriental supplements.
    I am 79 will be 80 Nov 6th Play tennis 2-3X weekly and walk daily .

    I plan on a new Youtube- soon on how to stay healthy and regain youthful benefits in 2016+ herbs and Essential Oils !

    Don Porter

    donportercancer, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BCU9joPL8U&list=FLW_HJNCGooAHYC7O4HXDuiw&index=5

    I NOW have the information to:
    The expansion of my awareness of our amazing Immune Systems & the extraordinary capabilities that we ALL have, Foods, Alkalinity, exercise, and amazing recent VC Longevity/Health advances, I NOW have the Information to resolve: obesity, asthma, hypertension, stroke, heart attacks, gall stones, diverticulitis, osteoporosis, allergies, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, & MOST cancers.
    Don Porter comment: There’s What we know we know. What we don’t know, PROBLEM – What we don’t even know that we don’t know !
    Dr. Terry Wahls beats MS: Her body ravaged by 2ndary progressive Multiple Sclerosis, Dr. Terry Wahls spent nearly 4 years dependent upon a tilt-recline wheelchairNOW rides horses walks fine.

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